1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:02,470 hopefully must be visible on screen for 2 00:00:02,470 --> 00:00:04,692 the purposes of identity verification , 3 00:00:04,692 --> 00:00:06,914 establishing and maintaining a quorum . 4 00:00:06,914 --> 00:00:08,914 Participating in the proceeding and 5 00:00:08,914 --> 00:00:11,137 voting , those members must continue to 6 00:00:11,137 --> 00:00:12,970 use the software platforms video 7 00:00:12,970 --> 00:00:14,970 function while in attendance unless 8 00:00:14,970 --> 00:00:17,081 they experience connectivity . Issues 9 00:00:17,081 --> 00:00:18,970 are other technical problems that 10 00:00:18,970 --> 00:00:21,026 render them unable to participate on 11 00:00:21,026 --> 00:00:22,859 camera . If a member experiences 12 00:00:22,859 --> 00:00:22,460 technical difficulties , they should 13 00:00:22,460 --> 00:00:24,238 contact the committee staff for 14 00:00:24,238 --> 00:00:26,020 assistance . Video of members 15 00:00:26,020 --> 00:00:28,187 Participation will be broadcast in the 16 00:00:28,187 --> 00:00:30,076 room and via the television slash 17 00:00:30,076 --> 00:00:32,242 Internet feeds . Members participating 18 00:00:32,242 --> 00:00:34,790 remotely must seek recognition verbally 19 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:36,411 on their asked to mute their 20 00:00:36,411 --> 00:00:38,633 microphones when they're not speaking . 21 00:00:38,633 --> 00:00:40,411 Remembers who are participating 22 00:00:40,411 --> 00:00:42,300 remotely are reminded to keep the 23 00:00:42,300 --> 00:00:42,280 software platforms video function on 24 00:00:42,630 --> 00:00:44,408 the entire time they attend the 25 00:00:44,408 --> 00:00:46,352 proceeding . Members may leave and 26 00:00:46,352 --> 00:00:48,297 rejoined the proceeding if members 27 00:00:48,297 --> 00:00:50,352 depart for a short while for reasons 28 00:00:50,352 --> 00:00:50,100 other than joining a different 29 00:00:50,100 --> 00:00:52,044 proceeding , they should leave the 30 00:00:52,044 --> 00:00:54,100 video function on If members will be 31 00:00:54,100 --> 00:00:56,044 absent for a significant period or 32 00:00:56,044 --> 00:00:58,267 depart to join a different proceeding , 33 00:00:58,267 --> 00:01:00,433 they should exit the software platform 34 00:01:00,433 --> 00:01:02,433 entirely , and then we join it . If 35 00:01:02,433 --> 00:01:04,322 they return . Members may use the 36 00:01:04,322 --> 00:01:06,267 software platforms chat feature to 37 00:01:06,267 --> 00:01:08,100 communicate with staff regarding 38 00:01:08,100 --> 00:01:10,267 technical or logistical support issues 39 00:01:10,267 --> 00:01:12,433 only . Finally , I have designated the 40 00:01:12,433 --> 00:01:12,070 committee staff member , too , if 41 00:01:12,070 --> 00:01:14,280 necessary , mute unrecognized members 42 00:01:14,280 --> 00:01:16,800 microphones to cancel any inadvertent 43 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:18,911 background noise that may disrupt the 44 00:01:18,911 --> 00:01:21,840 proceedings . Well , thank you . We are 45 00:01:21,840 --> 00:01:24,007 here , this one update from Department 46 00:01:24,007 --> 00:01:26,173 of Defense on their evolving roles and 47 00:01:26,173 --> 00:01:28,340 missions in response to the Cove in 19 48 00:01:28,340 --> 00:01:30,507 Pandemic . We've had a number of these 49 00:01:30,507 --> 00:01:32,562 hearings over the course of the last 50 00:01:32,562 --> 00:01:34,729 nine or 10 months very much appreciate 51 00:01:34,729 --> 00:01:36,784 the department's cooperation in that 52 00:01:36,784 --> 00:01:39,007 process . And this morning we have with 53 00:01:39,007 --> 00:01:41,100 us , um , Dr Robert Sallis is who is 54 00:01:41,100 --> 00:01:43,044 performing the duties of assistant 55 00:01:43,044 --> 00:01:44,933 Secretary of Defense for homeland 56 00:01:44,933 --> 00:01:46,933 defense and Global Security . Major 57 00:01:46,933 --> 00:01:49,560 General Jeff Calabar , who is the vice 58 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:51,616 director of operations for the Joint 59 00:01:51,616 --> 00:01:54,100 Chiefs , and Major General Stephen 60 00:01:54,100 --> 00:01:55,989 Nordhaus , who is the director of 61 00:01:55,989 --> 00:01:57,878 operations for the National Guard 62 00:01:57,878 --> 00:01:59,933 Bureau . Appreciate all of you being 63 00:01:59,933 --> 00:02:01,989 here this morning . Um , and for the 64 00:02:01,989 --> 00:02:04,267 record or witnesses air here in person , 65 00:02:04,267 --> 00:02:06,156 we have many members who are here 66 00:02:06,156 --> 00:02:08,156 virtually Andi before you . So I do 67 00:02:08,156 --> 00:02:11,480 want to thank our staff in General Doug 68 00:02:11,480 --> 00:02:13,424 Bush in particular , who's done an 69 00:02:13,424 --> 00:02:15,702 outstanding job of making this process . 70 00:02:15,702 --> 00:02:17,869 Work hasn't been easy , but I think it 71 00:02:17,869 --> 00:02:20,036 has been very , very effective . We've 72 00:02:20,036 --> 00:02:22,091 been able to conduct the business of 73 00:02:22,091 --> 00:02:24,313 this committee effectively , Um , while 74 00:02:24,313 --> 00:02:26,536 still accommodating the needs to a deal 75 00:02:26,536 --> 00:02:28,758 with the covert pandemic . So it's been 76 00:02:28,758 --> 00:02:30,591 a lot of work , and I definitely 77 00:02:30,591 --> 00:02:32,702 appreciate that work . I also want to 78 00:02:32,702 --> 00:02:32,490 thank the department for their 79 00:02:32,500 --> 00:02:34,640 leadership and efforts on the covert 80 00:02:34,640 --> 00:02:36,362 pandemic . There's a number of 81 00:02:36,362 --> 00:02:38,362 different layers to this which will 82 00:02:38,362 --> 00:02:40,584 want to get into today . Um , obviously 83 00:02:40,584 --> 00:02:42,307 at the top , you know , is the 84 00:02:42,307 --> 00:02:44,529 protection of the force , active duty , 85 00:02:44,529 --> 00:02:47,960 civilian and guardsmen . How are we 86 00:02:47,970 --> 00:02:50,248 able to continue to maintain readiness , 87 00:02:50,248 --> 00:02:52,581 maintain performance of the duties well , 88 00:02:52,581 --> 00:02:54,803 at the same time protecting our service 89 00:02:54,803 --> 00:02:57,670 members from the pandemic and stopping 90 00:02:57,670 --> 00:02:59,892 the spread ? There's been a lot the D . 91 00:02:59,892 --> 00:03:02,059 O . D . Has done to make that happen . 92 00:03:02,059 --> 00:03:04,281 Learning more about how it is going and 93 00:03:04,281 --> 00:03:06,448 how it is gone is enormously helpful , 94 00:03:06,448 --> 00:03:08,670 because I think in many ways Department 95 00:03:08,670 --> 00:03:10,892 of Defense has been a leader in some of 96 00:03:10,892 --> 00:03:12,948 that on guiding all of us and how we 97 00:03:12,948 --> 00:03:15,300 can get our get our work done and still 98 00:03:15,310 --> 00:03:17,199 contain the virus . So appreciate 99 00:03:17,199 --> 00:03:19,800 hearing about that , Um , also , as we 100 00:03:19,800 --> 00:03:21,870 know the guard has been called up to 101 00:03:21,870 --> 00:03:24,180 help support , um , states and 102 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:26,236 localities in a variety of different 103 00:03:26,236 --> 00:03:28,236 ways from beginning this pandemic . 104 00:03:28,340 --> 00:03:31,100 Most urgently , in some cases when 105 00:03:31,110 --> 00:03:33,530 communities have been overrun , they've 106 00:03:33,530 --> 00:03:35,586 set up field hospitals , and they've 107 00:03:35,586 --> 00:03:37,752 provided staff to meet those needs . I 108 00:03:37,752 --> 00:03:40,086 remember in my home state of Washington , 109 00:03:40,086 --> 00:03:42,419 which got this sort of first burst , um , 110 00:03:42,419 --> 00:03:44,641 in March , you know , we set up a field 111 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,697 hospital , um , at a local stadium . 112 00:03:46,697 --> 00:03:48,752 Turned out we didn't need it , which 113 00:03:48,752 --> 00:03:50,974 was good , but we definitely needed the 114 00:03:50,974 --> 00:03:53,141 support staff that was provided . As I 115 00:03:53,141 --> 00:03:55,363 know , many other states have a swell . 116 00:03:55,363 --> 00:03:57,586 And now , as we go forward , it's gonna 117 00:03:57,586 --> 00:03:57,470 be really important to see how the 118 00:03:57,470 --> 00:03:59,581 Department of Defense could help with 119 00:03:59,581 --> 00:04:01,526 the vaccine distribution . And I'd 120 00:04:01,526 --> 00:04:03,526 really like to learn this morning , 121 00:04:03,526 --> 00:04:05,692 Maura , about how you're participating 122 00:04:05,692 --> 00:04:07,748 in that how you're coordinating with 123 00:04:07,748 --> 00:04:09,803 with FEMA and HHS , um , to maximize 124 00:04:09,803 --> 00:04:11,748 the most rapid distribution of the 125 00:04:11,748 --> 00:04:14,440 vaccine possible . Um , also , there 126 00:04:14,440 --> 00:04:16,662 are the issues surrounding , you know , 127 00:04:16,662 --> 00:04:18,760 production of the vaccine as well . 128 00:04:18,930 --> 00:04:21,041 Curious . What d o d is working on in 129 00:04:21,041 --> 00:04:23,480 that regard ? And then , lastly , there 130 00:04:23,480 --> 00:04:25,760 is the industrial base now the 131 00:04:25,760 --> 00:04:27,982 industrial base is enormously important 132 00:04:27,982 --> 00:04:30,093 for maintaining our national security 133 00:04:30,093 --> 00:04:31,927 needs . They obviously have been 134 00:04:31,927 --> 00:04:34,093 stressed in all the ways that the rest 135 00:04:34,093 --> 00:04:36,260 of us have in terms of maintaining the 136 00:04:36,260 --> 00:04:38,427 workforce in terms of providing safety 137 00:04:38,427 --> 00:04:40,482 for their workers . Um , how is that 138 00:04:40,482 --> 00:04:42,704 going ? How how do we feel about , um , 139 00:04:42,704 --> 00:04:44,927 the level of production and making sure 140 00:04:44,927 --> 00:04:46,982 that we're meeting our defense needs 141 00:04:46,982 --> 00:04:49,093 And again , while that may start with 142 00:04:49,093 --> 00:04:51,316 the focus Certainly from this committee 143 00:04:51,316 --> 00:04:51,250 and from the Department of Defense is 144 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:54,050 perspective on , you know how . How do 145 00:04:54,050 --> 00:04:55,939 we protect defense needs ? It has 146 00:04:55,939 --> 00:04:57,939 larger implications . Many of these 147 00:04:57,939 --> 00:05:00,340 companies obviously do most commercial 148 00:05:00,340 --> 00:05:02,118 and defense work . How are they 149 00:05:02,118 --> 00:05:04,118 handling that ? Are they adequately 150 00:05:04,118 --> 00:05:06,229 protecting their workforce ? Are they 151 00:05:06,229 --> 00:05:08,340 able to meet their needs ? If they're 152 00:05:08,340 --> 00:05:10,340 not ? How are we adjusting to those 153 00:05:10,340 --> 00:05:12,340 shortfalls ? Many questions t to be 154 00:05:12,340 --> 00:05:12,290 covered in this conversation and 155 00:05:12,290 --> 00:05:14,234 discussion . I look forward to the 156 00:05:14,234 --> 00:05:16,123 testimony and to the question and 157 00:05:16,123 --> 00:05:18,234 answer . And with that , I will yield 158 00:05:18,234 --> 00:05:20,401 to the ranking member of Mr Rogers for 159 00:05:20,401 --> 00:05:22,568 his opening statement . Thank you , Mr 160 00:05:22,568 --> 00:05:22,430 Chairman . I appreciate you having this 161 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:24,662 this hearing today . Since the earliest 162 00:05:24,662 --> 00:05:26,496 days of the pandemic , the U . S 163 00:05:26,496 --> 00:05:28,718 military has been on the front lines of 164 00:05:28,718 --> 00:05:30,662 this response , providing critical 165 00:05:30,662 --> 00:05:32,718 support to civilian authorities that 166 00:05:32,718 --> 00:05:34,884 federal , state and local levels . The 167 00:05:34,884 --> 00:05:36,996 repatriation repatriated thousands of 168 00:05:36,996 --> 00:05:39,218 Americans , hosted dozens of quarantine 169 00:05:39,218 --> 00:05:38,820 testing and vaccination sites , 170 00:05:38,830 --> 00:05:41,090 deployed its two hospital ships and set 171 00:05:41,090 --> 00:05:43,146 up military field hospitals to surge 172 00:05:43,146 --> 00:05:45,750 healthcare capacity and hard hit areas . 173 00:05:46,240 --> 00:05:48,351 Provided thousands of ventilators and 174 00:05:48,351 --> 00:05:50,240 millions of respirators and other 175 00:05:50,240 --> 00:05:52,296 peopIe to civilian authorities , and 176 00:05:52,296 --> 00:05:54,296 helped develop the therapeutics and 177 00:05:54,296 --> 00:05:56,296 vaccines under Operation Warp speed 178 00:05:56,296 --> 00:05:58,351 that air saving lives and putting an 179 00:05:58,351 --> 00:06:00,460 end to this pandemic . For this , we 180 00:06:00,460 --> 00:06:02,830 are eternally grateful . And while we 181 00:06:02,830 --> 00:06:04,941 know while I know there's a desire to 182 00:06:04,941 --> 00:06:07,163 see D . O . D doom or to assist the and 183 00:06:07,163 --> 00:06:09,274 authorities , I'm primarily concerned 184 00:06:09,274 --> 00:06:11,441 with its impact that Kobe is having on 185 00:06:11,441 --> 00:06:13,608 our military readiness . Over the past 186 00:06:13,608 --> 00:06:16,170 year , nearly 200 Navy ships have 187 00:06:16,170 --> 00:06:18,114 suffered outbreaks , which in some 188 00:06:18,114 --> 00:06:20,337 cases disrupted training and operations 189 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:22,529 across the services . Hundreds of 190 00:06:22,529 --> 00:06:24,751 training exercises have been canceled , 191 00:06:24,751 --> 00:06:26,640 curtailed or altered . This is 192 00:06:26,640 --> 00:06:28,807 especially problematic for our service 193 00:06:28,807 --> 00:06:30,529 members overseas , who rely on 194 00:06:30,529 --> 00:06:32,529 international exercises to maintain 195 00:06:32,529 --> 00:06:34,970 their proficiency at our ship yards and 196 00:06:34,970 --> 00:06:37,410 depots on across the industrial base 197 00:06:37,410 --> 00:06:39,577 code , workforce reductions or cutting 198 00:06:39,577 --> 00:06:41,299 production capacity , delaying 199 00:06:41,299 --> 00:06:43,299 maintenance cycles and pushing plan 200 00:06:43,299 --> 00:06:45,188 worked back by months . While the 201 00:06:45,188 --> 00:06:47,354 services have done a tremendous job to 202 00:06:47,354 --> 00:06:49,354 mitigate these impacts and keep our 203 00:06:49,354 --> 00:06:51,450 troops on station , I remain worried 204 00:06:51,460 --> 00:06:53,460 about the cumulative impact they're 205 00:06:53,460 --> 00:06:55,730 having on our readiness . I'm also very 206 00:06:55,730 --> 00:06:57,952 concerned with the lack of progress the 207 00:06:57,952 --> 00:06:59,952 D . O . D is making vaccinating our 208 00:06:59,952 --> 00:07:02,174 service members . It's my understanding 209 00:07:02,174 --> 00:07:04,397 that since the vaccines on Lee received 210 00:07:04,397 --> 00:07:04,380 emergency use authorization from the F 211 00:07:04,380 --> 00:07:07,580 d f D A , the D . O . D is reluctant to 212 00:07:07,580 --> 00:07:09,580 make vaccinations mandatory at this 213 00:07:09,580 --> 00:07:11,691 time . The department typically waits 214 00:07:11,691 --> 00:07:13,940 until full FDA approval before issuing 215 00:07:13,940 --> 00:07:16,330 such orders to vaccinate . However , it 216 00:07:16,330 --> 00:07:18,552 could be another two years before these 217 00:07:18,552 --> 00:07:20,960 vaccines received full FDA approval . 218 00:07:21,640 --> 00:07:23,862 With new variants popping up across the 219 00:07:23,862 --> 00:07:25,918 globe , I'm not sure we can wait two 220 00:07:25,918 --> 00:07:28,084 years . It's critical for our national 221 00:07:28,084 --> 00:07:30,196 security that every service member as 222 00:07:30,196 --> 00:07:32,251 well as D o . D . Civilian personnel 223 00:07:32,251 --> 00:07:32,130 and contractors receive vaccine this 224 00:07:32,130 --> 00:07:34,610 unit soon as possible . I'm interested 225 00:07:34,610 --> 00:07:36,388 to hear from our witnesses what 226 00:07:36,388 --> 00:07:38,554 percentage of our service members have 227 00:07:38,554 --> 00:07:40,777 been vaccinated , what the refusal rate 228 00:07:40,777 --> 00:07:42,777 has been and what steps or take are 229 00:07:42,777 --> 00:07:45,110 being taken to get more shots into arms . 230 00:07:45,110 --> 00:07:46,999 Finally , my job is to ensure our 231 00:07:46,999 --> 00:07:49,221 service members have the resources they 232 00:07:49,221 --> 00:07:51,277 need to successfully carry out their 233 00:07:51,277 --> 00:07:53,443 mission . This pandemic is making that 234 00:07:53,443 --> 00:07:55,277 mission much harder . I hope our 235 00:07:55,277 --> 00:07:57,110 witnesses will explain what MAWR 236 00:07:57,110 --> 00:07:59,170 Congress can do to help the services 237 00:07:59,170 --> 00:08:01,320 adapt and overcome . Thank you for 238 00:08:01,320 --> 00:08:03,542 being here today , and I thank you , Mr 239 00:08:03,542 --> 00:08:05,598 Chairman . I go back , make sure and 240 00:08:05,598 --> 00:08:07,900 we'll give testimony . Now with Mr 241 00:08:07,910 --> 00:08:10,560 Analysis , you may proceed . 242 00:08:12,440 --> 00:08:14,551 Good morning , Chairman Smith Ranking 243 00:08:14,551 --> 00:08:16,718 member Rogers Distinguished members of 244 00:08:16,718 --> 00:08:18,496 the committee Thank you for the 245 00:08:18,496 --> 00:08:20,910 opportunity to testify before you today 246 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:22,698 on the Department of Defense is 247 00:08:22,698 --> 00:08:24,860 response to the Cove in 19 Pandemic . 248 00:08:25,740 --> 00:08:27,860 The Cove in 19 Pandemic has posed an 249 00:08:27,860 --> 00:08:30,082 unprecedented challenge to our nation . 250 00:08:30,440 --> 00:08:33,230 Since the start , the D . O . D . Has 251 00:08:33,230 --> 00:08:35,430 protected its people . Supported the 252 00:08:35,430 --> 00:08:37,370 national response , ensured the 253 00:08:37,370 --> 00:08:39,314 readiness of the force to meet its 254 00:08:39,314 --> 00:08:42,040 national security missions to protect D 255 00:08:42,040 --> 00:08:44,580 o D . Personnel from the pandemic . D . 256 00:08:44,580 --> 00:08:46,691 O D . Implemented measures to contain 257 00:08:46,691 --> 00:08:48,913 and mitigate the effects on the force , 258 00:08:48,913 --> 00:08:51,024 including force , health protection , 259 00:08:51,024 --> 00:08:53,010 guidance , restriction of movement 260 00:08:53,020 --> 00:08:56,560 orders , social distancing mask wearing 261 00:08:57,340 --> 00:09:00,340 tele work on an unprecedented scale and 262 00:09:00,340 --> 00:09:03,360 testing and contact tracing d o d is 263 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:05,860 also established a tiered vaccine plan 264 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:08,880 following CDC guidance tailored to 265 00:09:08,880 --> 00:09:12,140 diodes unique requirements . As of 16 266 00:09:12,140 --> 00:09:14,870 February , D . O . D has administered 267 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:18,840 approximately 860,000 doses of 268 00:09:18,840 --> 00:09:22,130 the vaccine . D O d Support to the 269 00:09:22,130 --> 00:09:23,908 national response to the co vid 270 00:09:23,908 --> 00:09:27,270 pandemic has evolved over the last 13 271 00:09:27,270 --> 00:09:30,200 months . D . O D assistance began in 272 00:09:30,200 --> 00:09:33,620 late January 2020 supporting embassies 273 00:09:33,620 --> 00:09:35,564 and consulates around the globe to 274 00:09:35,564 --> 00:09:37,640 repatriate US citizens and U . S 275 00:09:37,640 --> 00:09:40,630 Persons to the United States in support 276 00:09:40,630 --> 00:09:43,200 of the State Department . US . Transcom 277 00:09:43,200 --> 00:09:46,680 facilitated the safe return of more 278 00:09:46,680 --> 00:09:49,910 than 4500 Americans and support of 279 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:53,370 HHS US North calm and end up a common 280 00:09:53,370 --> 00:09:55,380 The military departments aided the 281 00:09:55,380 --> 00:09:57,790 quarantine of more than 3000 282 00:09:57,800 --> 00:09:59,950 individuals at 13 military 283 00:09:59,960 --> 00:10:03,120 installations as the pandemic spread 284 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:05,420 over the late winter early spring of 285 00:10:05,420 --> 00:10:09,270 2020 hospitalizations increased rapidly 286 00:10:09,280 --> 00:10:11,750 and state local demand rose for both 287 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:13,970 medical facilities and medical 288 00:10:13,970 --> 00:10:17,660 providers . HHS and FEMA turned to D O 289 00:10:17,660 --> 00:10:20,220 D . To help meet this demand , North 290 00:10:20,220 --> 00:10:23,010 Com deployed almost 15,000 d o D 291 00:10:23,010 --> 00:10:26,150 personnel , including nearly 5000 292 00:10:26,160 --> 00:10:27,938 active duty and reserve medical 293 00:10:27,938 --> 00:10:30,110 professionals , to 10 states and 294 00:10:30,110 --> 00:10:32,388 multiple locations within those states . 295 00:10:33,640 --> 00:10:36,240 Indo Pak Um provided similar support 296 00:10:36,250 --> 00:10:38,500 toe Hawaii , Guam and the Northern 297 00:10:38,500 --> 00:10:41,060 Mariana Islands . The Army Corps of 298 00:10:41,060 --> 00:10:44,440 Engineers designed and constructed 38 299 00:10:44,450 --> 00:10:46,561 alternate care facilities , providing 300 00:10:46,561 --> 00:10:48,910 additional medical bed capacity in 301 00:10:48,910 --> 00:10:52,520 multiple states . Working with FEMA , D . 