Reservist of the Year Award
Colonel Steven Chapman, Commander of the 315 Airlift Wing, Charleston AFB, S.C. and Chief Master Sergeant Ben Futrell, Command Chief Master Sergeant of the 315 AW congratulate Technical Sergeant Tony Winstead on receiving the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Reservist of the Year Award. Tech. Sgt. Winstead competed against award recipients from each military branch. In addition to being a reservist with the 315 AW, Tech. Sgt. Winstead is also a full time police officer for the Town of Mt. Pleasant. Additionally, he organized his squadron’s Combined Federal Campaign drive and exceeded his goal. He helped raise funds for his unit’s association for a summer picnic for reserve members and their families. He also logged over 220 volunteer hours dedicated to the community which includes being a den leader for Cub Scout Pack 63 and served as a coach for the Charleston City Recreation Department.