302 00:10:52,520 --> 00:10:54,600 O D also authorized National Guard 303 00:10:54,600 --> 00:10:58,150 personnel to carry out FEMA Cove in 19 304 00:10:58,160 --> 00:11:00,860 mission assignments entitled 32 status . 305 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:04,340 More than 47,000 National Guard 306 00:11:04,350 --> 00:11:06,880 supported testing , emergency medical 307 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:09,310 care , medical sheltering , public 308 00:11:09,310 --> 00:11:10,754 health , communications , 309 00:11:10,754 --> 00:11:12,910 transportation , logistics and first 310 00:11:12,910 --> 00:11:15,490 responders support . D . O D also 311 00:11:15,490 --> 00:11:17,546 played a critical role in strength . 312 00:11:17,546 --> 00:11:19,490 Strengthening the supply chain for 313 00:11:19,490 --> 00:11:21,490 medical resource is and PP in short 314 00:11:21,490 --> 00:11:24,920 supply . HHS and FEMA leverage D . O . 315 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:28,090 D s acquisition logistics expertise to 316 00:11:28,090 --> 00:11:30,230 re in first reinforced nearly all 317 00:11:30,230 --> 00:11:32,341 facets of the national supply chain . 318 00:11:32,840 --> 00:11:35,180 FEMA , An HHS established the supply 319 00:11:35,180 --> 00:11:38,370 chain task force in late March of 2020 320 00:11:38,380 --> 00:11:41,380 which was led and heavily supported by 321 00:11:41,380 --> 00:11:43,890 D O D experts . The task force 322 00:11:43,890 --> 00:11:46,450 accelerated acquisition , expanded 323 00:11:46,450 --> 00:11:48,680 production by generating new capacity 324 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:50,890 and allocated key resource is and 325 00:11:50,890 --> 00:11:53,690 supplies to priority hotspots around 326 00:11:53,690 --> 00:11:57,420 the nation . US . Transcom supported 327 00:11:57,430 --> 00:11:59,640 Project Air Bridge , which also 328 00:11:59,650 --> 00:12:02,010 airlifted Million's Mawr of critical 329 00:12:02,010 --> 00:12:04,630 PPE and medical supplies , to fulfill 330 00:12:04,630 --> 00:12:07,340 the supply chain gaps . In late March 331 00:12:07,340 --> 00:12:10,750 2020 Duty also established the Covic 332 00:12:10,750 --> 00:12:13,500 Joint Acquisition Task Force to serve 333 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:16,380 as the diodes nexus for supporting 334 00:12:16,380 --> 00:12:18,800 federal acquisition and logistics . 335 00:12:18,800 --> 00:12:22,730 Needs the jihad if awarded nearly two 336 00:12:22,730 --> 00:12:25,490 billion worth of contracts to restock 337 00:12:25,500 --> 00:12:27,278 the national strategic national 338 00:12:27,278 --> 00:12:29,930 stockpile and expand the domestic 339 00:12:29,930 --> 00:12:31,986 industrial base for medical supplies 340 00:12:31,986 --> 00:12:34,097 and equipment . The Defense Logistics 341 00:12:34,097 --> 00:12:38,080 Agency also executed more than 25,000 342 00:12:38,080 --> 00:12:40,770 contract actions for medical supplies 343 00:12:40,770 --> 00:12:43,650 and equipment . Building on decades of 344 00:12:43,650 --> 00:12:45,840 work Studying infectious disease such 345 00:12:45,840 --> 00:12:47,980 as Ebola and the coronavirus , is 346 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:51,020 research and development efforts of D . 347 00:12:51,020 --> 00:12:53,100 O D . Experts help genetically 348 00:12:53,100 --> 00:12:56,210 Sequenced CO vid 19 and established the 349 00:12:56,210 --> 00:12:58,210 first treatment protocols for the 350 00:12:58,210 --> 00:13:00,260 remedies severe in March of 2020 . 351 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:04,380 Furthermore , DARPA funded projects 352 00:13:04,390 --> 00:13:06,820 helped lay the groundwork for rapid 353 00:13:06,820 --> 00:13:08,950 development of our Neykova . 19 354 00:13:08,950 --> 00:13:11,640 vaccines produced by Madonna and 355 00:13:11,640 --> 00:13:15,380 AstraZeneca . The joint D O D 356 00:13:15,390 --> 00:13:18,670 HHS Vaccine Task Force , established in 357 00:13:18,670 --> 00:13:21,970 May of 2020 accelerated the development . 358 00:13:21,980 --> 00:13:24,470 The manufacturing and the distribution 359 00:13:24,470 --> 00:13:27,360 of covert 19 vaccines in record time 360 00:13:28,040 --> 00:13:30,360 now in approximately 60 million vaccine 361 00:13:30,360 --> 00:13:34,030 doses delivered 42 million which 362 00:13:34,040 --> 00:13:36,750 have been administered and expecting 363 00:13:36,760 --> 00:13:39,850 600 million vaccine regiments delivered 364 00:13:39,850 --> 00:13:43,690 by the end of July of 2021 as Secretary 365 00:13:43,700 --> 00:13:45,922 Austin made clear in Day one message to 366 00:13:45,922 --> 00:13:48,730 the department d o D must move further 367 00:13:48,740 --> 00:13:50,907 and faster to help counter the Cove in 368 00:13:50,907 --> 00:13:54,170 19 Pandemic To that end , d . O D . 369 00:13:54,180 --> 00:13:57,090 With FEMA as developed plans to support 370 00:13:57,090 --> 00:13:59,201 vaccine centers able to administer up 371 00:13:59,201 --> 00:14:03,160 to 6000 vaccines a day . D . O . D is 372 00:14:03,160 --> 00:14:05,650 also supported our allies and partners 373 00:14:05,650 --> 00:14:07,761 through the provision of transport of 374 00:14:07,761 --> 00:14:09,928 lifesaving medical equipment , PPE and 375 00:14:09,928 --> 00:14:11,872 humanitarian aid , D . O . D . Has 376 00:14:11,872 --> 00:14:14,030 provided more than $200 million in 377 00:14:14,030 --> 00:14:17,220 assistance to 143 countries , including 378 00:14:17,420 --> 00:14:19,150 testing , diagnostic support , 379 00:14:19,160 --> 00:14:21,780 infection control , PPE and contract 380 00:14:21,790 --> 00:14:25,280 chasing and more going forward . D . O . 381 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:27,447 D . Is actively implementing President 382 00:14:27,447 --> 00:14:29,558 Biden's National Strategy , Executive 383 00:14:29,558 --> 00:14:31,700 Orders and National Security Policy 384 00:14:31,700 --> 00:14:33,890 Memorandum and is committed to 385 00:14:33,900 --> 00:14:36,170 executing the president and Secretary 386 00:14:36,180 --> 00:14:39,370 Austin's direction to defeat covert 19 387 00:14:39,370 --> 00:14:42,110 Pandemic and defend the force while 388 00:14:42,110 --> 00:14:44,680 protecting our nation . Chairman Smith , 389 00:14:45,020 --> 00:14:47,800 ranking member Rogers distinguished 390 00:14:47,800 --> 00:14:49,856 members of the committee . Thank you 391 00:14:49,856 --> 00:14:52,390 for the opportunity . The support to 392 00:14:52,390 --> 00:14:54,700 testify today . I appreciate the 393 00:14:54,700 --> 00:14:57,140 critical role in partnership Congress 394 00:14:57,140 --> 00:14:59,350 plays in ensuring the department is 395 00:14:59,350 --> 00:15:01,350 prepared to face every challenge at 396 00:15:01,350 --> 00:15:04,490 home and abroad . Thank you and I 397 00:15:04,490 --> 00:15:06,546 should have asked this upfront , but 398 00:15:06,546 --> 00:15:08,657 both you gentlemen coming on offering 399 00:15:08,657 --> 00:15:10,657 opening statements as well . Okay , 400 00:15:10,657 --> 00:15:13,210 sure , Yes . Then we'll go to General 401 00:15:13,210 --> 00:15:15,160 Tolliver . Thank you , Chairman , 402 00:15:15,640 --> 00:15:17,900 Chairman Smith , ranking member Rogers 403 00:15:17,900 --> 00:15:19,733 and distinguished members of the 404 00:15:19,733 --> 00:15:21,900 committee . Thanks for the opportunity 405 00:15:21,900 --> 00:15:23,678 to talk about DVD operations in 406 00:15:23,678 --> 00:15:26,160 response to the pandemic today . The 407 00:15:26,160 --> 00:15:28,049 Joint force has been committed to 408 00:15:28,049 --> 00:15:30,216 supporting the national Covic response 409 00:15:30,216 --> 00:15:33,150 effort from its beginning in early 2020 410 00:15:33,160 --> 00:15:36,320 and has responded to 370 for FEMA 411 00:15:36,320 --> 00:15:39,420 mission assignments . 47 requests for 412 00:15:39,420 --> 00:15:41,531 assistance from other departments and 413 00:15:41,531 --> 00:15:44,740 agencies , with many more expected . In 414 00:15:44,740 --> 00:15:47,060 the early days of this effort , DVT 415 00:15:47,060 --> 00:15:49,180 provided facilities to help house 416 00:15:49,180 --> 00:15:52,830 personnel evacuated from overseas and 417 00:15:52,830 --> 00:15:55,170 in March of 2020 began providing 418 00:15:55,170 --> 00:15:57,170 support to the states through FEMA 419 00:15:57,170 --> 00:15:59,810 mission assignments . The capabilities 420 00:15:59,810 --> 00:16:02,010 needed by FEMA and the state's evolved 421 00:16:02,010 --> 00:16:04,570 over time , but included everything 422 00:16:04,570 --> 00:16:06,459 from direct medical support , the 423 00:16:06,459 --> 00:16:09,090 hospitals and nursing facilities to the 424 00:16:09,090 --> 00:16:10,979 deployment of field hospitals and 425 00:16:10,979 --> 00:16:13,160 hospital ships to the staffing of 426 00:16:13,160 --> 00:16:15,710 alternate care facilities , mortuary 427 00:16:15,710 --> 00:16:17,820 affairs , transportation and 428 00:16:17,820 --> 00:16:20,710 sustainment . As the state's medical 429 00:16:20,710 --> 00:16:22,877 community learned Maura about treating 430 00:16:22,877 --> 00:16:24,766 the disease and responding to the 431 00:16:24,766 --> 00:16:27,680 pandemic , our primary operational 432 00:16:27,680 --> 00:16:30,070 headquarters , U . S . Northern Command 433 00:16:30,100 --> 00:16:33,050 innovated and evolved its response to 434 00:16:33,050 --> 00:16:35,161 best meet the needs of our partners . 435 00:16:35,640 --> 00:16:37,751 In our initial response , we deployed 436 00:16:37,751 --> 00:16:39,918 traditional military capabilities like 437 00:16:39,918 --> 00:16:41,973 field hospitals and hospital ships . 438 00:16:42,340 --> 00:16:44,229 But over time it became clear our 439 00:16:44,229 --> 00:16:46,007 capabilities could be much more 440 00:16:46,007 --> 00:16:47,920 effective . Augmenting existing 441 00:16:47,920 --> 00:16:50,140 hospitals with medical personnel , 442 00:16:50,150 --> 00:16:52,310 specifically doctors , nurses and 443 00:16:52,310 --> 00:16:55,050 respiratory therapists . This model met 444 00:16:55,050 --> 00:16:57,161 the patients and hospitals where they 445 00:16:57,161 --> 00:16:58,828 wanted to be in the treatment 446 00:16:58,828 --> 00:17:00,880 facilities they were used to and 447 00:17:00,880 --> 00:17:03,090 enabled those facilities to handle the 448 00:17:03,090 --> 00:17:06,120 increased patient load . Over the past 449 00:17:06,120 --> 00:17:08,120 year , U S Northern Command has put 450 00:17:08,120 --> 00:17:11,130 more than 15,000 titled 10 forces in 451 00:17:11,130 --> 00:17:13,670 the homeland in support of Cove in 19 452 00:17:13,670 --> 00:17:16,240 response efforts , including , at its 453 00:17:16,240 --> 00:17:18,110 peak , over 45,000 medical 454 00:17:18,110 --> 00:17:21,060 professionals . They've supported 63 455 00:17:21,060 --> 00:17:23,960 different hospitals , nine alternate 456 00:17:23,960 --> 00:17:26,610 care facilities across the country and 457 00:17:26,610 --> 00:17:28,740 today have over 200 personnel 458 00:17:28,740 --> 00:17:31,590 supporting nine hospitals in Arizona . 459 00:17:31,600 --> 00:17:35,170 The Navajo Nation in Texas , U . S 460 00:17:35,170 --> 00:17:37,281 Transportation Command has also moved 461 00:17:37,281 --> 00:17:40,560 over £900,000 of supplies , helped 462 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:43,430 repatriate over 4000 American citizens 463 00:17:43,430 --> 00:17:45,530 using military or commercially 464 00:17:45,530 --> 00:17:48,710 contracting aircraft as the nation's 465 00:17:48,710 --> 00:17:51,080 responsive balls again towards the 466 00:17:51,080 --> 00:17:53,750 focus on vaccine distribution . The 467 00:17:53,750 --> 00:17:56,910 joint force is equally committed today . 468 00:17:56,910 --> 00:17:59,132 We're already supporting to vaccination 469 00:17:59,132 --> 00:18:01,940 distribution centers one in California 470 00:18:01,940 --> 00:18:03,800 and one in New Jersey , and have 471 00:18:03,800 --> 00:18:06,260 ordered over 4000 additional forces to 472 00:18:06,260 --> 00:18:09,610 prepare to deploy to support the 1st 473 00:18:09,610 --> 00:18:13,150 25 different centers as needed . We're 474 00:18:13,150 --> 00:18:15,320 anticipating FEMA mission assignments 475 00:18:15,320 --> 00:18:17,487 that could come quickly for New York , 476 00:18:17,487 --> 00:18:19,920 Texas and elsewhere and will stay in 477 00:18:19,920 --> 00:18:22,540 lockstep with FEMA as the lead federal 478 00:18:22,540 --> 00:18:25,980 agency for this effort . The D O D . 479 00:18:25,980 --> 00:18:28,320 Vaccination teams utilize some of the 480 00:18:28,320 --> 00:18:31,040 same capabilities from our medical 481 00:18:31,040 --> 00:18:33,710 facility support , but also lean more 482 00:18:33,710 --> 00:18:36,330 heavily on medics , pharmacists and 483 00:18:36,330 --> 00:18:38,920 more nurses . Thes teams come in a 484 00:18:38,920 --> 00:18:41,240 variety of scalable size is based on 485 00:18:41,240 --> 00:18:43,880 the need of the states . Just a last 486 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:46,300 year will stay agile and continue Thio 487 00:18:46,300 --> 00:18:48,522 innovating . Evolve this response as we 488 00:18:48,522 --> 00:18:50,860 learn mawr or the needs of the state's 489 00:18:50,860 --> 00:18:53,390 change . Thanks for the opportunity to 490 00:18:53,390 --> 00:18:55,790 share experience today and for the work 491 00:18:55,790 --> 00:18:58,012 of the committee to support our efforts 492 00:18:58,012 --> 00:19:00,123 and our service members over the last 493 00:19:00,123 --> 00:19:02,346 year , we look forward to continuing to 494 00:19:02,346 --> 00:19:04,179 work with the committee on these 495 00:19:04,179 --> 00:19:06,346 important issues going forward . Thank 496 00:19:06,346 --> 00:19:08,290 you . Thank you . General Nordhaus 497 00:19:08,840 --> 00:19:11,118 Chairman Smith , Ranking member Rogers , 498 00:19:11,118 --> 00:19:13,062 distinguished members of the Armed 499 00:19:13,062 --> 00:19:15,007 Service Committee . It is truly an 500 00:19:15,007 --> 00:19:17,062 honor to testify before you today on 501 00:19:17,062 --> 00:19:19,460 the National Guard support to co vid 19 502 00:19:19,470 --> 00:19:21,692 and defeating it . I'd like to start by 503 00:19:21,692 --> 00:19:23,748 highlighting the historic efforts of 504 00:19:23,748 --> 00:19:25,859 our National Guard members and our 50 505 00:19:25,859 --> 00:19:27,748 states . Three territories in the 506 00:19:27,748 --> 00:19:29,914 District of Columbia thes air the same 507 00:19:29,914 --> 00:19:32,081 National Guard men and women who spent 508 00:19:32,081 --> 00:19:34,340 over 10 million days in 2000 and 20 509 00:19:34,350 --> 00:19:36,350 serving their communities and their 510 00:19:36,350 --> 00:19:38,572 nation both domestically and around the 511 00:19:38,572 --> 00:19:40,780 world , four times more than in the 512 00:19:40,780 --> 00:19:43,200 previous year . They helped battle 513 00:19:43,200 --> 00:19:45,990 wildfires that damaged over 9.5 million 514 00:19:45,990 --> 00:19:49,430 acres . Over 43,100 service members 515 00:19:49,430 --> 00:19:51,560 help maintain order in 34 states 516 00:19:51,570 --> 00:19:53,792 territories in the District of Columbia 517 00:19:53,792 --> 00:19:56,160 last summer , when civil disturbances 518 00:19:56,160 --> 00:19:58,104 threatened the public's ability to 519 00:19:58,104 --> 00:20:00,160 safely protest , and they save lives 520 00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:02,327 and expedited recovery efforts . After 521 00:20:02,327 --> 00:20:04,382 a record breaking hurricane season , 522 00:20:04,900 --> 00:20:08,020 including 12 named storms impacting the 523 00:20:08,020 --> 00:20:11,230 United States . As you know , the 524 00:20:11,230 --> 00:20:13,286 National Guards primary focus within 525 00:20:13,286 --> 00:20:15,397 the homeland has been supporting Cove 526 00:20:15,397 --> 00:20:17,452 in 19 operations . We currently have 527 00:20:17,452 --> 00:20:19,610 over 28,400 soldiers and Airman 528 00:20:19,730 --> 00:20:21,980 dedicated to Cove in 19 operations 529 00:20:21,990 --> 00:20:25,030 across all 54 states , territories and 530 00:20:25,030 --> 00:20:27,900 the District of Columbia , performing a 531 00:20:27,900 --> 00:20:31,050 wide range of missions in 532 00:20:31,050 --> 00:20:33,740 2020 alone or National Guard members 533 00:20:33,740 --> 00:20:35,860 tested nearly 13 million people , 534 00:20:35,870 --> 00:20:38,092 provided medical planning , support the 535 00:20:38,092 --> 00:20:39,870 local communities and conducted 536 00:20:39,870 --> 00:20:41,870 warehouse operations to support the 537 00:20:41,870 --> 00:20:43,870 distribution of personal protective 538 00:20:43,870 --> 00:20:45,814 equipment and medical equipment to 539 00:20:45,814 --> 00:20:48,148 hospitals and community medical centers . 540 00:20:48,200 --> 00:20:50,422 The National Guard also provided nearly 541 00:20:50,422 --> 00:20:52,760 550 million meals to families in need , 542 00:20:53,240 --> 00:20:55,810 disinfected over 9600 long term care 543 00:20:55,810 --> 00:20:58,380 facilities and delivered nearly 37 544 00:20:58,380 --> 00:21:00,436 million mass for frontline workers . 545 00:21:01,040 --> 00:21:03,207 Josh Hawkinson , chief of the National 546 00:21:03,207 --> 00:21:05,429 Guard Bureau , has made maximum support 547 00:21:05,429 --> 00:21:07,318 to Kobe vaccination efforts , his 548 00:21:07,318 --> 00:21:10,120 number one priority since early January . 549 00:21:10,120 --> 00:21:12,342 The National Guard has grown from a few 550 00:21:12,342 --> 00:21:15,270 civilian vaccination sites toe over 350 551 00:21:15,270 --> 00:21:18,740 across 42 states and territories . 33 552 00:21:18,740 --> 00:21:20,796 states and territories are employing 553 00:21:20,796 --> 00:21:22,684 National Guard service members to 554 00:21:22,684 --> 00:21:25,050 vaccinate citizens in nine states , 555 00:21:25,050 --> 00:21:27,370 provide wraparound services and support 556 00:21:27,370 --> 00:21:31,020 the local vaccine centers . As I speak , 557 00:21:31,030 --> 00:21:33,252 Army and Air National Guard members are 558 00:21:33,252 --> 00:21:35,308 administering on average over 72,000 559 00:21:35,308 --> 00:21:37,450 vaccines a day , the local citizens . 560 00:21:37,940 --> 00:21:40,162 We estimate that since the beginning of 561 00:21:40,162 --> 00:21:42,329 our vaccination efforts , the National 562 00:21:42,329 --> 00:21:44,496 Guard is administered over 1.2 million 563 00:21:44,496 --> 00:21:46,829 vaccinations to our civilian population . 564 00:21:47,440 --> 00:21:50,190 Also , vaccinating our National Guard 565 00:21:50,200 --> 00:21:52,144 members and their families and our 566 00:21:52,144 --> 00:21:54,390 civilians remains the top priority . To 567 00:21:54,390 --> 00:21:56,570 date , over 71,000 have received at 568 00:21:56,570 --> 00:21:58,570 least their first vaccination , and 569 00:21:58,570 --> 00:22:00,737 that number continues to climb today . 570 00:22:01,220 --> 00:22:03,442 Next , I would like to highlight to the 571 00:22:03,442 --> 00:22:05,498 committee the significant use of the 572 00:22:05,498 --> 00:22:07,442 dual status command and efforts to 573 00:22:07,442 --> 00:22:09,553 fight the virus . In the aftermath of 574 00:22:09,553 --> 00:22:11,609 Hurricane Katrina in 2000 and five , 575 00:22:11,810 --> 00:22:13,977 the dual status command concept gained 576 00:22:13,977 --> 00:22:16,199 acceptance and allowed a National Guard 577 00:22:16,199 --> 00:22:18,199 officer to command both federal and 578 00:22:18,199 --> 00:22:19,977 state members . Service members 579 00:22:19,977 --> 00:22:22,032 responding to a domestic emergency . 580 00:22:22,340 --> 00:22:24,284 Thanks to Congress making the dual 581 00:22:24,284 --> 00:22:26,507 status commander a matter of law in the 582 00:22:26,507 --> 00:22:28,850 2000 and 12 N . D . A . Governors are 583 00:22:28,850 --> 00:22:31,017 enabled to provide seamless commanding 584 00:22:31,017 --> 00:22:33,690 control of National Guard active duty 585 00:22:33,700 --> 00:22:35,756 and reserve service members fighting 586 00:22:35,756 --> 00:22:38,270 wildfires , hurricanes and , of course , 587 00:22:38,270 --> 00:22:40,290 this virus . During the peak of our 588 00:22:40,290 --> 00:22:43,870 response in May , we had 47,400 service 589 00:22:43,870 --> 00:22:46,037 members supporting covert operations , 590 00:22:46,037 --> 00:22:48,460 with 41 dual status commanders approved , 591 00:22:48,470 --> 00:22:50,540 of which nine were activated for 592 00:22:50,540 --> 00:22:52,707 command and control of active duty and 593 00:22:52,707 --> 00:22:54,762 reserve service members within their 594 00:22:54,762 --> 00:22:56,929 state or territory . Today , there are 595 00:22:56,929 --> 00:22:58,818 currently 21 approved dual status 596 00:22:58,818 --> 00:23:00,762 commanders , with two activated in 597 00:23:00,762 --> 00:23:03,070 California and Texas . Your continued 598 00:23:03,070 --> 00:23:05,014 investment in the rightness of the 599 00:23:05,014 --> 00:23:07,181 National Guard has paid dividends both 600 00:23:07,181 --> 00:23:08,848 on the battlefield and in our 601 00:23:08,848 --> 00:23:11,181 communities . That's just World War two . 602 00:23:11,181 --> 00:23:13,403 Has our National Guard been called upon 603 00:23:13,403 --> 00:23:15,570 to serve in such numbers ? Last June , 604 00:23:15,570 --> 00:23:17,570 we had over 120,000 service members 605 00:23:17,570 --> 00:23:19,792 supporting missions in our homeland and 606 00:23:19,792 --> 00:23:22,050 overseas . Every day we're reminded of 607 00:23:22,050 --> 00:23:24,161 the sacrifices of these brave men and 608 00:23:24,161 --> 00:23:26,420 women and their families . And it is 609 00:23:26,430 --> 00:23:29,260 with those sacrifices in mind that we 610 00:23:29,260 --> 00:23:31,149 remember the eight National Guard 611 00:23:31,149 --> 00:23:33,371 members who died as a result of Cove in 612 00:23:33,371 --> 00:23:35,482 19 thes soldiers . And airman , while 613 00:23:35,482 --> 00:23:37,371 not serving on the front lines of 614 00:23:37,371 --> 00:23:39,427 covert operations , still gave their 615 00:23:39,427 --> 00:23:41,427 full devotion to our nation . Their 616 00:23:41,427 --> 00:23:43,538 legacy of service will live on in our 617 00:23:43,538 --> 00:23:45,760 memories . In closing , I want to thank 618 00:23:45,760 --> 00:23:47,816 you for this opportunity to tell the 619 00:23:47,816 --> 00:23:49,982 National Guard story on behalf of over 620 00:23:49,982 --> 00:23:51,982 443,000 National Guard soldiers and 621 00:23:51,982 --> 00:23:53,730 airman , I want to express our 622 00:23:53,730 --> 00:23:55,840 gratitude to you for your consistent 623 00:23:55,850 --> 00:23:58,360 and unwavering support . We are 624 00:23:58,360 --> 00:24:00,304 especially grateful for Congress's 625 00:24:00,304 --> 00:24:02,304 support of the Tricare Transitional 626 00:24:02,304 --> 00:24:04,527 Assistant Management program , known as 627 00:24:04,527 --> 00:24:06,720 Tampa , which provides 180 days of 628 00:24:06,720 --> 00:24:09,230 premium free transitional health care 629 00:24:09,230 --> 00:24:11,930 benefits after regular trick your 630 00:24:11,930 --> 00:24:14,670 benefits end . This protection is 631 00:24:15,140 --> 00:24:17,251 crucial to our transitioning National 632 00:24:17,251 --> 00:24:19,473 Guard warriors . As they demobilize and 633 00:24:19,473 --> 00:24:21,870 return to civilian life , we will 634 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:23,537 remain laser focused with our 635 00:24:23,537 --> 00:24:25,537 interagency partners , civilian and 636 00:24:25,537 --> 00:24:27,703 military leaders and frontline workers 637 00:24:27,703 --> 00:24:29,926 to help vaccinators citizens and defeat 638 00:24:29,926 --> 00:24:32,750 Cove in 19 every day . Tens of 1000 639 00:24:32,750 --> 00:24:35,030 National Guard members , many of whom 640 00:24:35,030 --> 00:24:37,252 left their families and jobs , serve on 641 00:24:37,252 --> 00:24:39,363 the front lines of this battle saving 642 00:24:39,363 --> 00:24:41,474 lives and minimizing suffering across 643 00:24:41,474 --> 00:24:43,697 the nation . The National Guard remains 644 00:24:43,697 --> 00:24:45,863 always ready and always there . I look 645 00:24:45,863 --> 00:24:47,974 forward to your questions . Thank you 646 00:24:47,974 --> 00:24:50,197 very much . Mr . Rogers alluded to this 647 00:24:50,197 --> 00:24:52,363 in his opening statement . What is the 648 00:24:52,363 --> 00:24:54,250 plan for vaccinating the D o d 649 00:24:54,250 --> 00:24:56,700 workforce ? And that's active duty . 650 00:24:56,700 --> 00:24:59,960 Civilian Guard reserve . Um , how are 651 00:24:59,960 --> 00:25:01,516 you implementing that ? And 652 00:25:01,516 --> 00:25:03,738 particularly in light of the comment Mr 653 00:25:03,738 --> 00:25:05,738 Rogers made about not being able to 654 00:25:05,738 --> 00:25:08,270 actually mandate it Mhm . 655 00:25:09,940 --> 00:25:12,870 Charlie . Mark , could you pull the 656 00:25:12,870 --> 00:25:15,148 microphone just a little closer to you ? 657 00:25:15,148 --> 00:25:18,170 There . There we go . Karen department . 658 00:25:19,240 --> 00:25:22,670 Yeah , Here . I mean , 659 00:25:24,940 --> 00:25:28,770 here . Yeah , 660 00:25:29,340 --> 00:25:32,340 working on you Speak about , um we 661 00:25:32,340 --> 00:25:34,290 can't hear him . Yeah , we can't . 662 00:25:34,290 --> 00:25:36,623 Sorry I'm screen folks . Can't hear him . 663 00:25:36,623 --> 00:25:38,734 I'm having We're having a hard time . 664 00:25:38,734 --> 00:25:40,734 Hearing him in here is Well , we're 665 00:25:40,734 --> 00:25:42,957 sure . Microphones on . Can you hear me 666 00:25:42,957 --> 00:25:45,123 now ? Yeah , it was off . Okay , There 667 00:25:45,123 --> 00:25:47,290 you go . So that way , eso eso the key 668 00:25:47,290 --> 00:25:49,401 part . And I know the whole You wanna 669 00:25:49,401 --> 00:25:51,568 tear . You do all that . Well , what's 670 00:25:51,568 --> 00:25:54,170 your estimate on when you know how soon 671 00:25:54,170 --> 00:25:56,448 you'll get the entire force vaccinated ? 672 00:25:56,448 --> 00:25:58,510 Are you having problems with members 673 00:25:58,510 --> 00:26:00,800 saying , Hey , I don't want it . Um , 674 00:26:00,810 --> 00:26:02,866 what's your guess ? And when you can 675 00:26:02,866 --> 00:26:04,977 get basically , all of your personnel 676 00:26:04,977 --> 00:26:07,770 vaccinated . So just a little bit more 677 00:26:07,770 --> 00:26:09,600 perspective . This past week we 678 00:26:09,600 --> 00:26:13,290 vaccinated 270,000 , uh , members . 679 00:26:13,300 --> 00:26:15,300 It includes both military members , 680 00:26:15,300 --> 00:26:17,230 civilians and contract folks and 681 00:26:17,230 --> 00:26:20,400 obviously beneficiaries . 170,000 in 682 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:22,344 this tier approach . Again , we're 683 00:26:22,344 --> 00:26:24,511 focused on the front line , folks that 684 00:26:24,511 --> 00:26:26,622 need the vaccine to care for others . 685 00:26:26,622 --> 00:26:28,622 Then we move through that process , 686 00:26:28,622 --> 00:26:30,511 making sure that we're focused on 687 00:26:30,511 --> 00:26:32,456 specific , high , high , important 688 00:26:32,456 --> 00:26:34,456 mission areas , Uh , like strategic 689 00:26:34,456 --> 00:26:36,567 forces . Then we move through that to 690 00:26:36,567 --> 00:26:39,500 the most vulnerable age of 65 above and 691 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:41,611 operational forces as we move through 692 00:26:41,611 --> 00:26:44,690 those tears Tears 12 Uh , they're 693 00:26:44,700 --> 00:26:46,867 they're segment . And in a certain way 694 00:26:46,867 --> 00:26:49,144 to get after everybody The bottom line , 695 00:26:49,144 --> 00:26:51,200 your question relative to when do we 696 00:26:51,200 --> 00:26:53,422 think we'll have everybody vaccinated ? 697 00:26:53,422 --> 00:26:55,478 It will probably be sometime in late 698 00:26:55,478 --> 00:26:58,270 July . August time frame is , and we're 699 00:26:58,270 --> 00:27:00,381 making great progress . As you know , 700 00:27:00,381 --> 00:27:02,770 the vaccine , uh , delivery has picked 701 00:27:02,770 --> 00:27:05,710 up significantly . I mean , the vaccine 702 00:27:05,710 --> 00:27:07,932 delivery for the country this past week 703 00:27:07,932 --> 00:27:10,510 was 13 million doses . Um eso itt's 704 00:27:10,510 --> 00:27:12,677 picking up exponentially . Yeah , that 705 00:27:12,677 --> 00:27:14,970 would be the second question . And in 706 00:27:14,970 --> 00:27:17,081 terms of the distribution chain And I 707 00:27:17,081 --> 00:27:19,480 know you guys air certainly focused on 708 00:27:19,490 --> 00:27:21,490 you know , d o d personnel in those 709 00:27:21,490 --> 00:27:23,490 folks . But you're also involved in 710 00:27:23,490 --> 00:27:26,100 speeding up the chain and look it Zim 711 00:27:26,100 --> 00:27:28,480 pols to explain , you need Thio produce 712 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:30,647 the vaccine , and then you need to get 713 00:27:30,647 --> 00:27:34,230 it out to people . But there are a lot 714 00:27:34,230 --> 00:27:36,730 of details in that As you're looking at 715 00:27:36,730 --> 00:27:40,050 the distribution chain , um , is there 716 00:27:40,740 --> 00:27:43,680 how to ask this question ? Eso . But 717 00:27:43,680 --> 00:27:45,847 I've seen the reports that basically , 718 00:27:45,847 --> 00:27:48,069 once we get to July , that's what we're 719 00:27:48,069 --> 00:27:50,291 gonna get there . What are the bottle ? 720 00:27:50,291 --> 00:27:52,458 What's the most important thing that d 721 00:27:52,458 --> 00:27:54,624 o d can do to speed that up . Where do 722 00:27:54,624 --> 00:27:56,624 you think you can can can be help ? 723 00:27:56,624 --> 00:27:58,791 Where where are the bottle next ? Here 724 00:27:58,791 --> 00:28:01,013 is it just We don't have enough of it , 725 00:28:01,013 --> 00:28:03,236 is it ? It's not getting distributed to 726 00:28:03,236 --> 00:28:05,569 the States . Once it gets to the States , 727 00:28:05,569 --> 00:28:05,250 it's not getting out fast enough . Or 728 00:28:05,250 --> 00:28:07,306 is it ? Are we pretty much doing the 729 00:28:07,306 --> 00:28:10,590 best we can right now ? My sense is 730 00:28:10,590 --> 00:28:12,812 that we can do better , but we're doing 731 00:28:12,812 --> 00:28:14,923 ah lot to make it happen . If I could 732 00:28:14,923 --> 00:28:17,034 give you a bit of a perspective and I 733 00:28:17,034 --> 00:28:19,201 could talk specifically about what the 734 00:28:19,201 --> 00:28:21,534 Defense Department is doing , Obviously , 735 00:28:21,534 --> 00:28:23,701 the Defense Department is working very 736 00:28:23,701 --> 00:28:25,757 closely with FEMA to establish these 737 00:28:25,757 --> 00:28:27,757 mega and large centers that will be 738 00:28:27,757 --> 00:28:29,923 very helpful . In fact , I visited the 739 00:28:29,923 --> 00:28:31,979 center in Glendale , Arizona , about 740 00:28:31,979 --> 00:28:34,146 two weeks ago . They're providing 8000 741 00:28:34,146 --> 00:28:36,312 shots a day at a drive thru center out 742 00:28:36,312 --> 00:28:36,060 there . That's a tremendous amount of 743 00:28:36,060 --> 00:28:38,570 vaccine shots in one day . In that area 744 00:28:38,580 --> 00:28:40,650 are mega centers that we're working 745 00:28:40,650 --> 00:28:43,760 with FEMA on uh will also be able to 746 00:28:43,760 --> 00:28:46,330 provide up to 6000 vaccine shots . The 747 00:28:46,330 --> 00:28:48,608 one is just established in Los Angeles . 748 00:28:48,608 --> 00:28:50,552 We have plans to establish them in 749 00:28:50,552 --> 00:28:52,830 Texas in New York over the coming days . 750 00:28:52,830 --> 00:28:55,170 Um , and that will be very helpful . 751 00:28:55,180 --> 00:28:57,347 But as you know , if I could just back 752 00:28:57,347 --> 00:28:59,480 up because the vaccine , Pfizer and 753 00:28:59,480 --> 00:29:02,320 Madonna right now we expect 100 million 754 00:29:02,320 --> 00:29:04,431 doses by the end of March of each one 755 00:29:04,431 --> 00:29:06,300 of those . We expect another 100 756 00:29:06,300 --> 00:29:09,330 million doses from FISA and Madonna by 757 00:29:09,330 --> 00:29:11,860 the end of May and another 100 million 758 00:29:11,860 --> 00:29:13,971 doses by the end of July . That gives 759 00:29:13,971 --> 00:29:16,193 you some perspective of what the supply 760 00:29:16,193 --> 00:29:18,460 side is on . The distribution side with 761 00:29:18,460 --> 00:29:20,460 the Defense Department is obviously 762 00:29:20,460 --> 00:29:22,349 helping with these mega and large 763 00:29:22,349 --> 00:29:24,404 centers . At the same time , there's 764 00:29:24,404 --> 00:29:26,571 about 30,000 centers identified across 765 00:29:26,571 --> 00:29:28,460 the nation . Was state and local 766 00:29:28,460 --> 00:29:30,590 authorities . As the vaccine becomes 767 00:29:30,590 --> 00:29:32,590 more readily available , it will be 768 00:29:32,590 --> 00:29:34,360 becoming obviously in greater 769 00:29:34,360 --> 00:29:36,471 quantities . As they just pointed out 770 00:29:36,471 --> 00:29:39,020 yesterday , we did 1.6 million , uh , 771 00:29:39,030 --> 00:29:42,330 doses in arms around the country . That 772 00:29:42,330 --> 00:29:44,497 sounds good . I apologize for a lot of 773 00:29:44,497 --> 00:29:46,608 other members who are gonna wanna get 774 00:29:46,608 --> 00:29:48,830 in just quickly . Is there a particular 775 00:29:48,830 --> 00:29:50,997 choke point where you're like , here's 776 00:29:50,997 --> 00:29:50,960 what we need to do this is I've seen 777 00:29:50,960 --> 00:29:53,293 this . We really need to get after this , 778 00:29:53,293 --> 00:29:55,182 or is it just sort of all kind of 779 00:29:55,182 --> 00:29:57,349 moving forward as you described ? So I 780 00:29:57,349 --> 00:29:59,293 believe it's all moving forward is 781 00:29:59,293 --> 00:30:01,404 beginning to ramp up much faster than 782 00:30:01,404 --> 00:30:03,460 what we've seen again . This started 783 00:30:03,460 --> 00:30:05,571 December 14th when we started to take 784 00:30:05,571 --> 00:30:07,738 the first doses . I think you're going 785 00:30:07,738 --> 00:30:09,793 to see a great acceleration over the 786 00:30:09,793 --> 00:30:11,980 next 30 60 9120 days . So we're at the 787 00:30:11,980 --> 00:30:14,036 end of July . We have delivered over 788 00:30:14,036 --> 00:30:16,530 600 million doses of vaccine . Thank 789 00:30:16,530 --> 00:30:18,808 you very much . I appreciate Mr Rogers . 790 00:30:18,808 --> 00:30:20,974 Thank you , Mr Chairman , to follow up 791 00:30:20,974 --> 00:30:23,197 on that , uh , that line of questioning 792 00:30:23,197 --> 00:30:25,419 with the chairman Has it been a lack of 793 00:30:25,419 --> 00:30:28,200 supply that's held you up from 794 00:30:28,200 --> 00:30:30,533 vaccinating more members of the service ? 795 00:30:30,540 --> 00:30:32,762 I think in general that's a yes , sir . 796 00:30:32,762 --> 00:30:34,984 That's reasonable . I mean , it had not 797 00:30:34,984 --> 00:30:37,040 been produced that obviously we have 798 00:30:37,140 --> 00:30:39,029 hundreds of millions of people to 799 00:30:39,029 --> 00:30:41,780 vaccinate . If we focus just on d o d r 800 00:30:41,790 --> 00:30:44,730 r . Increase in supply has been , um , 801 00:30:44,740 --> 00:30:47,990 growing every week . Okay , well , I 802 00:30:47,990 --> 00:30:51,390 was looking at your joint staff Kobe 19 803 00:30:51,390 --> 00:30:53,890 update of February 17th , and I see 804 00:30:53,890 --> 00:30:56,670 that between first dose and second dose , 805 00:30:57,140 --> 00:30:59,560 y'all be administered right at 806 00:30:59,570 --> 00:31:02,810 916,000 doses 807 00:31:03,440 --> 00:31:05,496 on this . Be , I guess , for General 808 00:31:05,496 --> 00:31:07,329 Tolliver . I thought I heard you 809 00:31:07,329 --> 00:31:09,490 testified that there was 860,000 . So 810 00:31:09,490 --> 00:31:13,230 what's the Delta there ? I reckon , 811 00:31:13,230 --> 00:31:15,397 Member , I think that's certain . Just 812 00:31:15,397 --> 00:31:17,619 the time lag between preparation of the 813 00:31:17,619 --> 00:31:20,010 remarks and the products today , there 814 00:31:20,010 --> 00:31:23,320 are a lot happening each day . So as of 815 00:31:23,320 --> 00:31:27,230 today , 916,575 . Do 816 00:31:27,230 --> 00:31:29,119 we know how many of those air for 817 00:31:29,119 --> 00:31:31,286 service members as opposed Thio ? Uh , 818 00:31:31,286 --> 00:31:33,452 like Depot worker Civilian personnel , 819 00:31:34,740 --> 00:31:37,980 The majority ranking member focused on 820 00:31:37,980 --> 00:31:40,760 the higher tiered members Tier one A 821 00:31:40,760 --> 00:31:43,150 and one B , which are primarily our 822 00:31:43,150 --> 00:31:46,730 healthcare workers . Critical personnel 823 00:31:46,740 --> 00:31:49,780 so more heavily focused in those areas . 824 00:31:49,790 --> 00:31:52,410 Okay , my understanding this this puts 825 00:31:52,410 --> 00:31:56,400 us in About 20% of the individuals 826 00:31:56,400 --> 00:31:58,622 were trying t vaccinate . Is that about 827 00:31:58,622 --> 00:32:02,360 right ? Yeah . Good at nets , 828 00:32:02,360 --> 00:32:04,193 including civilian personnel and 829 00:32:04,193 --> 00:32:07,210 contractors , etcetera . Correct . Do 830 00:32:07,210 --> 00:32:09,321 we know how many service members have 831 00:32:09,321 --> 00:32:12,050 received the vaccine of that ? 916,000 . 832 00:32:12,640 --> 00:32:14,920 So I do have the numbers . What I show 833 00:32:14,920 --> 00:32:16,940 and again , uh , these numbers 834 00:32:16,940 --> 00:32:19,051 obviously , depending on when they're 835 00:32:19,051 --> 00:32:21,273 captured , either . Yesterday , today I 836 00:32:21,273 --> 00:32:24,960 show 359,000 initial doses for 837 00:32:24,960 --> 00:32:27,250 service members and then fully of 838 00:32:27,250 --> 00:32:29,139 accented . That means two shots , 839 00:32:29,139 --> 00:32:32,770 obviously 147,000 . I also have the 840 00:32:32,770 --> 00:32:34,659 civilian numbers and the contract 841 00:32:34,659 --> 00:32:36,714 numbers . If you'd like that , sir . 842 00:32:36,940 --> 00:32:40,280 Okay . What about concerns ? Have you 843 00:32:40,280 --> 00:32:42,390 heard many concerns from service 844 00:32:42,390 --> 00:32:44,557 members about apprehensions and taking 845 00:32:44,557 --> 00:32:46,501 the vaccine ? And if so , what are 846 00:32:46,501 --> 00:32:48,668 those concerns and how you're managing 847 00:32:48,668 --> 00:32:52,190 them ? That Sarang , remember ? I think 848 00:32:52,200 --> 00:32:54,820 I think we believe that , of course , 849 00:32:54,820 --> 00:32:57,250 the vaccine is the right thing to do . 850 00:32:57,260 --> 00:32:59,960 It's clearly safe for service members , 851 00:33:00,440 --> 00:33:03,550 and we need to continue to 852 00:33:03,940 --> 00:33:06,790 educate our force and help them 853 00:33:06,790 --> 00:33:09,860 understand the benefits and and ensure 854 00:33:09,860 --> 00:33:12,330 there's leadership involvement in the 855 00:33:12,330 --> 00:33:14,840 discussion of the benefits of the of 856 00:33:14,840 --> 00:33:17,062 the vaccine . So , do you have a handle 857 00:33:17,062 --> 00:33:19,118 General Tolliver's ? How many ? What 858 00:33:19,118 --> 00:33:21,284 percentage of the service members have 859 00:33:21,284 --> 00:33:23,750 declined , And so , ranking member , I 860 00:33:23,750 --> 00:33:26,500 think our initial , uh , initial look . 861 00:33:26,500 --> 00:33:28,667 And this , of course , very early data 862 00:33:28,940 --> 00:33:32,110 is acceptance . Rates are somewhere in 863 00:33:32,110 --> 00:33:34,890 the two thirds territory , and , of 864 00:33:34,890 --> 00:33:36,834 course , it it varies by different 865 00:33:36,834 --> 00:33:39,550 groups . Okay , what about are they 866 00:33:39,550 --> 00:33:41,383 deployable if somebody who's not 867 00:33:41,383 --> 00:33:43,606 vaccinated is that , Is that individual 868 00:33:43,606 --> 00:33:46,980 deployable ? So So , ranking member . 869 00:33:46,980 --> 00:33:49,120 We've the services and the combat 870 00:33:49,120 --> 00:33:51,342 commands that worked very hard over the 871 00:33:51,342 --> 00:33:53,287 last year to make sure that we can 872 00:33:53,287 --> 00:33:56,490 operate in a covert environment before 873 00:33:56,490 --> 00:33:59,470 vaccines were available . The addition 874 00:33:59,470 --> 00:34:02,010 of the vaccine should should make us 875 00:34:02,450 --> 00:34:05,300 more capable in that environment . But 876 00:34:05,300 --> 00:34:07,300 we've already demonstrated over the 877 00:34:07,300 --> 00:34:09,411 last year that we're fully capable of 878 00:34:09,411 --> 00:34:11,780 operating in a covert environment . So 879 00:34:11,920 --> 00:34:13,809 I take that to mean yes , there , 880 00:34:13,809 --> 00:34:16,031 deployable , even if they have not been 881 00:34:16,031 --> 00:34:18,750 vaccinated . Yes , sir . Great . Uh , 882 00:34:18,760 --> 00:34:20,927 finally , what is the current state of 883 00:34:20,927 --> 00:34:23,510 readiness across the services when it 884 00:34:23,510 --> 00:34:25,621 comes to covert ? And how has it been 885 00:34:25,621 --> 00:34:27,910 impacted by code ? So , ranking member , 886 00:34:27,910 --> 00:34:29,980 I think the services have been very 887 00:34:29,980 --> 00:34:33,140 adaptive and resilient that when larger 888 00:34:33,140 --> 00:34:36,000 formation exercises weren't possible , 889 00:34:36,010 --> 00:34:38,240 they have substituted those with some 890 00:34:38,240 --> 00:34:41,540 smaller formations , uh , smaller 891 00:34:41,540 --> 00:34:43,950 formations that have allowed them to 892 00:34:43,960 --> 00:34:47,160 maintain their basic proficiency and 893 00:34:47,160 --> 00:34:50,010 currency and combat readiness at the 894 00:34:50,010 --> 00:34:52,121 same time . Of course , there is some 895 00:34:52,121 --> 00:34:55,480 quality lost in in those larger 896 00:34:55,490 --> 00:34:58,560 formation , training and exercises , 897 00:34:58,740 --> 00:35:01,300 but I would say the overall see ratings 898 00:35:01,300 --> 00:35:04,090 or readiness ratings for all the 899 00:35:04,090 --> 00:35:06,146 services and combatant commands have 900 00:35:06,146 --> 00:35:10,120 stayed within historic norms 901 00:35:10,470 --> 00:35:14,400 largely because of the adaptive and 902 00:35:14,840 --> 00:35:17,590 and aggressive action by the services 903 00:35:17,590 --> 00:35:19,701 in the combat commands . Okay . Thank 904 00:35:19,701 --> 00:35:22,160 you , Mr McGill . Back . Thank you , Mr 905 00:35:22,160 --> 00:35:25,410 Landerman . Thank you , Mr Chair . 906 00:35:25,410 --> 00:35:28,170 Might come across . Okay . Yep . We got 907 00:35:28,170 --> 00:35:30,720 you loud and clear . Very good . Thank 908 00:35:30,720 --> 00:35:33,140 you . Well , thank our witnesses for 909 00:35:33,150 --> 00:35:35,690 your testimony today . Um , let me 910 00:35:35,690 --> 00:35:38,210 begin . Uh , sort of about a follow up 911 00:35:38,210 --> 00:35:40,650 to the ranking members . Question , uh , 912 00:35:40,660 --> 00:35:43,170 concerned about focus on readiness , 913 00:35:43,180 --> 00:35:45,930 Aziz . Well , so we've seen obviously 914 00:35:45,930 --> 00:35:48,020 Kobe 19 outbreaks , disruptive 915 00:35:48,020 --> 00:35:50,770 military's operations , especially Navy 916 00:35:50,770 --> 00:35:53,570 deployments . And while the department 917 00:35:53,580 --> 00:35:55,469 is doing well in distributing the 918 00:35:55,469 --> 00:35:58,080 vaccine , it has a hand . Last week , 919 00:35:58,080 --> 00:35:59,830 Secretary Austin said that the 920 00:35:59,840 --> 00:36:01,729 department does not know how many 921 00:36:01,729 --> 00:36:03,784 service members have declined to get 922 00:36:03,784 --> 00:36:07,050 vaccinated . General nor house . Uh , 923 00:36:07,060 --> 00:36:09,950 what would be the force ready ? This 924 00:36:09,950 --> 00:36:12,950 impacts if you were than 50 or 60% of 925 00:36:12,950 --> 00:36:15,920 service members , except vaccinations . 926 00:36:15,930 --> 00:36:19,080 And just for the record , I would 927 00:36:19,080 --> 00:36:21,191 assume , But I don't want to assume I 928 00:36:21,191 --> 00:36:23,710 wanna be things for the record . Uh , 929 00:36:23,720 --> 00:36:25,776 do service members have the right to 930 00:36:25,776 --> 00:36:29,110 refuse to get vaccinated ? Uh , it's 931 00:36:29,110 --> 00:36:31,221 obviously that impacts readiness . So 932 00:36:31,221 --> 00:36:33,570 if you could , uh , address both those 933 00:36:33,580 --> 00:36:37,260 aspects of the question . Congressman , 934 00:36:37,260 --> 00:36:39,482 thank you for the question . Uh , yes , 935 00:36:39,482 --> 00:36:41,427 it's It's voluntary to receive the 936 00:36:41,427 --> 00:36:44,050 vaccination as's faras numbers that 937 00:36:44,050 --> 00:36:46,106 we're seeing in the National Guard . 938 00:36:46,106 --> 00:36:48,272 It's just like Tolliver talked about , 939 00:36:48,272 --> 00:36:50,161 very similar to what's out in the 940 00:36:50,161 --> 00:36:52,850 population . Uh , in the two thirds to 941 00:36:52,850 --> 00:36:56,770 70% um , readiness impacts . Uh , 942 00:36:56,780 --> 00:37:00,420 if they were lower than the 40 toe 30 943 00:37:00,420 --> 00:37:03,100 to 40% . As you discussed . I can't 944 00:37:03,100 --> 00:37:05,044 really speak to We've been able to 945 00:37:05,044 --> 00:37:08,350 operate within the co vid environment . 946 00:37:08,730 --> 00:37:10,680 Like Major General Tolliver talked 947 00:37:10,680 --> 00:37:13,980 about the individual capability of our 948 00:37:13,990 --> 00:37:15,879 adjutants general and how they've 949 00:37:15,879 --> 00:37:18,270 worked with flexibility and adaptable 950 00:37:18,280 --> 00:37:20,391 to make sure that our service members 951 00:37:20,391 --> 00:37:22,440 have one way or another gotten the 952 00:37:22,440 --> 00:37:24,551 training they need to be ready and to 953 00:37:24,551 --> 00:37:26,800 deploy . They've been very successful 954 00:37:26,800 --> 00:37:29,290 at that . And to this date , we're able 955 00:37:29,290 --> 00:37:31,430 to meet all current and future 956 00:37:31,430 --> 00:37:33,597 projected deployments for the National 957 00:37:33,597 --> 00:37:37,320 Guard . Thank you , general . Um , 958 00:37:37,330 --> 00:37:39,850 Mr Solis is , uh , the Biden 959 00:37:39,850 --> 00:37:42,600 administration modified the cost share 960 00:37:42,610 --> 00:37:44,710 agreement to fully fund the National 961 00:37:44,710 --> 00:37:48,160 Guard entitled 32 status at 100% 962 00:37:48,170 --> 00:37:51,330 on extended three authorization till 963 00:37:51,330 --> 00:37:54,970 September 31st . 2021 . What criteria 964 00:37:54,970 --> 00:37:56,637 will the department used when 965 00:37:56,637 --> 00:37:58,859 determining whether or not to recommend 966 00:37:58,859 --> 00:38:00,914 a further extension of funding ? The 967 00:38:00,914 --> 00:38:03,730 National Guard entitled 32 status after 968 00:38:03,740 --> 00:38:07,410 September 31st 2021 . Congressman , 969 00:38:07,410 --> 00:38:09,632 Thanks for the question . We're working 970 00:38:09,632 --> 00:38:11,632 closely with FEMA . Obviously , the 971 00:38:11,632 --> 00:38:13,799 National Guard is filling FEMA mission 972 00:38:13,799 --> 00:38:16,010 requirements in support of , uh , uh , 973 00:38:16,020 --> 00:38:18,242 FEMA . And so , as we work through this 974 00:38:18,242 --> 00:38:20,520 together , we'll make a determination 975 00:38:20,520 --> 00:38:22,800 as we get closer to September on 976 00:38:22,800 --> 00:38:25,150 whether the , uh , continuing efforts 977 00:38:25,150 --> 00:38:27,094 of the National Guard obviously is 978 00:38:27,094 --> 00:38:28,928 necessary . If that's the case , 979 00:38:28,928 --> 00:38:31,290 obviously we would be supporting 100% 980 00:38:31,290 --> 00:38:33,457 reimbursement going forward for that , 981 00:38:33,457 --> 00:38:37,210 too . Thank you . And I understand that 982 00:38:37,210 --> 00:38:40,220 the department is responsible for , uh , 983 00:38:40,230 --> 00:38:42,341 obviously supporting civilian efforts 984 00:38:42,341 --> 00:38:44,570 for vaccine distribution in tracking Mr 985 00:38:44,580 --> 00:38:47,570 Choices . Can those responsibilities be 986 00:38:47,570 --> 00:38:50,210 taken over by large companies like 987 00:38:50,210 --> 00:38:51,920 Amazon , for example who are 988 00:38:51,920 --> 00:38:54,330 experienced in the last mile delivery ? 989 00:38:54,330 --> 00:38:56,790 What would be best in terms of actually 990 00:38:56,800 --> 00:39:00,020 function of How do we get this ? Get 991 00:39:00,020 --> 00:39:01,853 this out . Is it the best in the 992 00:39:01,853 --> 00:39:03,687 National Guard , or should we be 993 00:39:03,687 --> 00:39:06,250 looking the private sector like Amazon ? 994 00:39:07,220 --> 00:39:09,220 So , Congressman , if we're talking 995 00:39:09,220 --> 00:39:10,776 about distribution from the 996 00:39:10,776 --> 00:39:13,510 manufacturers , uh , that is being done 997 00:39:13,510 --> 00:39:16,460 right now by FedEx and UPS and those 998 00:39:16,460 --> 00:39:18,460 kinds of organizations to the state 999 00:39:18,460 --> 00:39:21,340 level . Um , and they're maximizing the 1000 00:39:21,340 --> 00:39:24,490 commercial capability to do that . Is 1001 00:39:24,490 --> 00:39:27,410 that helpful , Congressman ? So So give 1002 00:39:27,410 --> 00:39:30,100 me a take it from there with the 1003 00:39:30,100 --> 00:39:32,322 National Guard is doing versus what the 1004 00:39:32,322 --> 00:39:35,650 private sector is that doing ? So once . 1005 00:39:35,650 --> 00:39:38,090 Once the vaccine has arrived at a 1006 00:39:38,100 --> 00:39:40,211 distribution point within the state , 1007 00:39:40,520 --> 00:39:42,631 then the state , obviously the public 1008 00:39:42,631 --> 00:39:44,520 health emergency management state 1009 00:39:44,520 --> 00:39:46,750 officials take over from there a Sfar 1010 00:39:46,750 --> 00:39:49,430 as making sure that the right resource 1011 00:39:49,430 --> 00:39:51,790 is at that distribution point and at 1012 00:39:51,790 --> 00:39:54,250 that vaccination point are available . 1013 00:39:54,250 --> 00:39:56,361 And I think that's where the National 1014 00:39:56,361 --> 00:39:58,361 Guard has been tremendously helpful 1015 00:39:58,361 --> 00:40:01,360 throughout the states , with all of the 1016 00:40:01,370 --> 00:40:04,570 ability Thio inoculate the citizens in 1017 00:40:04,570 --> 00:40:07,220 support of their public health and , uh , 1018 00:40:07,230 --> 00:40:09,286 individuals at the state level . But 1019 00:40:09,286 --> 00:40:11,341 I'll defer to General Nordhaus if he 1020 00:40:11,341 --> 00:40:13,520 wants to add to how the National Guard 1021 00:40:13,520 --> 00:40:15,631 is exercising . That in the States is 1022 00:40:15,631 --> 00:40:17,940 gonna have to do that in eight seconds . 1023 00:40:18,310 --> 00:40:20,532 So Okay , so why don't we take that for 1024 00:40:20,532 --> 00:40:22,643 the record ? Because I think the time 1025 00:40:22,643 --> 00:40:24,643 is pretty much up , but thank you . 1026 00:40:24,643 --> 00:40:26,754 Appreciate that . Um , and next up is 1027 00:40:26,754 --> 00:40:28,977 Mr Turner recognized for five minutes . 1028 00:40:29,510 --> 00:40:31,510 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I want to 1029 00:40:31,510 --> 00:40:34,990 thank all of our witnesses today . D o 1030 00:40:34,990 --> 00:40:37,046 D certainly has been extraordinary . 1031 00:40:37,046 --> 00:40:39,101 And its response in what has been an 1032 00:40:39,101 --> 00:40:41,690 unbelievably a difficult situation for 1033 00:40:41,690 --> 00:40:44,600 a country . And it has been it has been 1034 00:40:44,600 --> 00:40:47,000 essential . Um , journal Nordhaus . I 1035 00:40:47,000 --> 00:40:48,889 have a couple questions about the 1036 00:40:48,889 --> 00:40:50,611 National Guard . The secretary 1037 00:40:50,611 --> 00:40:52,520 mentioned that we're trying to 1038 00:40:52,520 --> 00:40:54,640 prioritize the 1039 00:40:55,610 --> 00:40:59,230 vaccine for those , uh , service 1040 00:40:59,230 --> 00:41:01,800 members who are on the front lines , if 1041 00:41:01,800 --> 00:41:04,220 you will , or are performing functions 1042 00:41:04,230 --> 00:41:06,286 which are not essential but in which 1043 00:41:06,286 --> 00:41:09,370 they might have exposure . Um , are the 1044 00:41:09,370 --> 00:41:10,870 members of the guard being 1045 00:41:10,870 --> 00:41:13,640 appropriately advertised to our as you 1046 00:41:13,650 --> 00:41:16,860 indicated , serving their communities 1047 00:41:16,940 --> 00:41:18,829 in the covered response , such as 1048 00:41:18,829 --> 00:41:21,770 serving in food banks , um , serving in 1049 00:41:21,770 --> 00:41:24,480 vaccine supply , assisting their 1050 00:41:24,480 --> 00:41:26,424 communities in ways in which their 1051 00:41:26,424 --> 00:41:28,313 backfilling is part of the covert 1052 00:41:28,313 --> 00:41:30,536 response ? Are they being appropriately 1053 00:41:30,536 --> 00:41:32,850 prioritized ? Congressman , Thanks for 1054 00:41:32,850 --> 00:41:34,961 the question . And I do have to state 1055 00:41:34,961 --> 00:41:38,890 that I'm hyo Guardsmen . Eso first of 1056 00:41:38,890 --> 00:41:41,130 all , yes , we're in lockstep . We've 1057 00:41:41,130 --> 00:41:44,650 been fully integrated in the d o d 1058 00:41:44,660 --> 00:41:47,000 priority schema for the vaccination . 1059 00:41:47,010 --> 00:41:49,730 Uh , we receive our allotment of 1060 00:41:49,730 --> 00:41:53,000 vaccines and then we follow right down 1061 00:41:53,000 --> 00:41:55,970 the list from one a through one c . And 1062 00:41:55,970 --> 00:41:58,960 in that top list of , uh , in the one a 1063 00:41:58,960 --> 00:42:01,220 our our guardsmen that are serving in 1064 00:42:01,220 --> 00:42:04,180 covert operations across the 54 . And 1065 00:42:04,180 --> 00:42:06,200 so they have the ability to get the 1066 00:42:06,200 --> 00:42:08,840 vaccine , and we've been pushing it out 1067 00:42:08,850 --> 00:42:11,017 weekly to the state so that they could 1068 00:42:11,017 --> 00:42:14,290 get vaccinated . Vaccinated ? Excellent . 1069 00:42:14,290 --> 00:42:16,290 General , I have one more follow up 1070 00:42:16,290 --> 00:42:18,457 with you and I since both of us have , 1071 00:42:18,457 --> 00:42:20,512 you know , are brutes in Ohio . I do 1072 00:42:20,512 --> 00:42:22,734 want to say that this question is based 1073 00:42:22,734 --> 00:42:24,957 on information I have actually in other 1074 00:42:24,957 --> 00:42:27,012 states besides Ohio . Um , could you 1075 00:42:27,012 --> 00:42:29,179 please tell me are how is the chain of 1076 00:42:29,179 --> 00:42:31,300 command working when National Guard 1077 00:42:31,310 --> 00:42:34,840 work with community partners , um , and 1078 00:42:34,840 --> 00:42:37,460 are embedded in , for example , food 1079 00:42:37,460 --> 00:42:39,930 banks , supply systems or vaccine 1080 00:42:39,930 --> 00:42:43,260 supply ? Where there are our 1081 00:42:43,270 --> 00:42:45,103 community organizations that are 1082 00:42:45,103 --> 00:42:47,048 actually conducting it . If a if a 1083 00:42:47,048 --> 00:42:48,881 member has concerns , member has 1084 00:42:48,881 --> 00:42:51,610 concerns about how it's being operated 1085 00:42:51,610 --> 00:42:54,800 or even has recommendations , how how 1086 00:42:54,800 --> 00:42:57,180 does that work with respect to their 1087 00:42:57,180 --> 00:42:59,402 participation ? Because they're they're 1088 00:42:59,402 --> 00:43:01,730 not just obviously labor , they have 1089 00:43:01,730 --> 00:43:03,952 great intellectual capability . How are 1090 00:43:03,952 --> 00:43:06,130 we able Thio ensure that that's 1091 00:43:06,130 --> 00:43:09,740 leveraged and that there thoughts and 1092 00:43:09,740 --> 00:43:12,018 concerns were taken into consideration . 1093 00:43:12,200 --> 00:43:15,720 Congressman across the 50 for From the 1094 00:43:15,720 --> 00:43:18,350 beginning of this , we've been focused 1095 00:43:18,350 --> 00:43:20,406 on the federally supported , locally 1096 00:43:20,406 --> 00:43:22,406 managed , and that has been a great 1097 00:43:22,406 --> 00:43:24,340 opportunity for our guardsmen as 1098 00:43:24,340 --> 00:43:27,320 they're out in able to assist at the 1099 00:43:27,900 --> 00:43:31,320 local level to help local communities 1100 00:43:31,320 --> 00:43:33,960 be able to expedite whether it's food , 1101 00:43:33,960 --> 00:43:36,930 banks or vaccines . Uh , to those in 1102 00:43:36,930 --> 00:43:39,470 need , I'll give you a . For instance , 1103 00:43:39,480 --> 00:43:42,570 this is a quote from the Louisiana 1104 00:43:42,570 --> 00:43:44,459 director of community outreach of 1105 00:43:44,459 --> 00:43:46,626 testing and vaccination programs , and 1106 00:43:46,626 --> 00:43:48,626 he talks about that . The Louisiana 1107 00:43:48,626 --> 00:43:50,737 National Guard have been very helpful 1108 00:43:50,737 --> 00:43:52,792 and assisting them with logistics of 1109 00:43:52,792 --> 00:43:54,903 all the sites with Lynn , Louisiana , 1110 00:43:54,903 --> 00:43:56,903 all the traffic control and they're 1111 00:43:56,903 --> 00:43:59,126 helping getting patients registered and 1112 00:43:59,126 --> 00:44:01,181 really keeping things safe , orderly 1113 00:44:01,181 --> 00:44:03,292 and moving properly and efficiently . 1114 00:44:03,292 --> 00:44:05,290 And so because our guardsmen are 1115 00:44:05,290 --> 00:44:08,000 traditional and they have civilian jobs 1116 00:44:08,010 --> 00:44:10,830 all across , uh , the different 1117 00:44:10,840 --> 00:44:12,840 entities they bring those different 1118 00:44:12,840 --> 00:44:14,840 perspectives and thoughts toe every 1119 00:44:14,840 --> 00:44:17,510 mission set that they go thio . So in 1120 00:44:17,510 --> 00:44:20,120 South Carolina , Major General McCarty 1121 00:44:20,120 --> 00:44:22,980 talks about how those guardsmen are 1122 00:44:22,990 --> 00:44:25,212 able to come up with creative solutions 1123 00:44:25,212 --> 00:44:28,440 to help solve complex problems . And so 1124 00:44:28,450 --> 00:44:31,500 every state is using , uh is working 1125 00:44:31,500 --> 00:44:33,722 with our interagency partners , whether 1126 00:44:33,722 --> 00:44:35,722 it's FEMA or whether it's the state 1127 00:44:35,722 --> 00:44:37,944 Health Department , or whether it's the 1128 00:44:37,944 --> 00:44:40,000 local community to make sure that we 1129 00:44:40,000 --> 00:44:41,778 can support them . A za best is 1130 00:44:41,778 --> 00:44:44,340 possible . Excellent . Thank you , 1131 00:44:44,340 --> 00:44:46,284 General . Thank you , Chairman . I 1132 00:44:46,284 --> 00:44:48,229 appreciate you holding this year . 1133 00:44:48,229 --> 00:44:50,670 Thank you , Mr Turner . Mr . Courtney , 1134 00:44:50,670 --> 00:44:52,510 are you participating ? 1135 00:44:54,690 --> 00:44:57,150 Apparently or not on . So that would be 1136 00:44:57,170 --> 00:45:01,110 my turn . This'll be a question thio 1137 00:45:01,790 --> 00:45:04,340 to first for all of you . It's been an 1138 00:45:04,340 --> 00:45:07,620 extraordinary year , and clearly the U . 1139 00:45:07,620 --> 00:45:09,820 S military all across all of the 1140 00:45:09,820 --> 00:45:12,800 services has been in a very , very 1141 00:45:12,800 --> 00:45:15,480 important part of the American response 1142 00:45:15,550 --> 00:45:19,110 to the pandemic . And I thank you . Uh , 1143 00:45:19,120 --> 00:45:21,840 this morning , as I drove into the 1144 00:45:21,840 --> 00:45:24,460 Rayburn building , I had the pleasure 1145 00:45:24,460 --> 00:45:27,400 of seeing National Guardsmen here in 1146 00:45:27,400 --> 00:45:31,220 the capital protecting us on doing so 1147 00:45:31,220 --> 00:45:33,930 all across the nation . Uh , yesterday , 1148 00:45:33,940 --> 00:45:36,190 the readiness subcommittee did a 1149 00:45:36,200 --> 00:45:39,590 briefing Thio learn from the very from 1150 00:45:39,590 --> 00:45:42,290 the five services the impact on 1151 00:45:42,290 --> 00:45:45,820 readiness . I will just not go through 1152 00:45:45,820 --> 00:45:48,042 all of that and ask you gentlemen to go 1153 00:45:48,042 --> 00:45:51,150 through it again . However , I will put 1154 00:45:51,150 --> 00:45:55,000 it this way . The services have been 1155 00:45:55,010 --> 00:45:58,220 very creative in addressing the issues 1156 00:45:58,690 --> 00:46:01,800 and learning along the way . If we knew 1157 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:04,910 today , if we knew at the beginning 1158 00:46:04,910 --> 00:46:07,920 what we know today , the impacts across 1159 00:46:07,920 --> 00:46:09,920 the military would be significantly 1160 00:46:09,920 --> 00:46:12,840 less . Nevertheless . Learning has 1161 00:46:12,840 --> 00:46:15,410 taken place , there are concerns , and 1162 00:46:15,410 --> 00:46:17,466 we'll go into those concerns in more 1163 00:46:17,466 --> 00:46:19,920 detail in the subcommittee work . Um , 1164 00:46:19,930 --> 00:46:22,620 that my question really goes to the 1165 00:46:22,620 --> 00:46:25,390 future here . The new administration 1166 00:46:25,390 --> 00:46:26,946 wants to use the military , 1167 00:46:26,946 --> 00:46:29,500 particularly the Defense Production Act . 1168 00:46:30,480 --> 00:46:32,647 Mr . Solis is , if you could take this 1169 00:46:32,647 --> 00:46:35,630 issue up what is taking place with 1170 00:46:35,630 --> 00:46:37,797 regard to the Defense Production Act , 1171 00:46:37,797 --> 00:46:40,540 with thinking PP easier , perhaps even 1172 00:46:40,540 --> 00:46:43,000 the issue of vaccinations being 1173 00:46:43,000 --> 00:46:45,490 produced and distributed . So if you 1174 00:46:45,490 --> 00:46:47,601 could talk generally and then perhaps 1175 00:46:47,601 --> 00:46:49,740 specifically , about some examples of 1176 00:46:49,740 --> 00:46:51,970 where the Defense Production Act is or 1177 00:46:51,970 --> 00:46:55,950 is not in operation . Congressman , 1178 00:46:55,950 --> 00:46:57,894 Thank you . I'm gonna , uh , asked 1179 00:46:57,894 --> 00:47:00,117 Brennan Graham , who's with a and asked 1180 00:47:00,117 --> 00:47:02,172 to it he actually manages , oversees 1181 00:47:02,172 --> 00:47:04,172 the Defense Production Act and he's 1182 00:47:04,172 --> 00:47:05,839 going to speak to the front . 1183 00:47:13,980 --> 00:47:16,091 Good morning , Congressman . From the 1184 00:47:16,091 --> 00:47:18,940 defense industrial back , you could 1185 00:47:18,940 --> 00:47:22,810 bring your chair up and have 1186 00:47:22,810 --> 00:47:23,810 at it . 1187 00:47:27,090 --> 00:47:28,979 Please introduce yourself for the 1188 00:47:28,979 --> 00:47:30,979 record . Good morning . All For the 1189 00:47:30,979 --> 00:47:32,868 record , I'm Mr Brent Anger him , 1190 00:47:33,280 --> 00:47:35,391 Department of Defense acquisition and 1191 00:47:35,391 --> 00:47:38,280 Sustainment . Thank you from the 1192 00:47:38,290 --> 00:47:41,100 defense and production at perspective . 1193 00:47:41,480 --> 00:47:43,920 Uh , the department has used some of 1194 00:47:43,920 --> 00:47:45,642 our own resource is along with 1195 00:47:45,642 --> 00:47:48,420 supporting both Health and Human 1196 00:47:48,420 --> 00:47:51,910 Services and FEMA . Thio execute 1197 00:47:52,280 --> 00:47:54,910 a number of on shoring of medical 1198 00:47:54,910 --> 00:47:58,700 resource is across the for the 1199 00:47:58,700 --> 00:48:01,580 need of covert across both ppd testing 1200 00:48:01,580 --> 00:48:04,280 and diagnostics pharmaceuticals . Yeah , 1201 00:48:04,670 --> 00:48:07,860 and 95 masks . So to date , the 1202 00:48:07,870 --> 00:48:10,100 department has awarded about 885 1203 00:48:10,100 --> 00:48:11,990 million in defense production at 1204 00:48:12,000 --> 00:48:15,560 dollars of our own . That has been both 1205 00:48:15,560 --> 00:48:17,616 towards . Medical resource is in the 1206 00:48:17,616 --> 00:48:21,200 defense industrial base , Uh , and then 1207 00:48:21,200 --> 00:48:24,730 about about 1.6 billion on behalf of 1208 00:48:24,730 --> 00:48:28,710 HHS . Um , so we have seen we have done 1209 00:48:28,710 --> 00:48:31,430 in best medical investments to include 1210 00:48:31,430 --> 00:48:35,200 $250 million in N 95 respirator Mass . 1211 00:48:35,770 --> 00:48:38,120 10 million of surgical Mass to get the 1212 00:48:38,120 --> 00:48:40,342 production of over 45 million units per 1213 00:48:40,342 --> 00:48:42,730 month , 22 million in glove production 1214 00:48:43,470 --> 00:48:46,330 for over 30 million units a month , and 1215 00:48:46,330 --> 00:48:48,950 over $880 million in co vid test 1216 00:48:48,950 --> 00:48:51,690 production kits to get over 86 million 1217 00:48:51,690 --> 00:48:55,220 units per month . Are you able 1218 00:48:55,220 --> 00:48:58,660 to does the does the Defense Production 1219 00:48:58,660 --> 00:49:02,650 Act allow for the prioritization 1220 00:49:02,660 --> 00:49:04,660 of both the purchases and then the 1221 00:49:04,660 --> 00:49:08,510 distribution in the 2020 . It was 1222 00:49:08,510 --> 00:49:11,390 principally left up to the states to 1223 00:49:11,390 --> 00:49:14,260 try to acquire the necessary equipment 1224 00:49:14,270 --> 00:49:18,190 PPS on others . Are you 1225 00:49:18,190 --> 00:49:20,570 now using the Defense Production Act to 1226 00:49:20,580 --> 00:49:24,190 coordinate and to , uh , a 1227 00:49:24,190 --> 00:49:27,640 choir and then distribute necessary 1228 00:49:27,640 --> 00:49:30,980 equipment ? PPE s , for example ? So we 1229 00:49:30,980 --> 00:49:33,090 use defense production Acto acquire 1230 00:49:33,090 --> 00:49:35,830 material . I'll say Department of 1231 00:49:35,830 --> 00:49:37,830 Health and Human Services using the 1232 00:49:37,830 --> 00:49:39,886 strategic national stockpile in FEMA 1233 00:49:39,886 --> 00:49:41,830 are are the ones that are actually 1234 00:49:41,830 --> 00:49:44,052 distributing that PPE to the states and 1235 00:49:44,052 --> 00:49:46,163 using their rating systems to be able 1236 00:49:46,163 --> 00:49:48,163 thio prioritize for the states . So 1237 00:49:48,163 --> 00:49:50,960 there remains across the 1238 00:49:52,050 --> 00:49:55,000 nation , a shortage of equipment 1239 00:49:55,970 --> 00:49:58,950 and you're relying . It is the 1240 00:49:58,960 --> 00:50:01,182 Department of Health and Human Services 1241 00:50:01,182 --> 00:50:04,930 and FEMA that are setting the pace 1242 00:50:05,860 --> 00:50:08,360 and then you administer from there , we 1243 00:50:08,360 --> 00:50:11,130 supplied them the products , right , So 1244 00:50:11,130 --> 00:50:12,963 we're doing the from an assisted 1245 00:50:12,963 --> 00:50:15,390 acquisition , providing the contractual 1246 00:50:15,390 --> 00:50:17,557 and acquisition support to procure the 1247 00:50:17,557 --> 00:50:20,810 items in stand up the industrial base 1248 00:50:20,810 --> 00:50:22,532 to be able to produce to their 1249 00:50:22,532 --> 00:50:25,230 requirements . Okay , my time having 1250 00:50:25,230 --> 00:50:27,230 expired . I want to go into this in 1251 00:50:27,230 --> 00:50:30,870 more depth and well have some 1252 00:50:30,870 --> 00:50:33,850 written questions for you about how the 1253 00:50:33,850 --> 00:50:37,150 defense production acts worked . God , 1254 00:50:37,380 --> 00:50:40,340 I will now yield and call on mitts . 1255 00:50:40,350 --> 00:50:42,070 Hartzler Europe next . 1256 00:50:46,760 --> 00:50:49,580 Thank you , Mr Garamendi , And 1257 00:50:49,580 --> 00:50:51,990 appreciate everyone here . All that 1258 00:50:51,990 --> 00:50:54,212 you're doing for our country . I wanted 1259 00:50:54,212 --> 00:50:56,379 to just follow up on what my colleague 1260 00:50:56,379 --> 00:50:58,820 just , uh , ask about even before the 1261 00:50:58,820 --> 00:51:01,350 Pandemic Representative Committee and I 1262 00:51:01,350 --> 00:51:03,510 had introduced a bill to bring back 1263 00:51:03,510 --> 00:51:05,690 pharmaceutical production to America 1264 00:51:05,700 --> 00:51:07,867 because of the vulnerabilities that we 1265 00:51:07,867 --> 00:51:10,089 had discovered with China being a major 1266 00:51:10,089 --> 00:51:11,700 source of our pharmaceutical 1267 00:51:11,700 --> 00:51:14,350 ingredients . And I've been pleased 1268 00:51:14,360 --> 00:51:18,230 that in January of this 1269 00:51:18,230 --> 00:51:20,286 year , the Department of Defense and 1270 00:51:20,286 --> 00:51:23,610 Coordination with HHS awarded a $69.3 1271 00:51:23,610 --> 00:51:25,780 million contract to continuous 1272 00:51:25,780 --> 00:51:28,280 pharmaceuticals to develop a domestic 1273 00:51:28,280 --> 00:51:30,224 production capability for critical 1274 00:51:30,224 --> 00:51:32,336 active pharmaceutical ingredients and 1275 00:51:32,336 --> 00:51:34,336 final dosage from medicines using a 1276 00:51:34,336 --> 00:51:37,170 proprietary , integrated , continuous 1277 00:51:37,170 --> 00:51:40,250 manufacturing technology . And last 1278 00:51:40,250 --> 00:51:42,660 September , D o . D . And HHS also 1279 00:51:42,660 --> 00:51:45,590 signed a $20 million contract with on 1280 00:51:45,590 --> 00:51:47,590 demand pharmaceuticals to develop a 1281 00:51:47,590 --> 00:51:49,860 domestic production capability for 1282 00:51:49,860 --> 00:51:51,582 critical active pharmaceutical 1283 00:51:51,582 --> 00:51:54,980 ingredients . And so my question is , 1284 00:51:54,990 --> 00:51:58,690 um , what capability has been 1285 00:51:58,690 --> 00:52:00,857 provided here in the United States for 1286 00:52:00,857 --> 00:52:02,857 standing up our pharmaceuticals and 1287 00:52:02,857 --> 00:52:05,023 what additional work is the Department 1288 00:52:05,023 --> 00:52:07,190 of Defense doing to secure the medical 1289 00:52:07,190 --> 00:52:09,420 supply chain for our troops through the 1290 00:52:09,420 --> 00:52:12,480 use of the Defense Production Act ? Um , 1291 00:52:12,490 --> 00:52:14,546 are there any additional authorities 1292 00:52:14,546 --> 00:52:16,601 with the department defense that you 1293 00:52:16,601 --> 00:52:19,000 need for Congress to help within this 1294 00:52:19,000 --> 00:52:21,270 effort ? So can you kind of expand a 1295 00:52:21,270 --> 00:52:23,160 little bit on the pharmaceutical 1296 00:52:23,160 --> 00:52:25,800 production has been stood up through 1297 00:52:25,800 --> 00:52:28,700 the Defense Production Act and give us 1298 00:52:28,700 --> 00:52:29,811 an update on that . 1299 00:52:33,050 --> 00:52:34,994 Thank you , Congresswoman . Uh , I 1300 00:52:34,994 --> 00:52:37,050 would like to take that action . For 1301 00:52:37,050 --> 00:52:39,217 the record we provided those . Both of 1302 00:52:39,217 --> 00:52:41,272 those capabilities were on behalf of 1303 00:52:41,272 --> 00:52:44,130 HHS to provide that capability and eso 1304 00:52:44,130 --> 00:52:46,210 as those , uh , those products , 1305 00:52:46,210 --> 00:52:48,380 they're starting to be developed . I'd 1306 00:52:48,380 --> 00:52:50,213 like to get back to you with the 1307 00:52:50,213 --> 00:52:52,380 results on how those air being working 1308 00:52:52,380 --> 00:52:56,280 out . Do you know of those capabilities 1309 00:52:56,280 --> 00:52:58,058 that are being developed ? What 1310 00:52:58,058 --> 00:53:00,280 percentage of those new pharmaceuticals 1311 00:53:00,280 --> 00:53:02,447 will be provided and set aside for our 1312 00:53:02,447 --> 00:53:04,502 men and women in uniform versus just 1313 00:53:04,502 --> 00:53:07,340 the general public ? Both of those 1314 00:53:07,340 --> 00:53:10,570 capabilities would be for , uh , for 1315 00:53:10,570 --> 00:53:12,626 HHS , For the general public , those 1316 00:53:12,626 --> 00:53:14,681 have not been specific for d o . D . 1317 00:53:15,950 --> 00:53:17,783 And are the capabilities just in 1318 00:53:17,783 --> 00:53:21,380 general or are have have has this money 1319 00:53:21,380 --> 00:53:24,390 been dedicated just to covert related 1320 00:53:24,390 --> 00:53:25,180 medicines ? 1321 00:53:28,450 --> 00:53:30,660 Based on the continuous award that was 1322 00:53:30,660 --> 00:53:33,120 focused on , uh , covert related 1323 00:53:33,120 --> 00:53:33,880 medicines . 1324 00:53:37,150 --> 00:53:39,261 Okay , so we're not using the Defense 1325 00:53:39,261 --> 00:53:41,150 Production Act just to expand our 1326 00:53:41,150 --> 00:53:43,390 general pharmaceutical development here 1327 00:53:43,390 --> 00:53:45,446 in the United States . That could be 1328 00:53:45,446 --> 00:53:47,668 helpful for our soldiers . So we're not 1329 00:53:47,668 --> 00:53:49,834 dependent on China . Is that correct ? 1330 00:53:50,150 --> 00:53:52,372 We currently have no Defense Production 1331 00:53:52,372 --> 00:53:55,830 Act awards in that area . Okay . 1332 00:53:55,840 --> 00:53:57,700 Are you aware of any additional 1333 00:53:57,700 --> 00:53:59,740 capabilities that we need here as a 1334 00:53:59,740 --> 00:54:02,230 committee to enable you to help with 1335 00:54:02,230 --> 00:54:04,350 this ? Because we need to certainly 1336 00:54:04,350 --> 00:54:06,572 address this pandemic , but represented 1337 00:54:06,572 --> 00:54:08,517 Garamendi and myself . Many of our 1338 00:54:08,517 --> 00:54:10,683 colleagues here on this call have have 1339 00:54:10,683 --> 00:54:12,739 a lot of concerns for our underlying 1340 00:54:12,739 --> 00:54:14,961 dependence on China with our medicine . 1341 00:54:14,961 --> 00:54:18,040 So do we need to do any anymore through 1342 00:54:18,040 --> 00:54:21,120 the N . D . A . Or legislation to get 1343 00:54:21,120 --> 00:54:23,950 this , um , production developed here . 1344 00:54:23,960 --> 00:54:25,904 So our troops aren't so relying on 1345 00:54:25,904 --> 00:54:28,016 China for some of our basic medicines 1346 00:54:28,016 --> 00:54:31,470 and vaccines . I would recommend that 1347 00:54:31,480 --> 00:54:33,702 we're gonna General Paul Frederick from 1348 00:54:33,702 --> 00:54:35,869 the joint staff Surgeon General . Uh , 1349 00:54:35,869 --> 00:54:37,869 talk about what specific additional 1350 00:54:37,869 --> 00:54:39,924 medicines we may need to support our 1351 00:54:39,924 --> 00:54:39,670 troops . 1352 00:54:45,340 --> 00:54:46,470 Okay , 1353 00:54:50,740 --> 00:54:52,770 Congresswoman , this is Brigadier 1354 00:54:52,770 --> 00:54:54,770 General Paul Friedrichs , the joint 1355 00:54:54,770 --> 00:54:57,370 staff surgeon . And first , I want to 1356 00:54:57,370 --> 00:54:59,270 thank you and the members of this 1357 00:54:59,270 --> 00:55:01,326 committee for the work that you have 1358 00:55:01,326 --> 00:55:03,930 done in this area , because this is an 1359 00:55:03,940 --> 00:55:06,630 absolute concern of ours , and we are 1360 00:55:06,630 --> 00:55:09,040 grateful for the precedent that you've 1361 00:55:09,040 --> 00:55:11,151 said and re looking at this . We have 1362 00:55:11,151 --> 00:55:13,670 gone back through based on the original 1363 00:55:13,670 --> 00:55:17,180 language that you all had drafted and 1364 00:55:17,180 --> 00:55:20,000 looked at those operational medications 1365 00:55:20,010 --> 00:55:22,080 that we rely on in our deployed 1366 00:55:22,090 --> 00:55:25,350 assemblages and identified which ones 1367 00:55:25,710 --> 00:55:28,130 rely on ingredients from other 1368 00:55:28,130 --> 00:55:31,550 countries . We are working with the FDA 1369 00:55:31,560 --> 00:55:33,880 to obtain ingredients for those where 1370 00:55:33,880 --> 00:55:36,140 we've not been able to identify the 1371 00:55:36,140 --> 00:55:38,650 source of origin and to your question 1372 00:55:38,660 --> 00:55:41,410 about what other steps need to be taken , 1373 00:55:41,410 --> 00:55:43,354 that is really the next step is to 1374 00:55:43,354 --> 00:55:45,440 understand fully through the global 1375 00:55:45,450 --> 00:55:47,710 supply chain where all of the 1376 00:55:47,720 --> 00:55:50,160 ingredients come from and ensure that 1377 00:55:50,160 --> 00:55:52,540 pharmaceutical companies are able to 1378 00:55:52,540 --> 00:55:54,707 share that information with us so that 1379 00:55:54,707 --> 00:55:57,660 we can then identify what risk there is 1380 00:55:57,660 --> 00:55:59,827 to those medications in our deployable 1381 00:55:59,827 --> 00:56:02,020 assemblages . We continue to work 1382 00:56:02,020 --> 00:56:03,742 closely with the Food and Drug 1383 00:56:03,742 --> 00:56:05,798 Administration and the Department of 1384 00:56:05,798 --> 00:56:08,220 Health and Human Services on this as we 1385 00:56:08,220 --> 00:56:10,660 identify those risks and then identify 1386 00:56:10,660 --> 00:56:12,938 opportunities to mitigate . Um , ma'am , 1387 00:56:12,938 --> 00:56:14,938 I hope that answers your question . 1388 00:56:15,130 --> 00:56:17,510 Thank you . It's very helpful . And I 1389 00:56:17,510 --> 00:56:19,566 look forward to working with you and 1390 00:56:19,566 --> 00:56:21,732 try to get this information as quickly 1391 00:56:21,732 --> 00:56:23,788 as possible . But thank you for your 1392 00:56:23,788 --> 00:56:26,121 time there , Mr Chairman . Are you back ? 1393 00:56:26,330 --> 00:56:28,386 Thank you very much , Miss harshly . 1394 00:56:28,386 --> 00:56:30,608 Thank you , General , for your response 1395 00:56:30,608 --> 00:56:32,750 on that . In the larger context , we 1396 00:56:32,750 --> 00:56:35,550 have discovered that much of what we 1397 00:56:35,550 --> 00:56:37,780 depend upon for the military and for 1398 00:56:37,780 --> 00:56:40,750 our domestic use in this pandemic and 1399 00:56:40,750 --> 00:56:42,840 beyond is not produced in America . 1400 00:56:43,690 --> 00:56:45,830 This is one example of that problem . 1401 00:56:45,830 --> 00:56:48,052 And there are numerous other examples . 1402 00:56:48,330 --> 00:56:50,350 The President has established a buy 1403 00:56:50,350 --> 00:56:52,610 American policy and that's for the 1404 00:56:52,610 --> 00:56:54,370 military as well as all other 1405 00:56:54,380 --> 00:56:56,547 government purchases . And so we'll be 1406 00:56:56,547 --> 00:56:58,769 following that along closely . We would 1407 00:56:58,769 --> 00:57:00,436 appreciate some more detailed 1408 00:57:00,436 --> 00:57:02,380 information on this pharmaceutical 1409 00:57:02,380 --> 00:57:05,320 issue . Our next witness is Excuse me . 1410 00:57:05,320 --> 00:57:07,970 Our next questioner , Mr Carvajal 1411 00:57:07,980 --> 00:57:11,050 Europe . Listen . 1412 00:57:11,930 --> 00:57:15,370 Thank you , Mr Chair . General General 1413 00:57:15,370 --> 00:57:17,380 North Haas . In the weeks since the 1414 00:57:17,380 --> 00:57:19,530 National Guard mobilized to respond 1415 00:57:19,540 --> 00:57:23,220 January January 6 , violent extremist 1416 00:57:23,220 --> 00:57:25,250 insurrection mob And for the 1417 00:57:25,250 --> 00:57:27,890 presidential inauguration , there were 1418 00:57:27,890 --> 00:57:30,310 reports that hundreds of Guard members 1419 00:57:30,320 --> 00:57:32,542 on duty and D . C . Tested positive for 1420 00:57:32,542 --> 00:57:36,130 covered 19 . What procedure ? The Guard 1421 00:57:36,130 --> 00:57:38,241 have in place the test members before 1422 00:57:38,241 --> 00:57:41,200 arriving in D . C . While in D . C or 1423 00:57:41,200 --> 00:57:43,670 before returning home , did the guard 1424 00:57:43,670 --> 00:57:45,740 conduct contact tracing for members 1425 00:57:45,740 --> 00:57:47,930 suggested positive . And the reason I 1426 00:57:47,930 --> 00:57:49,874 ask is that I think it goes to the 1427 00:57:49,874 --> 00:57:52,070 heart of our readiness . Do we already 1428 00:57:52,070 --> 00:57:54,237 have the infrastructure and procedures 1429 00:57:54,237 --> 00:57:57,750 and protocols in place to protect our 1430 00:57:57,750 --> 00:57:59,990 service members as well as those that 1431 00:57:59,990 --> 00:58:02,030 they are around ? 1432 00:58:05,320 --> 00:58:07,431 Congressman , thank you very much for 1433 00:58:07,431 --> 00:58:09,840 the question . Um , we follow all CDC 1434 00:58:09,840 --> 00:58:11,780 guidance and Aziz , those folks 1435 00:58:11,780 --> 00:58:14,640 deployed , um , you know , they dio 1436 00:58:14,650 --> 00:58:16,890 testing and , uh , screening from a 1437 00:58:16,900 --> 00:58:19,660 standpoint of temperature thio checks 1438 00:58:19,670 --> 00:58:21,670 to make sure that they're healthy , 1439 00:58:21,670 --> 00:58:23,781 they pass the questionnaires and then 1440 00:58:23,781 --> 00:58:26,430 they deployed into ah D . C . I will 1441 00:58:26,430 --> 00:58:30,250 say that , uh , the positives once we 1442 00:58:30,320 --> 00:58:32,600 tested somebody , they go through the 1443 00:58:32,600 --> 00:58:35,500 normal health requirements there to get 1444 00:58:35,500 --> 00:58:38,050 tested . Um , if they tested positive , 1445 00:58:38,050 --> 00:58:40,430 The D . C . National Guard on the 1446 00:58:40,430 --> 00:58:42,208 organization worked through the 1447 00:58:42,208 --> 00:58:44,430 contract tracing to make sure that they 1448 00:58:44,430 --> 00:58:46,541 identified members that needed toe go 1449 00:58:46,541 --> 00:58:48,850 in tow , restriction of movement on , 1450 00:58:48,850 --> 00:58:51,190 and they continued that , um , over the 1451 00:58:51,190 --> 00:58:53,640 last , uh , you know , month now . And 1452 00:58:53,640 --> 00:58:55,751 I will say that from the numbers I've 1453 00:58:55,751 --> 00:58:57,973 seen , they've done a really good job . 1454 00:58:57,973 --> 00:59:00,140 And they've continued to reduce that , 1455 00:59:00,140 --> 00:59:02,140 um , to be able to find where those 1456 00:59:02,140 --> 00:59:04,196 positives are and then , uh , do the 1457 00:59:04,196 --> 00:59:05,973 contract tracing to appropriate 1458 00:59:05,973 --> 00:59:08,140 restriction of movement to ensure that 1459 00:59:08,140 --> 00:59:10,307 they could minimize any impacts to the 1460 00:59:10,307 --> 00:59:13,990 mission . Thank you , General 1461 00:59:14,000 --> 00:59:17,130 Colin . Pierrot , I if I heard 1462 00:59:17,130 --> 00:59:19,210 correctly , one third of our service 1463 00:59:19,210 --> 00:59:21,640 members are refusing the vaccination . 1464 00:59:22,320 --> 00:59:24,980 What the department doing to reach out 1465 00:59:24,980 --> 00:59:26,980 to our service members to encourage 1466 00:59:26,980 --> 00:59:29,810 them to be vaccinated . And when I 1467 00:59:29,810 --> 00:59:31,930 served in the Marine Corps , I don't 1468 00:59:31,930 --> 00:59:34,097 think I was ever given an option about 1469 00:59:34,097 --> 00:59:36,208 my vaccinations . We just got in line 1470 00:59:36,208 --> 00:59:38,540 and zapped us and everybody got it . 1471 00:59:38,550 --> 00:59:40,830 And that was just the way it waas . Are 1472 00:59:40,830 --> 00:59:42,880 you saying that now we have a new 1473 00:59:42,880 --> 00:59:44,820 approach to vaccinations for our 1474 00:59:44,820 --> 00:59:48,620 service members . Congressman , 1475 00:59:48,620 --> 00:59:50,970 I wouldn't say we have a new approach . 1476 00:59:50,980 --> 00:59:53,520 There's still a variety of vaccinations 1477 00:59:53,520 --> 00:59:55,830 that air mandatory . The fact that this 1478 00:59:55,830 --> 00:59:58,200 is authorized under emergency use 1479 00:59:58,200 --> 01:00:01,930 authorization is what puts it in the 1480 01:00:01,930 --> 01:00:04,730 category of being a voluntary 1481 01:00:04,740 --> 01:00:08,390 vaccination and you know , I 1482 01:00:08,400 --> 01:00:10,540 think it's most effective to think 1483 01:00:10,540 --> 01:00:12,707 about the numbers that have accepted . 1484 01:00:13,110 --> 01:00:15,060 Um , certainly service members can 1485 01:00:15,060 --> 01:00:18,510 accept . Or , you know , we we don't we 1486 01:00:18,510 --> 01:00:21,830 don't precisely know an individual has 1487 01:00:21,830 --> 01:00:25,340 not received a vaccine . We think it's 1488 01:00:25,340 --> 01:00:28,500 important that this the department 1489 01:00:28,500 --> 01:00:30,667 continue to communicate to our service 1490 01:00:30,667 --> 01:00:34,010 members the value of the vaccine , the 1491 01:00:34,020 --> 01:00:36,780 safety of the vaccine with continued 1492 01:00:36,780 --> 01:00:38,950 leadership involvement to help our 1493 01:00:38,950 --> 01:00:40,839 service members understand that . 1494 01:00:42,310 --> 01:00:45,880 Thank you , Mr Celeste says . I 1495 01:00:45,880 --> 01:00:47,991 appreciate the support the department 1496 01:00:47,991 --> 01:00:49,880 has provided to states throughout 1497 01:00:49,910 --> 01:00:52,460 providing personnel , protesting sites , 1498 01:00:52,470 --> 01:00:54,940 food distribution and designating 1499 01:00:55,410 --> 01:00:57,490 culture . They care facilities . I 1500 01:00:57,490 --> 01:00:59,268 understand . The department has 1501 01:00:59,268 --> 01:01:01,490 announced that it will send active duty 1502 01:01:01,490 --> 01:01:03,546 service members to support five FEMA 1503 01:01:03,546 --> 01:01:05,546 vaccination sites and are currently 1504 01:01:05,546 --> 01:01:08,110 evaluating additional requests . What 1505 01:01:08,110 --> 01:01:10,390 criteria does the department use when 1506 01:01:10,390 --> 01:01:12,240 evaluating these requests ? 1507 01:01:14,410 --> 01:01:16,466 Congressman , We obviously look at a 1508 01:01:16,466 --> 01:01:18,720 number of factors . First of all , 1509 01:01:18,730 --> 01:01:21,400 obviously , because of the demand for 1510 01:01:21,400 --> 01:01:23,400 vaccine support , that's that's the 1511 01:01:23,400 --> 01:01:25,622 priority for the nation . And obviously 1512 01:01:25,622 --> 01:01:28,010 we want to support that . We also look 1513 01:01:28,010 --> 01:01:30,440 at the types of people that were 1514 01:01:30,440 --> 01:01:33,410 providing medics , Corman nurses and 1515 01:01:33,410 --> 01:01:35,466 obviously evaluate the impact on the 1516 01:01:35,466 --> 01:01:38,530 department . The department is is ready 1517 01:01:38,530 --> 01:01:40,970 prepared to support all of these 1518 01:01:40,970 --> 01:01:43,081 vaccine centers that we've identified 1519 01:01:43,081 --> 01:01:45,081 and working with FEMA , the ones in 1520 01:01:45,081 --> 01:01:47,192 California . As you mentioned , we've 1521 01:01:47,192 --> 01:01:49,480 got once plan for New York and Texas 1522 01:01:49,490 --> 01:01:51,546 and will work very closely with FEMA 1523 01:01:51,546 --> 01:01:53,450 going forward , depending on the 1524 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:56,620 availability of medical people , nurses , 1525 01:01:56,620 --> 01:01:58,564 medics , Corman and those types of 1526 01:01:58,564 --> 01:02:00,787 things . We weigh all of those things . 1527 01:02:00,787 --> 01:02:02,842 But we understand this is a priority 1528 01:02:02,842 --> 01:02:05,009 for the nation , and the department is 1529 01:02:05,009 --> 01:02:07,064 ready and postures to support . No , 1530 01:02:07,064 --> 01:02:10,930 these vaccine center . Thank you , Mr 1531 01:02:10,930 --> 01:02:14,050 Chair . I yield back . Uh , thank you , 1532 01:02:14,060 --> 01:02:16,430 Mr Whitman . You're up next . 1533 01:02:19,300 --> 01:02:21,467 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I appreciate 1534 01:02:21,467 --> 01:02:23,411 our witnesses joining us today . I 1535 01:02:23,411 --> 01:02:25,467 wanted to go to Mr Saleh sis and ask 1536 01:02:25,467 --> 01:02:28,370 him , uh , specifically what Department 1537 01:02:28,370 --> 01:02:32,310 of Defense is doing for our critical 1538 01:02:32,320 --> 01:02:35,080 civilian support structure for the 1539 01:02:35,080 --> 01:02:37,024 military . And I'll give you a new 1540 01:02:37,024 --> 01:02:39,920 example . Newport News Shipbuilding is 1541 01:02:39,930 --> 01:02:42,440 one of our contractors that requires 1542 01:02:42,440 --> 01:02:44,662 individuals to work in close quarters , 1543 01:02:44,662 --> 01:02:46,384 and therefore vaccinations are 1544 01:02:46,384 --> 01:02:48,610 critically important for them . Last 1545 01:02:48,610 --> 01:02:50,443 week , they didn't receive their 1546 01:02:50,443 --> 01:02:52,221 allocation of vaccines from the 1547 01:02:52,221 --> 01:02:54,277 Virginia Department of Health . When 1548 01:02:54,277 --> 01:02:56,540 that happens , that interrupts their 1549 01:02:56,540 --> 01:02:59,940 ability to obviously the build chips . 1550 01:02:59,940 --> 01:03:02,910 And that's that is I know common with a 1551 01:03:02,910 --> 01:03:05,610 number of other folks that , uh , that 1552 01:03:06,000 --> 01:03:08,111 provide critical support services for 1553 01:03:08,111 --> 01:03:10,222 the United States . Military building 1554 01:03:10,222 --> 01:03:12,167 systems that required Thio work in 1555 01:03:12,167 --> 01:03:14,500 close quarters and vaccinations are key . 1556 01:03:14,500 --> 01:03:16,722 What ? What's the Department of Defense 1557 01:03:16,722 --> 01:03:18,556 doing to assure that there's not 1558 01:03:18,556 --> 01:03:21,150 interruption of those of those efforts 1559 01:03:21,150 --> 01:03:23,910 there and making sure that the 1560 01:03:23,920 --> 01:03:26,640 federally required vaccines are 1561 01:03:26,640 --> 01:03:29,160 distributed to federal contractors who 1562 01:03:29,170 --> 01:03:31,170 again , by the very nature of their 1563 01:03:31,170 --> 01:03:33,226 work , are required to work in close 1564 01:03:33,226 --> 01:03:35,281 quarters ? Uh , and making sure that 1565 01:03:35,281 --> 01:03:37,503 they are doing their job to support our 1566 01:03:37,503 --> 01:03:39,614 brave men and women of the military ? 1567 01:03:40,500 --> 01:03:42,222 So , Congressman , again , the 1568 01:03:42,222 --> 01:03:44,630 department has has worked very closely 1569 01:03:44,640 --> 01:03:47,070 toe look at our beneficiaries , our 1570 01:03:47,070 --> 01:03:49,300 military , our civilian and specific 1571 01:03:49,300 --> 01:03:51,522 contracts support . That's the directly 1572 01:03:51,522 --> 01:03:53,770 provided to the department , for 1573 01:03:53,780 --> 01:03:56,580 example , the Newport Shipyard , as you 1574 01:03:56,580 --> 01:03:58,802 indicated , that that's being supported 1575 01:03:58,802 --> 01:04:01,820 by the state allocation . And so as we 1576 01:04:01,820 --> 01:04:03,931 look to the future , obviously any of 1577 01:04:03,931 --> 01:04:06,240 these critical areas were willing to 1578 01:04:06,240 --> 01:04:08,350 and obviously going to talk to these 1579 01:04:08,350 --> 01:04:11,410 organizations , uh , to see how in what 1580 01:04:11,410 --> 01:04:15,040 we can do to assist . But as we see the 1581 01:04:15,050 --> 01:04:18,120 increase in vaccination , uh , 1582 01:04:18,130 --> 01:04:20,940 capability from Pfizer , Madonna will 1583 01:04:20,940 --> 01:04:23,310 be able Thio provide more support 1584 01:04:23,590 --> 01:04:25,570 collectively to these critical , 1585 01:04:25,570 --> 01:04:27,792 essential workers , uh , that have been 1586 01:04:27,792 --> 01:04:29,903 identified and each one of the states 1587 01:04:29,903 --> 01:04:31,980 following the CDC guidance again . 1588 01:04:31,980 --> 01:04:34,202 Essential workers Air identified , Uh , 1589 01:04:34,202 --> 01:04:36,460 eso I'm optimistic that , uh , the 1590 01:04:36,460 --> 01:04:39,270 Newport ship building community will be 1591 01:04:39,270 --> 01:04:41,548 receiving their vaccine in short order . 1592 01:04:42,990 --> 01:04:45,800 E just hope follow up with not just 1593 01:04:45,800 --> 01:04:47,911 Newport News but other companies that 1594 01:04:47,911 --> 01:04:50,070 perform critical functions for our 1595 01:04:50,080 --> 01:04:52,191 military to make sure that there's no 1596 01:04:52,191 --> 01:04:54,024 interruption in vaccines there , 1597 01:04:54,024 --> 01:04:55,969 because when it does , it's a work 1598 01:04:55,969 --> 01:04:58,080 percent eruption . And that's not not 1599 01:04:58,080 --> 01:05:00,136 what what we need to be doing . Uh , 1600 01:05:00,136 --> 01:05:02,247 one other , uh , one other . Question 1601 01:05:02,247 --> 01:05:04,550 two is about health protection , 1602 01:05:04,550 --> 01:05:07,810 condition levels . What latitude , Uh , 1603 01:05:08,190 --> 01:05:10,520 do local commanders have in changing 1604 01:05:10,520 --> 01:05:12,742 health protection condition levels ? In 1605 01:05:12,742 --> 01:05:14,853 other words , are you giving them the 1606 01:05:14,853 --> 01:05:17,020 flexibility , determined conditions on 1607 01:05:17,020 --> 01:05:18,853 a literally a day by day basis ? 1608 01:05:18,853 --> 01:05:22,000 Because , uh , they know best about 1609 01:05:22,000 --> 01:05:25,420 what what's needed to protect the 1610 01:05:25,420 --> 01:05:27,860 health of their of their people under 1611 01:05:27,860 --> 01:05:30,260 their command . Congressman , there is 1612 01:05:30,260 --> 01:05:32,520 that flexibility to do that . I'll turn 1613 01:05:32,520 --> 01:05:34,631 it over to the joint staff , but it's 1614 01:05:34,631 --> 01:05:36,853 obviously depending upon the positivity 1615 01:05:36,853 --> 01:05:38,298 rate within the community 1616 01:05:38,298 --> 01:05:40,353 hospitalization rate , and obviously 1617 01:05:40,353 --> 01:05:42,520 those air the indicators but the local 1618 01:05:42,520 --> 01:05:44,687 commanders set the at the installation 1619 01:05:44,687 --> 01:05:46,687 set . The health condition levels . 1620 01:05:47,990 --> 01:05:50,760 Congressman is General Tolliver . We 1621 01:05:50,760 --> 01:05:52,927 think you're exactly right that nobody 1622 01:05:52,927 --> 01:05:55,149 knows better than the local commander . 1623 01:05:55,149 --> 01:05:57,580 What's happening in that local area ? 1624 01:05:57,590 --> 01:06:00,070 Especially connections . The local 1625 01:06:00,070 --> 01:06:02,300 leaders , whether that z 1626 01:06:02,780 --> 01:06:06,510 leadership or medical facilities . And 1627 01:06:06,510 --> 01:06:08,980 while d o d instructions give general 1628 01:06:08,980 --> 01:06:10,990 guidance of things to consider its 1629 01:06:10,990 --> 01:06:13,280 fully within the hands of local 1630 01:06:13,280 --> 01:06:15,800 commanders to make that decision . 1631 01:06:18,480 --> 01:06:20,147 Very good . Well , listen , I 1632 01:06:20,147 --> 01:06:22,369 appreciate that . That's E knows . I've 1633 01:06:22,369 --> 01:06:24,091 spoken to some local command . 1634 01:06:30,280 --> 01:06:32,613 Mr . Whitman , we seem to have lost you , 1635 01:06:37,480 --> 01:06:38,290 Mr Whitman . 1636 01:06:41,080 --> 01:06:44,320 We will move on . And if Mr Whitman 1637 01:06:44,320 --> 01:06:48,170 comes back , he's late . Our 1638 01:06:48,170 --> 01:06:50,450 next witnesses . Excuse me . Our next 1639 01:06:50,540 --> 01:06:54,510 question here is Mr Brown . Thank 1640 01:06:54,510 --> 01:06:56,510 you , Mr Chairman . And thank you , 1641 01:06:56,510 --> 01:06:58,780 gentlemen , for being here today . Eso 1642 01:06:58,780 --> 01:07:01,290 we've heard during the testimony that , 1643 01:07:01,680 --> 01:07:04,950 uh , the department can mandate a 1644 01:07:04,950 --> 01:07:08,410 vaccine if it's formerly licensed by 1645 01:07:08,410 --> 01:07:11,920 the FDA . Is that authority to 1646 01:07:11,920 --> 01:07:14,220 mandate a vaccine ? Let's say , for 1647 01:07:14,220 --> 01:07:17,510 example , influenza or when the service 1648 01:07:17,510 --> 01:07:19,800 member deploys to an area where a 1649 01:07:19,800 --> 01:07:22,820 vaccination is required . Is that 1650 01:07:22,820 --> 01:07:26,820 expressed authority granted in statute 1651 01:07:26,820 --> 01:07:30,790 by Congress ? Or is that the the 1652 01:07:30,790 --> 01:07:33,270 power of the president , As commander 1653 01:07:33,270 --> 01:07:34,100 in chief 1654 01:07:37,570 --> 01:07:39,792 and congressman , I'm going to defer to 1655 01:07:39,792 --> 01:07:42,070 General Friedrichs Joint staff surgeon . 1656 01:07:42,580 --> 01:07:44,802 Congressman , this is Brigadier General 1657 01:07:44,802 --> 01:07:47,024 Paul Friedrichs . Thank you very much . 1658 01:07:47,024 --> 01:07:49,136 That is authority vested in statute . 1659 01:07:49,136 --> 01:07:51,850 And the statute is written to state 1660 01:07:51,850 --> 01:07:54,840 that those drugs which are not under an 1661 01:07:54,840 --> 01:07:56,896 emergency use authorization , can be 1662 01:07:56,896 --> 01:07:59,890 mandated . Those which are under an 1663 01:07:59,890 --> 01:08:02,810 emergency use authorization may not be 1664 01:08:02,810 --> 01:08:05,210 mandated except in certain 1665 01:08:05,210 --> 01:08:07,570 extraordinary circumstances . Laid out 1666 01:08:07,580 --> 01:08:11,380 in the statute does that s O which . 1667 01:08:11,390 --> 01:08:13,612 No , I really appreciate that . I wanna 1668 01:08:13,612 --> 01:08:16,440 kind of flush that out so that , uh , 1669 01:08:16,450 --> 01:08:18,640 Congress that we make sure that you 1670 01:08:18,640 --> 01:08:21,810 have the tools you need is there in the 1671 01:08:21,810 --> 01:08:25,650 planning in the forecasting for when it 1672 01:08:25,650 --> 01:08:27,539 comes to the take up rates of the 1673 01:08:27,539 --> 01:08:31,400 vaccine . Um , uh , is there 1674 01:08:31,410 --> 01:08:33,700 Is there a scenario in which the 1675 01:08:33,700 --> 01:08:37,000 department might exercise the authority 1676 01:08:37,000 --> 01:08:39,890 to mandate the cove in 19 1677 01:08:39,970 --> 01:08:43,280 vaccination under this , um , 1678 01:08:44,570 --> 01:08:47,590 this emergency use authorization ? 1679 01:08:48,370 --> 01:08:50,703 Congressman , from a medical standpoint , 1680 01:08:50,703 --> 01:08:53,560 I believe the legislation which you and 1681 01:08:53,560 --> 01:08:55,338 your colleagues have written is 1682 01:08:55,338 --> 01:08:58,170 sufficient to address the circumstances 1683 01:08:58,170 --> 01:09:02,020 that we're facing today on . It's very 1684 01:09:02,020 --> 01:09:03,860 clear legislation . We've worked 1685 01:09:03,870 --> 01:09:06,080 closely with our Office of General 1686 01:09:06,080 --> 01:09:09,840 Counsel toe understand the intent and 1687 01:09:09,840 --> 01:09:12,520 the specifics of the legislation . Eso 1688 01:09:12,530 --> 01:09:14,697 way . Believe that you have given very 1689 01:09:14,697 --> 01:09:18,090 essentially . So essentially , you , 1690 01:09:18,100 --> 01:09:20,690 the department could mandate 1691 01:09:22,070 --> 01:09:24,900 that a service member received the Kobe 1692 01:09:24,900 --> 01:09:27,230 19 vaccination under under the 1693 01:09:27,230 --> 01:09:29,230 statutory authorization provided by 1694 01:09:29,230 --> 01:09:31,286 Congress . No , sir . The department 1695 01:09:31,286 --> 01:09:33,850 could not mandate that the department . 1696 01:09:33,860 --> 01:09:35,749 Okay , But you said under certain 1697 01:09:35,749 --> 01:09:37,971 circumstances what ? Give us an example 1698 01:09:37,971 --> 01:09:40,027 of what would be that circumstance . 1699 01:09:40,027 --> 01:09:42,510 Where even with , uh , the emergency 1700 01:09:42,510 --> 01:09:45,670 use authorization from the FDA , which 1701 01:09:45,670 --> 01:09:48,640 is not the formal license you could you 1702 01:09:48,640 --> 01:09:50,251 could mandate the cove in 19 1703 01:09:50,251 --> 01:09:51,918 vaccination . What would be a 1704 01:09:51,918 --> 01:09:53,640 circumstance ? So there are no 1705 01:09:53,640 --> 01:09:55,751 circumstances where the Department of 1706 01:09:55,751 --> 01:09:57,862 Defense has the legislative authority 1707 01:09:57,862 --> 01:10:00,880 to do that on we can provide in a 1708 01:10:00,890 --> 01:10:02,723 written response back to you the 1709 01:10:02,723 --> 01:10:04,860 specific language on that the certain 1710 01:10:04,860 --> 01:10:06,804 circumstances would require action 1711 01:10:06,810 --> 01:10:08,810 outside the Department of Defense . 1712 01:10:09,660 --> 01:10:11,604 Okay , now I understand that . And 1713 01:10:11,604 --> 01:10:14,440 thanks for the clarifying that Congress 1714 01:10:14,450 --> 01:10:16,561 can I add to that discussion , though 1715 01:10:16,561 --> 01:10:19,240 this is , uh , Bob Silas is I do think 1716 01:10:19,240 --> 01:10:21,351 that we're in the beginning phases of 1717 01:10:21,351 --> 01:10:23,870 this , uh , vaccine . And as General 1718 01:10:23,870 --> 01:10:25,981 Tolliver pointed out , I do think the 1719 01:10:25,981 --> 01:10:28,940 opportunity to educate , inform and 1720 01:10:28,940 --> 01:10:31,210 make sure that our service members are 1721 01:10:31,210 --> 01:10:33,750 civilians . And contractors really 1722 01:10:33,750 --> 01:10:35,806 understand the benefit of this going 1723 01:10:35,806 --> 01:10:37,528 forward . I think we'll reduce 1724 01:10:37,528 --> 01:10:40,610 significantly . Thank you . Are 1725 01:10:40,610 --> 01:10:43,180 you keeping data ? Are 1726 01:10:43,180 --> 01:10:46,830 you , uh , surveying the 1727 01:10:46,830 --> 01:10:50,050 force on by demographics ? Who's 1728 01:10:50,050 --> 01:10:52,120 accepting the vaccine and who's not 1729 01:10:52,120 --> 01:10:55,320 either by gender , race , ethnicity or 1730 01:10:55,320 --> 01:10:58,010 any other relevant factor . And I ask 1731 01:10:58,010 --> 01:11:00,750 that because , um , there is a lower 1732 01:11:00,750 --> 01:11:03,940 take up rate in many communities around 1733 01:11:03,940 --> 01:11:06,070 the country . Uh , in communities of 1734 01:11:06,070 --> 01:11:08,860 color . Are you gathering or collecting 1735 01:11:08,860 --> 01:11:11,080 that data ? Are you making those 1736 01:11:11,080 --> 01:11:14,230 observations ? Congressman , this is 1737 01:11:14,230 --> 01:11:16,341 Brigadier General Friedrichs from the 1738 01:11:16,341 --> 01:11:18,063 joint staff again . Eso we are 1739 01:11:18,063 --> 01:11:20,790 collecting that data on acceptance rate . 1740 01:11:21,160 --> 01:11:23,160 And as General Tolliver and General 1741 01:11:23,160 --> 01:11:25,520 Nordhaus mentioned , our experience 1742 01:11:25,610 --> 01:11:28,080 mirrors the preliminary data that we're 1743 01:11:28,080 --> 01:11:30,770 seeing in other communities . We're 1744 01:11:30,780 --> 01:11:32,502 actually digging into that and 1745 01:11:32,502 --> 01:11:34,613 continuing to collect more data as we 1746 01:11:34,613 --> 01:11:37,070 administer more vaccines . As we 1747 01:11:37,070 --> 01:11:39,070 mentioned , the first priorities or 1748 01:11:39,070 --> 01:11:41,126 health care workers . And that's the 1749 01:11:41,126 --> 01:11:43,070 group for which I mean by race and 1750 01:11:43,070 --> 01:11:45,310 ethnicity . Are you collecting data by 1751 01:11:45,310 --> 01:11:47,643 race and ethnicity ? Yes , sir , we are . 1752 01:11:48,160 --> 01:11:50,327 And okay . Thank you . Mr Chairman . I 1753 01:11:50,327 --> 01:11:52,880 yield back . Thank you , Mr Brown . 1754 01:11:53,260 --> 01:11:55,750 Thank you for those questions . I think 1755 01:11:55,750 --> 01:11:57,670 we've gone through this issue of 1756 01:11:57,680 --> 01:11:59,920 vaccination and required or not 1757 01:11:59,920 --> 01:12:03,660 required . Uh , Mr Scott , you're next . 1758 01:12:04,650 --> 01:12:06,706 Thank you , Mr Chairman . And , uh , 1759 01:12:06,706 --> 01:12:08,872 gentlemen , thanks for being here . My 1760 01:12:08,872 --> 01:12:11,039 question revolves somewhat around data 1761 01:12:11,039 --> 01:12:12,928 as well , uh , minus specifically 1762 01:12:12,928 --> 01:12:15,350 geared towards the infection rates and 1763 01:12:15,360 --> 01:12:17,480 or the infection rates that we're 1764 01:12:17,480 --> 01:12:21,170 seeing in the d o . D . Different from 1765 01:12:21,170 --> 01:12:23,281 the infection rates that we're seeing 1766 01:12:23,281 --> 01:12:26,040 in the general public . Uh , it's it's 1767 01:12:26,040 --> 01:12:29,380 so , uh , what are the trends that 1768 01:12:29,380 --> 01:12:31,547 we're seeing ? We see obviously have a 1769 01:12:31,547 --> 01:12:33,658 more controlled environment than than 1770 01:12:33,658 --> 01:12:35,658 the general public does . So , um , 1771 01:12:35,658 --> 01:12:37,658 infection rates and the trends with 1772 01:12:37,658 --> 01:12:39,491 regard to those rates versus the 1773 01:12:39,491 --> 01:12:41,602 general public . What are we seeing ? 1774 01:12:41,602 --> 01:12:43,824 Congressman , this is Brigadier General 1775 01:12:43,824 --> 01:12:45,991 Friedrichs , the joint staff surgeon . 1776 01:12:45,991 --> 01:12:47,880 Thank you very much . Eso we have 1777 01:12:47,880 --> 01:12:50,102 aggressively implemented there's public 1778 01:12:50,102 --> 01:12:51,880 health measures that the 500 is 1779 01:12:51,880 --> 01:12:54,102 recommended . And as a result , we have 1780 01:12:54,102 --> 01:12:57,520 seen a lower percent positive test rate 1781 01:12:57,590 --> 01:13:00,120 in our population than in the general 1782 01:13:00,120 --> 01:13:02,750 public over the last year . And that's 1783 01:13:02,750 --> 01:13:04,750 been very consistent for the active 1784 01:13:04,750 --> 01:13:08,550 duty force a Swede gone forward . Our 1785 01:13:08,560 --> 01:13:12,230 overall number of cases has risen and 1786 01:13:12,230 --> 01:13:14,900 fallen as the number of cases across 1787 01:13:14,900 --> 01:13:17,370 the United States has risen and fallen . 1788 01:13:17,380 --> 01:13:19,602 So we have mirrored what's happening in 1789 01:13:19,602 --> 01:13:21,840 the communities where our bases are 1790 01:13:21,840 --> 01:13:24,860 located . But the percent of our force , 1791 01:13:24,860 --> 01:13:27,200 which is tested positive , has been 1792 01:13:27,200 --> 01:13:29,300 lower than what we've seen in other 1793 01:13:29,300 --> 01:13:31,920 communities . In addition , we've seen 1794 01:13:31,930 --> 01:13:34,910 our percent of the force who require 1795 01:13:34,920 --> 01:13:38,050 hospitalization . And although we have 1796 01:13:38,060 --> 01:13:40,500 had a few members of the force who have 1797 01:13:40,510 --> 01:13:43,080 died as a result of covert infections , 1798 01:13:43,450 --> 01:13:46,170 uh , that is a smaller number than in 1799 01:13:46,170 --> 01:13:48,630 the general public , in part because we 1800 01:13:48,630 --> 01:13:51,260 have a younger population . And in 1801 01:13:51,260 --> 01:13:53,850 general , they're fairly active on 1802 01:13:53,850 --> 01:13:56,400 healthy , has tow serve , harking back 1803 01:13:56,400 --> 01:13:58,178 to the days of front Reagan and 1804 01:13:58,178 --> 01:14:00,122 recognized some of the traditional 1805 01:14:00,122 --> 01:14:03,330 conservative values and issues . Party 1806 01:14:03,330 --> 01:14:05,890 strong . Alright , So , Jim Bank Jim 1807 01:14:05,890 --> 01:14:07,770 Banks has chimed in on my time . 1808 01:14:09,240 --> 01:14:10,050 Um , 1809 01:14:12,540 --> 01:14:15,100 how much ? How much difference are you 1810 01:14:15,100 --> 01:14:19,090 seeing in the in the rates versus the 1811 01:14:19,090 --> 01:14:21,970 general public ? Congressman ? I'm 1812 01:14:21,970 --> 01:14:24,192 sorry . Could you repeat the question , 1813 01:14:24,192 --> 01:14:27,350 sir ? Are we 10% better ? We 20% better . 1814 01:14:27,350 --> 01:14:29,530 What was the difference in the 1815 01:14:29,540 --> 01:14:33,240 infection rate between , uh , deity 1816 01:14:33,240 --> 01:14:36,520 personality and and the general public ? 1817 01:14:36,810 --> 01:14:38,866 Congressman ? The data that I'm most 1818 01:14:38,866 --> 01:14:41,350 familiar with is the percent positive 1819 01:14:41,350 --> 01:14:43,980 rate and we have typically had about a 1820 01:14:43,980 --> 01:14:46,970 1% lower rate of test which were 1821 01:14:46,970 --> 01:14:48,840 positive compared to the general 1822 01:14:48,850 --> 01:14:51,620 population . But that's varied from 1823 01:14:51,620 --> 01:14:53,620 week to week . As we look at it , I 1824 01:14:53,630 --> 01:14:56,320 would be happy if I made to respond for 1825 01:14:56,320 --> 01:14:58,670 the record with specific data on that . 1826 01:14:59,040 --> 01:15:01,450 But it's been , uh , consistently at 1827 01:15:01,450 --> 01:15:03,394 least a percentage point below the 1828 01:15:03,394 --> 01:15:06,670 general population . Okay , 1829 01:15:07,140 --> 01:15:11,070 um , I'm interested in that data , and 1830 01:15:11,070 --> 01:15:12,903 I mentioned I do think that it's 1831 01:15:12,903 --> 01:15:15,014 extremely important that we keep it . 1832 01:15:15,014 --> 01:15:17,126 We don't know how long these vaccines 1833 01:15:17,126 --> 01:15:19,610 we're gonna work . Uh , and so we don't 1834 01:15:19,610 --> 01:15:21,277 know when the second round of 1835 01:15:21,277 --> 01:15:23,443 vaccinations is gonna have to happen . 1836 01:15:23,443 --> 01:15:25,610 And I think that the data , especially 1837 01:15:25,610 --> 01:15:27,666 in the more controlled environment , 1838 01:15:27,666 --> 01:15:29,943 although it's not perfectly controlled , 1839 01:15:29,943 --> 01:15:29,660 it is more control than the general 1840 01:15:29,660 --> 01:15:33,460 public is gonna be . I think that to to 1841 01:15:33,460 --> 01:15:37,080 all of this is way , push forward . Uh , 1842 01:15:37,090 --> 01:15:39,201 I am concerned , and I mentioned this 1843 01:15:39,201 --> 01:15:41,034 yesterday and the hearing . I am 1844 01:15:41,034 --> 01:15:43,368 concerned about our teams , for example , 1845 01:15:43,368 --> 01:15:45,368 or O d . A . Teams . They're out in 1846 01:15:45,368 --> 01:15:47,423 Africa that worked in these training 1847 01:15:47,423 --> 01:15:49,646 equipped missions where they're in very 1848 01:15:49,646 --> 01:15:51,701 close proximity in order to do their 1849 01:15:51,701 --> 01:15:53,868 job with people from other countries . 1850 01:15:53,868 --> 01:15:56,220 I would be interested in how you intend 1851 01:15:56,220 --> 01:15:59,840 to handle that with regard to 1852 01:16:00,220 --> 01:16:02,109 what I would refer to its partner 1853 01:16:02,109 --> 01:16:05,600 forces . Um , are we Are we testing 1854 01:16:05,600 --> 01:16:09,130 those partner forces ? Are we , um , 1855 01:16:09,140 --> 01:16:11,380 checking fevers before we do a train 1856 01:16:11,390 --> 01:16:13,557 training mission with them ? How ? How 1857 01:16:13,557 --> 01:16:16,340 are we handling ? Oh o d A missions , 1858 01:16:16,340 --> 01:16:18,340 for example , with partner forces . 1859 01:16:20,210 --> 01:16:22,321 Congressman is General Tolliver . I'd 1860 01:16:22,321 --> 01:16:26,140 I'd say , in general , the forces and 1861 01:16:26,140 --> 01:16:28,290 those areas are practicing good force 1862 01:16:28,290 --> 01:16:30,150 health protection measures of 1863 01:16:30,630 --> 01:16:34,210 distancing mask wearing , in some cases 1864 01:16:34,210 --> 01:16:36,790 distributed operations , distributed 1865 01:16:36,790 --> 01:16:39,010 training by an OD , a team in an area 1866 01:16:39,010 --> 01:16:42,560 like that . Hygiene awareness . And , 1867 01:16:43,030 --> 01:16:46,280 uh , we believe that those the forces 1868 01:16:46,280 --> 01:16:48,970 were partnering with our our general 1869 01:16:48,980 --> 01:16:51,250 generally following the same procedures 1870 01:16:51,250 --> 01:16:53,790 we are , but I don't have the details . 1871 01:16:53,790 --> 01:16:55,957 That president on those specific O . D 1872 01:16:55,957 --> 01:16:58,700 A . Teams . Okay , I'm almost out of 1873 01:16:58,700 --> 01:17:00,800 time . General Nordhaus , Tom Carton 1874 01:17:00,800 --> 01:17:03,022 and Tom Grabowski would want me to tell 1875 01:17:03,022 --> 01:17:05,189 you Hello . They've done a great job , 1876 01:17:05,189 --> 01:17:07,522 especially , uh , months and months ago . 1877 01:17:07,522 --> 01:17:09,467 They were out there in our nursing 1878 01:17:09,467 --> 01:17:11,633 homes with the Georgia guard , helping 1879 01:17:11,633 --> 01:17:13,578 them fill this virus and certainly 1880 01:17:13,578 --> 01:17:15,800 appreciate all that the guards doing in 1881 01:17:15,800 --> 01:17:17,800 Georgia and in Washington as well . 1882 01:17:17,800 --> 01:17:20,022 Right now , gentlemen . Thank you . And 1883 01:17:20,022 --> 01:17:22,300 my time's expired . Thank you , Mr Cam . 1884 01:17:23,130 --> 01:17:25,190 Thank you , Chairman . Thank you , 1885 01:17:25,190 --> 01:17:27,301 everyone for joining here and talking 1886 01:17:27,301 --> 01:17:29,560 with us about this incredibly important 1887 01:17:29,560 --> 01:17:32,880 issue . I wanted Thio Thio shift a 1888 01:17:32,880 --> 01:17:34,920 little bit here in terms of the 1889 01:17:34,930 --> 01:17:37,730 questioning , Uh , many of us represent 1890 01:17:37,740 --> 01:17:39,962 military bases and installations in our 1891 01:17:39,962 --> 01:17:41,962 district . I represent joint base , 1892 01:17:41,962 --> 01:17:44,184 McGuire , Dicks , Lakers and that joint 1893 01:17:44,184 --> 01:17:46,620 base is really an anchor to an entire 1894 01:17:46,620 --> 01:17:48,787 community community , not just off the 1895 01:17:48,787 --> 01:17:51,000 service members , but outside around 1896 01:17:51,000 --> 01:17:52,944 this , I wanted to just ask two or 1897 01:17:52,944 --> 01:17:55,000 three questions about this . I had a 1898 01:17:55,000 --> 01:17:57,220 town hall last night and on the town 1899 01:17:57,220 --> 01:17:59,400 hall , there was a veteran veteran who 1900 01:17:59,400 --> 01:18:01,567 lives just outside of the joint base , 1901 01:18:01,567 --> 01:18:04,670 who says he is dependent upon access to 1902 01:18:04,670 --> 01:18:08,150 the commissary for for his food . You 1903 01:18:08,150 --> 01:18:10,317 know , he's someone who doesn't have a 1904 01:18:10,317 --> 01:18:12,372 lot of money . I was telling me just 1905 01:18:12,372 --> 01:18:14,317 the struggles he's had financially 1906 01:18:14,317 --> 01:18:16,150 because of this , but he's had a 1907 01:18:16,150 --> 01:18:18,372 tremendous amount of difficulty getting 1908 01:18:18,372 --> 01:18:20,150 onto the base because of covert 1909 01:18:20,150 --> 01:18:22,372 restrictions . So I guess I just wanted 1910 01:18:22,372 --> 01:18:26,060 to ask you what work has d o d 1911 01:18:26,060 --> 01:18:28,230 done to try to think about just the 1912 01:18:28,240 --> 01:18:30,240 broader community here . How we are 1913 01:18:30,240 --> 01:18:32,518 looking out for veterans in particular , 1914 01:18:32,518 --> 01:18:35,250 many of them who settle down and live 1915 01:18:35,250 --> 01:18:37,139 right around the bases where they 1916 01:18:37,139 --> 01:18:39,361 retire from . Is there anything else we 1917 01:18:39,361 --> 01:18:41,528 could be doing to help them get access 1918 01:18:41,528 --> 01:18:43,750 to the commissary and other services on 1919 01:18:43,750 --> 01:18:43,690 the base ? In other ways , we can 1920 01:18:43,700 --> 01:18:45,478 integrate them into some of our 1921 01:18:45,478 --> 01:18:47,811 thinking off covert response from D o d . 1922 01:18:48,220 --> 01:18:50,280 Maybe we can have that over Thio . 1923 01:18:50,290 --> 01:18:52,840 Major General , um , Talib are 1924 01:18:54,520 --> 01:18:56,860 Thanks , Congressman . I'd say that in 1925 01:18:56,860 --> 01:18:58,740 the in the setting of the health 1926 01:18:58,740 --> 01:19:02,140 protection condition measures , I think 1927 01:19:02,150 --> 01:19:04,300 not just at the local level , but 1928 01:19:04,300 --> 01:19:06,467 certainly at the department were aware 1929 01:19:06,467 --> 01:19:08,633 of the dependencies in the community . 1930 01:19:08,633 --> 01:19:11,070 There are a lot of linkages to the 1931 01:19:11,070 --> 01:19:13,181 local community . The commanders need 1932 01:19:13,181 --> 01:19:15,900 to be aware of when , when they're 1933 01:19:15,900 --> 01:19:19,310 going to the more , uh , extensive 1934 01:19:19,310 --> 01:19:21,477 measures like , say , health , predict 1935 01:19:21,477 --> 01:19:24,070 protection , condition Delta , where 1936 01:19:24,070 --> 01:19:26,420 some of those people would not be 1937 01:19:26,420 --> 01:19:29,020 allowed access to the base . There are 1938 01:19:29,030 --> 01:19:31,720 lots of linkages at those levels , 1939 01:19:31,720 --> 01:19:34,270 whether it's contractors , um , 1940 01:19:34,280 --> 01:19:37,090 different support that comes from off 1941 01:19:37,090 --> 01:19:39,890 the base onto the base . Certainly the 1942 01:19:39,890 --> 01:19:42,250 support the base provides to dependence 1943 01:19:42,250 --> 01:19:45,010 veterans or or other beneficiaries in 1944 01:19:45,010 --> 01:19:47,860 the area . So I know that our 1945 01:19:47,860 --> 01:19:50,320 commanders are aware of that if they 1946 01:19:50,330 --> 01:19:52,520 But when they reach circumstances that 1947 01:19:52,520 --> 01:19:54,853 require those kinds of drastic measures , 1948 01:19:55,220 --> 01:19:57,340 they take them . But I know they're 1949 01:19:57,340 --> 01:20:00,600 conscious of them . Well , look , I 1950 01:20:00,600 --> 01:20:02,711 appreciate that . What ? What one day 1951 01:20:02,711 --> 01:20:04,890 I'll just say here is is open 1952 01:20:04,890 --> 01:20:06,834 communication and and just kind of 1953 01:20:06,834 --> 01:20:09,150 transparency on that front goes a long 1954 01:20:09,150 --> 01:20:10,928 way , I think . Ah , lot of the 1955 01:20:10,928 --> 01:20:13,094 problems here . I mean , I'll tell you 1956 01:20:13,094 --> 01:20:15,317 I get more calls about this than almost 1957 01:20:15,317 --> 01:20:17,206 any other issue from the veterans 1958 01:20:17,206 --> 01:20:19,372 community right now . And I think just 1959 01:20:19,372 --> 01:20:21,372 some open communication about , you 1960 01:20:21,372 --> 01:20:23,483 know , about the timing or the reason 1961 01:20:23,483 --> 01:20:25,706 for the restrictions at my base as well 1962 01:20:25,706 --> 01:20:25,610 as around the country , I'm sure , will 1963 01:20:25,610 --> 01:20:29,240 be helpful . Last question here , just 1964 01:20:29,240 --> 01:20:31,240 kind of on a different side of this 1965 01:20:31,240 --> 01:20:33,610 coin . I've talked to the number of 1966 01:20:33,620 --> 01:20:36,140 service members in my district there 1967 01:20:36,140 --> 01:20:38,210 young parents , they got little kids 1968 01:20:38,220 --> 01:20:40,220 like I did . I got three year old a 1969 01:20:40,220 --> 01:20:42,387 five year old . I know the struggle is 1970 01:20:42,387 --> 01:20:45,530 about child care right now , and I know 1971 01:20:45,530 --> 01:20:47,586 that a number of our service members 1972 01:20:47,586 --> 01:20:49,752 have struggled with this . It's put an 1973 01:20:49,752 --> 01:20:51,752 enormous burden upon them and their 1974 01:20:51,752 --> 01:20:53,752 ability to do their work as well as 1975 01:20:53,752 --> 01:20:53,700 their spouse is . And we already put 1976 01:20:53,700 --> 01:20:55,820 way too much burden upon military 1977 01:20:55,820 --> 01:20:57,542 spouse is as well as we know , 1978 01:20:57,542 --> 01:20:59,598 unemployment for them is through the 1979 01:20:59,598 --> 01:21:01,653 roof . I wanted to just kind of hear 1980 01:21:01,653 --> 01:21:03,764 from you . Just what is your thinking 1981 01:21:03,764 --> 01:21:05,709 about what it is that we can do to 1982 01:21:05,709 --> 01:21:07,487 support service members , their 1983 01:21:07,487 --> 01:21:09,431 families , their spouse is when it 1984 01:21:09,431 --> 01:21:11,598 comes to child care and other elements 1985 01:21:11,598 --> 01:21:13,820 for their Children ? Is there more that 1986 01:21:13,820 --> 01:21:15,764 we can do is I know many childcare 1987 01:21:15,764 --> 01:21:17,987 centers have been closed on or have big 1988 01:21:17,987 --> 01:21:20,264 restrictions on that front . So do you . 1989 01:21:21,410 --> 01:21:23,690 Congressman , this is Bob . Salis is so 1990 01:21:23,690 --> 01:21:25,690 in the Defense Department , we have 1991 01:21:25,690 --> 01:21:29,230 over 200 child development centers and 1992 01:21:29,240 --> 01:21:31,530 currently have about 180 open . 1993 01:21:31,910 --> 01:21:33,966 Obviously , they're not open at full 1994 01:21:33,966 --> 01:21:36,470 capacity , but we're always looking at 1995 01:21:36,470 --> 01:21:38,526 the kind of mitigation measures that 1996 01:21:38,526 --> 01:21:41,050 could be put in place to ensure that we 1997 01:21:41,050 --> 01:21:44,320 can maximize those child development 1998 01:21:44,320 --> 01:21:46,320 centers . I think the broader issue 1999 01:21:46,320 --> 01:21:48,920 within the community is the same thing . 2000 01:21:48,930 --> 01:21:51,097 There's a lot of good work that's been 2001 01:21:51,097 --> 01:21:53,440 done within the Defense Department , um , 2002 01:21:53,450 --> 01:21:55,617 to come up with the procedures so that 2003 01:21:55,617 --> 01:21:57,672 we can have safe and effective child 2004 01:21:57,672 --> 01:21:59,728 development centers open . Certainly 2005 01:21:59,728 --> 01:22:01,394 willing to share that kind of 2006 01:22:01,394 --> 01:22:03,339 information with the community and 2007 01:22:03,339 --> 01:22:05,390 others . I think that's the key to 2008 01:22:05,390 --> 01:22:07,850 success is is working together both 2009 01:22:07,850 --> 01:22:10,480 inside the community and with the 2010 01:22:10,480 --> 01:22:12,036 installations , those local 2011 01:22:12,036 --> 01:22:14,420 installations , uh , to gain a better 2012 01:22:14,420 --> 01:22:16,642 knowledge and understanding of the best 2013 01:22:16,642 --> 01:22:18,753 practices that we could share amongst 2014 01:22:18,753 --> 01:22:20,753 each other to make sure that we can 2015 01:22:20,753 --> 01:22:23,020 maximize the childcare capabilities 2016 01:22:23,300 --> 01:22:25,522 both on the D . O . D installations and 2017 01:22:25,522 --> 01:22:27,689 outside the D o d installation . Thank 2018 01:22:27,689 --> 01:22:29,800 you , Germans . Time has expired . Mr 2019 01:22:29,800 --> 01:22:30,730 DesJarlais . 2020 01:22:34,100 --> 01:22:37,060 Uh , good afternoon . And thanks to the 2021 01:22:37,060 --> 01:22:39,920 panel for the great test money today 2022 01:22:39,930 --> 01:22:43,670 for any of those who are at the capital , 2023 01:22:43,670 --> 01:22:45,726 I think most of you are You probably 2024 01:22:45,726 --> 01:22:49,170 experienced a much different city . 2025 01:22:49,170 --> 01:22:51,170 Then you're used to as you tried to 2026 01:22:51,170 --> 01:22:53,230 enter through one way lanes through 2027 01:22:53,230 --> 01:22:56,100 razor wires and gates . And so Mr 2028 01:22:56,100 --> 01:22:58,100 Sallis says , I wanted to reference 2029 01:22:58,100 --> 01:23:01,110 your internal email data January 20th 2030 01:23:01,110 --> 01:23:03,054 and 21 where you're discussing the 2031 01:23:03,054 --> 01:23:05,410 National Guards President , D C . At 2032 01:23:05,410 --> 01:23:08,870 least through the fall of 2021 first . 2033 01:23:08,880 --> 01:23:11,700 How Maney Guardsmen nationally are 2034 01:23:11,710 --> 01:23:14,300 responding for the covert effort right 2035 01:23:14,300 --> 01:23:18,210 now . So , Congressman , 2036 01:23:18,210 --> 01:23:22,160 it's 23 . 24,000 for 2037 01:23:22,160 --> 01:23:25,910 Covic . For Cove , it is 28,000 . 430 . 2038 01:23:27,600 --> 01:23:30,120 Okay , Thank you . And so , uh , 2039 01:23:31,400 --> 01:23:33,622 the extended role of the capital . With 2040 01:23:33,622 --> 01:23:35,400 that , in your opinion , divert 2041 01:23:35,400 --> 01:23:37,567 valuable personnel in resource is away 2042 01:23:37,567 --> 01:23:39,289 providing further Kobe related 2043 01:23:39,289 --> 01:23:42,450 assistance . Um , congressman , that 2044 01:23:42,460 --> 01:23:44,660 that would depend on what level of 2045 01:23:44,670 --> 01:23:46,820 National Guard was needed . Thio 2046 01:23:47,400 --> 01:23:50,620 support the Capitol security . Right . 2047 01:23:51,000 --> 01:23:54,330 Uh , what is the roughly about 6200 2048 01:23:54,330 --> 01:23:57,710 still deployed within the NCR ? That's 2049 01:23:57,710 --> 01:23:59,877 about the right number . Congressman , 2050 01:23:59,877 --> 01:24:02,520 we have about 4900 on the Capitol 2051 01:24:02,520 --> 01:24:04,850 grounds . We also have National Guard 2052 01:24:04,850 --> 01:24:07,540 members supporting Secret Service and 2053 01:24:07,550 --> 01:24:09,330 currently supporting MPD , the 2054 01:24:09,330 --> 01:24:12,290 Metropolitan Police Department . And 2055 01:24:12,300 --> 01:24:14,189 and we certainly appreciate their 2056 01:24:14,189 --> 01:24:16,300 service . I've had the opportunity to 2057 01:24:16,300 --> 01:24:18,300 talk to many , um , and and they're 2058 01:24:18,300 --> 01:24:20,522 they're doing it in Admiral . Admirable 2059 01:24:20,522 --> 01:24:22,578 job . Uh , major General North House 2060 01:24:22,578 --> 01:24:24,689 mentioned in his opening remarks that 2061 01:24:24,689 --> 01:24:26,856 we have not seen National Guard called 2062 01:24:26,856 --> 01:24:26,780 upon to serve in such number since 2063 01:24:26,780 --> 01:24:28,720 World War Two , and that military 2064 01:24:28,720 --> 01:24:30,831 officials have already estimated that 2065 01:24:30,831 --> 01:24:32,942 the cost of the capital deployment on 2066 01:24:32,942 --> 01:24:34,831 their half a billion dollars just 2067 01:24:34,831 --> 01:24:36,887 through mid March . So now more than 2068 01:24:36,887 --> 01:24:38,998 ever , is it important to continue to 2069 01:24:38,998 --> 01:24:41,480 the to devote these resource is or can 2070 01:24:41,480 --> 01:24:43,960 you share with the committee Some 2071 01:24:43,970 --> 01:24:46,081 incredible threats that would require 2072 01:24:46,081 --> 01:24:48,430 us continuing toe have such a presence 2073 01:24:48,430 --> 01:24:49,874 in the nation's capital . 2074 01:24:57,290 --> 01:25:01,080 Right , sir , if that question 2075 01:25:01,080 --> 01:25:03,350 was Major General Nordhaus , uh , sir , 2076 01:25:03,350 --> 01:25:05,690 right now we're We are scheduled Thio 2077 01:25:05,700 --> 01:25:09,000 end the National Guard on roughly 12 on 2078 01:25:09,000 --> 01:25:12,690 12 March and depending any other 2079 01:25:12,690 --> 01:25:14,420 information will work with our 2080 01:25:14,420 --> 01:25:16,698 interagency partners like we always do . 2081 01:25:16,698 --> 01:25:19,100 The office of Secretary of Defense , um , 2082 01:25:19,110 --> 01:25:21,680 to continue thio , uh , support if 2083 01:25:21,690 --> 01:25:24,970 things change . Okay , So as of now , 2084 01:25:24,980 --> 01:25:27,147 you can't share with the committee any 2085 01:25:27,147 --> 01:25:28,924 credible threats that have been 2086 01:25:28,924 --> 01:25:31,258 identified . So you're planning on , uh , 2087 01:25:31,258 --> 01:25:33,510 sending the 5000 Guardsmen home ? 2088 01:25:36,090 --> 01:25:38,201 But , congressman , we obviously work 2089 01:25:38,201 --> 01:25:40,420 with our law enforcement partners thio 2090 01:25:40,430 --> 01:25:43,110 to determine that threat . Um , and 2091 01:25:43,120 --> 01:25:45,342 that's obviously continuing to evolve . 2092 01:25:45,342 --> 01:25:48,590 Um , and at this time , I'm not aware 2093 01:25:48,590 --> 01:25:51,570 of ah , threat . That , uh , is out 2094 01:25:51,570 --> 01:25:53,830 there . Uh , but that evolves all the 2095 01:25:53,830 --> 01:25:56,380 time , Congressman . So we have to work 2096 01:25:56,380 --> 01:25:57,991 closely with our federal law 2097 01:25:57,991 --> 01:26:01,490 enforcement partners to understand it , 2098 01:26:01,580 --> 01:26:04,500 But some have dubbed Fort Pelosi . It's 2099 01:26:04,500 --> 01:26:06,580 really discouraging to see the razor 2100 01:26:06,580 --> 01:26:08,747 wire , the fencing , the image that it 2101 01:26:08,747 --> 01:26:11,024 sends to the world . So if that's read , 2102 01:26:11,024 --> 01:26:13,247 it no longer exists . I would hope that 2103 01:26:13,247 --> 01:26:15,413 we can return to normal and that these 2104 01:26:15,413 --> 01:26:17,636 guardsmen who served so admirably could 2105 01:26:17,636 --> 01:26:19,802 possibly be utilized in other in other 2106 01:26:19,802 --> 01:26:21,691 ways and and help with the covert 2107 01:26:21,691 --> 01:26:25,300 effort . Oh , 2108 01:26:26,380 --> 01:26:28,436 if anyone has the for the response , 2109 01:26:28,436 --> 01:26:30,602 that's great . If not , I yield back . 2110 01:26:31,280 --> 01:26:34,470 Thank you . I dio wanna emphasize that 2111 01:26:34,470 --> 01:26:36,581 point . I mean , I have some sympathy 2112 01:26:36,780 --> 01:26:38,947 other than the unnecessary shot at our 2113 01:26:38,947 --> 01:26:41,113 speaker . I have some sympathy for the 2114 01:26:41,113 --> 01:26:43,280 concern that's being explained there , 2115 01:26:43,280 --> 01:26:45,730 Um , that I that I hope you gentlemen 2116 01:26:45,730 --> 01:26:47,841 will take seriously and I have raised 2117 01:26:47,841 --> 01:26:49,952 this issue with Pentagon as well as I 2118 01:26:49,952 --> 01:26:51,952 understand the threat environment . 2119 01:26:51,952 --> 01:26:54,119 Right now , it is very hard to justify 2120 01:26:54,119 --> 01:26:56,174 the current security presence around 2121 01:26:56,174 --> 01:26:55,640 the capital based on the threat 2122 01:26:55,640 --> 01:26:57,696 environment that we now see . And my 2123 01:26:57,696 --> 01:27:00,080 great fear is that this becomes 2124 01:27:00,080 --> 01:27:02,670 permanent because there is always a 2125 01:27:02,680 --> 01:27:05,360 threat . I mean , I've been here for 24 2126 01:27:05,360 --> 01:27:07,249 years and certain bad things have 2127 01:27:07,249 --> 01:27:09,360 happened . Certainly the insurrection 2128 01:27:09,360 --> 01:27:11,582 took that to a whole another concerning 2129 01:27:11,582 --> 01:27:13,638 level . Andi , I know you guys don't 2130 01:27:13,638 --> 01:27:15,860 make the decision on this . I just want 2131 01:27:15,860 --> 01:27:17,916 to amplify Mr Days Charlie's point , 2132 01:27:17,916 --> 01:27:20,082 the United States Capitol . People are 2133 01:27:20,082 --> 01:27:22,138 supposed to be able to come here and 2134 01:27:22,138 --> 01:27:24,471 petitioned their government , All right ? 2135 01:27:24,471 --> 01:27:26,804 And I could barely get in at this point , 2136 01:27:26,804 --> 01:27:29,920 S o . I just hope we balance the risk 2137 01:27:29,930 --> 01:27:31,986 with with the job . It is that we're 2138 01:27:31,986 --> 01:27:34,041 all supposed to be performing here , 2139 01:27:34,041 --> 01:27:36,152 understanding that cove it is part of 2140 01:27:36,152 --> 01:27:38,208 this is Well , um , you know , and I 2141 01:27:38,208 --> 01:27:40,430 have had conversations with the speaker 2142 01:27:40,430 --> 01:27:42,319 about this and conversations with 2143 01:27:42,319 --> 01:27:44,541 general honorary about this , um I hope 2144 01:27:44,541 --> 01:27:46,652 we we we think about the balance . If 2145 01:27:46,652 --> 01:27:48,763 you look at it from the standpoint of 2146 01:27:48,763 --> 01:27:50,930 Well , let's just eliminate all risk , 2147 01:27:50,930 --> 01:27:53,041 okay ? If we were gonna eliminate our 2148 01:27:53,041 --> 01:27:54,986 risk or individual members , we do 2149 01:27:54,986 --> 01:27:57,041 everything remotely . We never leave 2150 01:27:57,041 --> 01:27:59,440 the house . Okay ? We cannot be afraid 2151 01:27:59,450 --> 01:28:01,600 of our constituents and do our job . 2152 01:28:02,170 --> 01:28:04,590 Eso I hope we'll figure out a better 2153 01:28:04,590 --> 01:28:07,200 balance and how to make that work with 2154 01:28:07,200 --> 01:28:09,500 that . This Hoolahan is recognized . 2155 01:28:11,170 --> 01:28:13,281 Thank you , chairman . And I guess my 2156 01:28:13,281 --> 01:28:15,392 question might be a good follow up to 2157 01:28:15,392 --> 01:28:17,440 that . Which is that uh , in an 2158 01:28:17,440 --> 01:28:19,551 alternative world where we deploy our 2159 01:28:19,551 --> 01:28:21,773 National guard in a different way other 2160 01:28:21,773 --> 01:28:23,940 than at the capital . Um , some states 2161 01:28:23,940 --> 01:28:26,051 have been successful in getting their 2162 01:28:26,051 --> 01:28:28,107 national guard to be able to support 2163 01:28:28,107 --> 01:28:30,273 vaccine deployment efforts , and I was 2164 01:28:30,273 --> 01:28:32,273 wondering if I might be able to ask 2165 01:28:32,273 --> 01:28:34,496 Major General Lord House . I think that 2166 01:28:34,496 --> 01:28:33,940 probably is the most appropriate person 2167 01:28:33,940 --> 01:28:35,996 asked . Are there any obstacles that 2168 01:28:35,996 --> 01:28:38,162 you're aware of the scaling up the use 2169 01:28:38,162 --> 01:28:40,162 of the garden this way ? What would 2170 01:28:40,162 --> 01:28:42,384 that look like if we did that in a in a 2171 01:28:42,384 --> 01:28:44,607 larger scale effort and has the d o . D 2172 01:28:44,607 --> 01:28:46,662 considered how they plan to scale of 2173 01:28:46,662 --> 01:28:48,662 the vaccination efforts when and if 2174 01:28:48,662 --> 01:28:50,773 other vaccine candidates are approved 2175 01:28:50,773 --> 01:28:53,590 for use ? Congresswoman , thank you 2176 01:28:53,590 --> 01:28:56,000 very much for the question . I know of 2177 01:28:56,000 --> 01:28:58,480 no impediments right now , Um , we've 2178 01:28:58,480 --> 01:29:01,980 seen the number of guardsmen on 502 f , 2179 01:29:01,990 --> 01:29:04,850 uh , increase over the last , uh , 3 to 2180 01:29:04,850 --> 01:29:08,710 4 weeks . We're now up to 28,430 . 2181 01:29:08,710 --> 01:29:12,090 As as I discussed earlier , I believe 2182 01:29:12,100 --> 01:29:14,690 what we're seeing is that increased . 2183 01:29:14,690 --> 01:29:16,579 So we started out with just a few 2184 01:29:16,579 --> 01:29:18,660 vaccination sites of our guardsmen , 2185 01:29:18,660 --> 01:29:20,890 vaccinating civilians uh , in early 2186 01:29:20,890 --> 01:29:23,480 January and , uh , as a brief today , 2187 01:29:23,480 --> 01:29:26,230 it's 3 50 I know those numbers continue 2188 01:29:26,230 --> 01:29:28,540 to climb a Z . We're supporting those 2189 01:29:28,540 --> 01:29:31,080 vaccines . Uh , some states air using 2190 01:29:31,080 --> 01:29:33,247 like in Washington , I know is doing a 2191 01:29:33,247 --> 01:29:35,136 great job . They have 150 service 2192 01:29:35,136 --> 01:29:37,358 members out there . They have 30 person 2193 01:29:37,358 --> 01:29:39,358 teams . They have four static teams 2194 01:29:39,358 --> 01:29:41,302 that are at specific locations and 2195 01:29:41,302 --> 01:29:43,524 another mobile team that's going around 2196 01:29:43,524 --> 01:29:45,358 to long term care facilities and 2197 01:29:45,358 --> 01:29:47,524 vaccinating those members , um , other 2198 01:29:47,524 --> 01:29:49,747 states air using smaller teams that are 2199 01:29:49,747 --> 01:29:51,840 going out thio very rural areas that 2200 01:29:51,840 --> 01:29:54,070 are some underserved population to make 2201 01:29:54,070 --> 01:29:56,348 sure that vaccines available out there . 2202 01:29:56,470 --> 01:29:58,660 But as I think we'll continue to see , 2203 01:29:58,660 --> 01:30:01,110 the states will utilize the Guardsmen , 2204 01:30:01,120 --> 01:30:03,064 uh , to be able to get after these 2205 01:30:03,064 --> 01:30:07,040 vaccination efforts what anybody else 2206 01:30:07,040 --> 01:30:09,040 like to add to that before I ask my 2207 01:30:09,040 --> 01:30:11,151 next question . Congressman , this is 2208 01:30:11,151 --> 01:30:13,151 Bob . Say , listen , I think it's a 2209 01:30:13,151 --> 01:30:15,096 combination of things . What we're 2210 01:30:15,096 --> 01:30:17,373 seeing is obviously across the country , 2211 01:30:17,373 --> 01:30:19,207 there's roughly 30,000 points of 2212 01:30:19,207 --> 01:30:21,262 administration . Ah , lot of those a 2213 01:30:21,262 --> 01:30:23,360 community based state based , As you 2214 01:30:23,360 --> 01:30:25,460 pointed out , D . O . D . Is working 2215 01:30:25,460 --> 01:30:27,530 very closely with FEMA on these mega 2216 01:30:27,530 --> 01:30:30,030 and large centers that would provide a 2217 01:30:30,040 --> 01:30:32,580 tremendous throughput on on vaccines . 2218 01:30:32,590 --> 01:30:34,590 Thea other thing that's going on is 2219 01:30:34,590 --> 01:30:36,590 obviously the work with the private 2220 01:30:36,590 --> 01:30:39,080 sector , in particular with 2221 01:30:39,090 --> 01:30:41,610 organizations like CVS and Walgreens 2222 01:30:41,610 --> 01:30:43,860 and many others . That is an 2223 01:30:43,860 --> 01:30:47,260 opportunity again to expand vaccine 2224 01:30:47,260 --> 01:30:49,420 administration community . And we 2225 01:30:49,420 --> 01:30:52,190 believe that moving ahead that that , 2226 01:30:52,190 --> 01:30:54,246 along with the community based , the 2227 01:30:54,246 --> 01:30:56,357 state based , the federally supported 2228 01:30:56,357 --> 01:30:58,640 and the private sector will expand that 2229 01:30:58,640 --> 01:31:00,900 capability to deliver the vaccine . 2230 01:31:00,910 --> 01:31:03,580 This is , Ah , very positive 2231 01:31:03,590 --> 01:31:06,650 development with the increased level of 2232 01:31:06,650 --> 01:31:08,880 vaccination that's gonna be available 2233 01:31:09,160 --> 01:31:11,860 and the increased number of locations 2234 01:31:11,860 --> 01:31:13,693 that will be available . And the 2235 01:31:13,693 --> 01:31:15,916 Department of Defense is a role in this 2236 01:31:15,916 --> 01:31:18,027 is again , uh , to support these mega 2237 01:31:18,027 --> 01:31:20,082 centers and obviously to support the 2238 01:31:20,082 --> 01:31:21,971 National Guard and supporting the 2239 01:31:21,971 --> 01:31:25,030 states and what they're doing . So how 2240 01:31:25,030 --> 01:31:27,252 are you ? And I don't know which one of 2241 01:31:27,252 --> 01:31:29,308 you might be the most appropriate to 2242 01:31:29,308 --> 01:31:31,419 answer this , but you spoke about the 2243 01:31:31,419 --> 01:31:33,641 different ways that we're deploying our 2244 01:31:33,641 --> 01:31:35,808 guard and the different kinds of rural 2245 01:31:35,808 --> 01:31:38,520 areas or our mobile areas . How are you 2246 01:31:38,520 --> 01:31:40,520 choosing the locations in which you 2247 01:31:40,520 --> 01:31:42,464 offer to support the non D . O . D 2248 01:31:42,464 --> 01:31:45,890 efforts so So for the d o . D 2249 01:31:45,890 --> 01:31:48,880 support , we work through FEMA . FEMA 2250 01:31:48,880 --> 01:31:50,713 works with the state to make the 2251 01:31:50,713 --> 01:31:52,870 determination of where those 2252 01:31:52,880 --> 01:31:56,050 vaccination centers will go . I'll turn 2253 01:31:56,050 --> 01:31:58,050 it over to General Nordhaus to talk 2254 01:31:58,050 --> 01:32:00,400 about how the state works . Uh , with 2255 01:32:00,400 --> 01:32:04,000 the guard Thio support that . Yes , 2256 01:32:04,000 --> 01:32:06,830 ma'am . Major Bill Nordhaus here , uh , 2257 01:32:06,840 --> 01:32:08,840 with the state health departments . 2258 01:32:08,840 --> 01:32:11,062 They really work with FEMA and with the 2259 01:32:11,062 --> 01:32:13,173 National Guard and the other agencies 2260 01:32:13,173 --> 01:32:15,118 within the in the state . And they 2261 01:32:15,118 --> 01:32:17,284 determine the best places to make sure 2262 01:32:17,284 --> 01:32:19,451 that they could get the vaccine across 2263 01:32:19,451 --> 01:32:21,562 their state with the allocations that 2264 01:32:21,562 --> 01:32:24,190 they receive . Thank you . I appreciate 2265 01:32:24,190 --> 01:32:26,412 that . I have , uh , less than a minute 2266 01:32:26,412 --> 01:32:28,579 and hoping that maybe I could ask Mr . 2267 01:32:28,579 --> 01:32:30,634 Salis is I hope I'm pronouncing that 2268 01:32:30,634 --> 01:32:32,634 correctly . Ah , question regarding 2269 01:32:32,634 --> 01:32:34,857 pregnant , active duty members . Um , I 2270 01:32:34,857 --> 01:32:37,140 understand that we've been talking a 2271 01:32:37,140 --> 01:32:38,940 lot about our military and our 2272 01:32:38,940 --> 01:32:40,940 vaccination process for the general 2273 01:32:40,940 --> 01:32:42,718 population . But people who are 2274 01:32:42,718 --> 01:32:44,607 pregnant or would be in the one a 2275 01:32:44,607 --> 01:32:46,640 vaccination . How is the d o . D ? 2276 01:32:46,650 --> 01:32:49,080 Factoring in pregnancy status into 2277 01:32:49,080 --> 01:32:50,969 vaccine prioritization across the 2278 01:32:50,969 --> 01:32:53,510 active and reserve forces . Some of our 2279 01:32:53,510 --> 01:32:55,510 colleagues have mentioned that they 2280 01:32:55,510 --> 01:32:57,788 have concerns about getting vaccinated . 2281 01:32:57,788 --> 01:32:59,732 But what guidance are we giving to 2282 01:32:59,732 --> 01:33:01,954 health care personnel about providing , 2283 01:33:01,954 --> 01:33:03,843 uh , information to women who are 2284 01:33:03,843 --> 01:33:05,899 pregnant to make this decision about 2285 01:33:05,899 --> 01:33:08,232 getting vaccinated or not ? Congressman , 2286 01:33:08,232 --> 01:33:07,870 this is Brigadier General Friedrichs , 2287 01:33:07,870 --> 01:33:10,350 and we are very closely following the c . 2288 01:33:10,350 --> 01:33:12,840 D . C . Recommendations on that and 2289 01:33:12,840 --> 01:33:14,870 providing the same evidence based 2290 01:33:14,870 --> 01:33:17,070 advice that the Centers for Disease 2291 01:33:17,070 --> 01:33:20,920 Control has provided on the safety 2292 01:33:20,930 --> 01:33:22,874 of the vaccines across the general 2293 01:33:22,874 --> 01:33:25,480 population and in particular for those 2294 01:33:25,480 --> 01:33:27,647 who are pregnant or have other medical 2295 01:33:27,647 --> 01:33:29,702 conditions . Thank you . Thank you . 2296 01:33:29,702 --> 01:33:32,036 And I yield back . I've run out of time . 2297 01:33:32,036 --> 01:33:34,240 Thank you . Mr . Kelly is recognized 2298 01:33:34,240 --> 01:33:37,710 for five minutes . Thank you , Mr 2299 01:33:37,710 --> 01:33:40,480 Chairman . Uh , my first question has 2300 01:33:40,480 --> 01:33:44,100 to do with 502 f orders for folks who 2301 01:33:44,100 --> 01:33:46,500 are on cove it our service members who 2302 01:33:46,500 --> 01:33:49,960 are on covitz support . And while it's 2303 01:33:49,960 --> 01:33:51,849 very important that we be able to 2304 01:33:51,849 --> 01:33:54,180 respond to this , it's also very 2305 01:33:54,180 --> 01:33:55,902 important that we maintain our 2306 01:33:55,902 --> 01:33:58,013 operational readiness in the National 2307 01:33:58,013 --> 01:34:00,440 Guard and Reserves and Capo Two and 2308 01:34:00,440 --> 01:34:03,590 Campo three currently under D . O D . 2309 01:34:03,590 --> 01:34:05,950 Policy . When a service member is on 2310 01:34:05,950 --> 01:34:07,839 covert orders and they have an 80 2311 01:34:07,839 --> 01:34:09,950 period annual training period we have 2312 01:34:09,950 --> 01:34:12,006 the one 55th Brigade that is getting 2313 01:34:12,006 --> 01:34:14,061 ready to go to the National Training 2314 01:34:14,061 --> 01:34:16,228 Center for a rotation . Uh , they have 2315 01:34:16,228 --> 01:34:19,690 to come off 502 f orders , which means 2316 01:34:19,690 --> 01:34:21,801 they go back into National Guard said 2317 01:34:21,801 --> 01:34:23,857 if they lose their tri care benefits 2318 01:34:23,857 --> 01:34:26,023 for them and their families , and then 2319 01:34:26,023 --> 01:34:28,023 three weeks later , they go back on 2320 01:34:28,023 --> 01:34:30,190 Toby orders with the stroke of a pen . 2321 01:34:30,190 --> 01:34:32,412 We can change that so that it is either 2322 01:34:32,412 --> 01:34:34,357 wave and they can stay on tri Care 2323 01:34:34,357 --> 01:34:36,468 where they go on those other orders , 2324 01:34:36,468 --> 01:34:38,440 or we can just allow them to do 80 2325 01:34:38,440 --> 01:34:40,960 status during that . Uh , any of you 2326 01:34:40,960 --> 01:34:43,071 have any response if anyone's looking 2327 01:34:43,071 --> 01:34:45,349 at this ? Because this is gonna impact , 2328 01:34:45,349 --> 01:34:48,530 uh , up to 3500 members of the 2329 01:34:48,530 --> 01:34:50,697 Mississippi National Guard this year , 2330 01:34:50,697 --> 01:34:52,863 and it's affecting soldiers all across 2331 01:34:52,863 --> 01:34:55,220 the nation . Congressman Major , 2332 01:34:55,220 --> 01:34:57,387 General Nordhaus here . I believe that 2333 01:34:57,387 --> 01:34:59,331 has been resolved through the FEMA 2334 01:34:59,331 --> 01:35:01,610 Emma's , um , and that all the state 2335 01:35:01,620 --> 01:35:03,760 needs to do is , uh , let them know 2336 01:35:03,760 --> 01:35:05,649 which days that they're on , uh , 2337 01:35:05,649 --> 01:35:08,430 military and not performing , uh , in 2338 01:35:08,430 --> 01:35:10,652 support of the mission assignments from 2339 01:35:10,652 --> 01:35:12,874 FEMA , and then they stay on the orders 2340 01:35:12,874 --> 01:35:15,208 and they just complete the reimbursable , 2341 01:35:15,208 --> 01:35:17,390 um , difference between those days . 2342 01:35:19,940 --> 01:35:21,970 That is great . Just make sure that 2343 01:35:21,970 --> 01:35:24,081 we're following through in all states 2344 01:35:24,081 --> 01:35:26,081 to understand this because I know I 2345 01:35:26,081 --> 01:35:28,303 dealt with this , I think , last week , 2346 01:35:28,303 --> 01:35:30,359 and that was in the initial stages . 2347 01:35:30,359 --> 01:35:32,581 And I knew we set up an r f i on that , 2348 01:35:32,581 --> 01:35:34,690 uh , second , uh , what ? What what 2349 01:35:34,690 --> 01:35:37,510 amount of our special operation forces 2350 01:35:37,520 --> 01:35:40,410 have been vaccinated ? Those who are 2351 01:35:40,420 --> 01:35:43,010 currently we had our Austin Scott talk 2352 01:35:43,010 --> 01:35:44,960 about those guys down range . What 2353 01:35:44,960 --> 01:35:46,960 percentage of our special operation 2354 01:35:46,960 --> 01:35:48,960 forces have been vaccinated at this 2355 01:35:48,960 --> 01:35:50,960 point , or do we have that number ? 2356 01:35:52,840 --> 01:35:54,896 So , Congressman , we don't We don't 2357 01:35:54,896 --> 01:35:57,118 have that specific number with us , But 2358 01:35:57,118 --> 01:36:00,250 we , uh , each each area is working 2359 01:36:00,250 --> 01:36:03,440 through allocations both at the service 2360 01:36:03,440 --> 01:36:05,662 level . The combat command level in the 2361 01:36:05,662 --> 01:36:09,400 installation level toe work down the 2362 01:36:09,410 --> 01:36:12,890 population scheme of priorities . So 2363 01:36:12,890 --> 01:36:15,550 as they reach critical national 2364 01:36:15,550 --> 01:36:18,890 capabilities , those , um , national 2365 01:36:18,890 --> 01:36:21,640 response forces would be , um , 2366 01:36:22,030 --> 01:36:23,650 vaccinated at that time . 2367 01:36:26,130 --> 01:36:28,760 And finally , Mr Chairman , and and 2368 01:36:28,760 --> 01:36:32,030 also the members I wanna ask them the 2369 01:36:32,030 --> 01:36:34,430 emergency use of the vaccine on service 2370 01:36:34,430 --> 01:36:36,541 members and not being allowed them to 2371 01:36:36,541 --> 01:36:38,652 be mandatory . That just doesn't make 2372 01:36:38,652 --> 01:36:40,819 sense . If we're saying the process is 2373 01:36:40,819 --> 01:36:43,950 safe , we need to portray that in are 2374 01:36:43,950 --> 01:36:47,660 use on our d o D employees to set the 2375 01:36:47,660 --> 01:36:50,840 standard and to set an example . So 2376 01:36:51,230 --> 01:36:53,860 do you guys on the panel ? Do you think 2377 01:36:53,860 --> 01:36:55,971 it would be helpful if we change that 2378 01:36:55,971 --> 01:36:57,860 in Congress so that emergency use 2379 01:36:57,860 --> 01:37:00,930 vaccines that they can be not shall be 2380 01:37:00,940 --> 01:37:03,780 can be mandatory ? The service members , 2381 01:37:03,780 --> 01:37:05,502 Would that be helpful to you ? 2382 01:37:10,030 --> 01:37:12,270 Let me pass that , General Friedrichs 2383 01:37:14,730 --> 01:37:16,570 by Congressman Brigadier General 2384 01:37:16,570 --> 01:37:19,020 Friedrichs . Thank you very much . E 2385 01:37:19,020 --> 01:37:21,131 think that that would be a discussion 2386 01:37:21,131 --> 01:37:23,076 that we would need tohave with the 2387 01:37:23,076 --> 01:37:25,110 Centers for Disease Control , the 2388 01:37:25,110 --> 01:37:27,332 Department of Health and Human Services 2389 01:37:27,332 --> 01:37:29,499 as well as the Department of Defense . 2390 01:37:29,499 --> 01:37:31,760 It is going to depend on the specifics 2391 01:37:31,770 --> 01:37:35,410 of the vaccine in question and very 2392 01:37:35,410 --> 01:37:37,670 much appreciate the continued concern 2393 01:37:37,680 --> 01:37:41,280 about this issue . Uh , no one is more 2394 01:37:41,280 --> 01:37:43,280 interested . I think that Aziz , we 2395 01:37:43,280 --> 01:37:45,460 know you and members of this thing . 2396 01:37:45,480 --> 01:37:49,010 Let me let me interrupt real 2397 01:37:49,010 --> 01:37:52,230 quickly . My point is , if we say it 2398 01:37:52,230 --> 01:37:55,550 can be , it allows d o d to look at 2399 01:37:55,550 --> 01:37:57,550 different diseases . Currently , we 2400 01:37:57,550 --> 01:37:59,780 can't make it mandatory . And I'm not 2401 01:37:59,780 --> 01:38:01,947 just talking about this pandemic , but 2402 01:38:01,947 --> 01:38:04,058 the next one and the next one . Would 2403 01:38:04,058 --> 01:38:06,940 it be helpful if we said d o T d o d 2404 01:38:06,940 --> 01:38:10,380 can not shall make mandatory can make 2405 01:38:10,380 --> 01:38:12,213 mandatory so that we can use the 2406 01:38:12,213 --> 01:38:14,550 science and the CDC as each specific 2407 01:38:14,550 --> 01:38:16,494 disease rather than now having our 2408 01:38:16,494 --> 01:38:19,910 hands tied ? Congressman speaking a za 2409 01:38:19,910 --> 01:38:21,910 physician , It is always helpful to 2410 01:38:21,910 --> 01:38:23,577 partner with you and with our 2411 01:38:23,577 --> 01:38:26,540 colleagues in the 500 HHS and crafting 2412 01:38:26,920 --> 01:38:29,560 language that allows us to respond to 2413 01:38:29,570 --> 01:38:32,170 each pandemic or biological threat as 2414 01:38:32,170 --> 01:38:35,770 it occurs . A zoo said they will each 2415 01:38:35,770 --> 01:38:38,150 be different . It will be difficult to 2416 01:38:38,150 --> 01:38:39,872 write language that will cover 2417 01:38:39,872 --> 01:38:41,872 everything . But we look forward to 2418 01:38:41,872 --> 01:38:44,039 working with you on that , sir . Thank 2419 01:38:44,039 --> 01:38:46,261 you , Germans . Time has expired back . 2420 01:38:46,261 --> 01:38:48,261 Mr . Morelli is recognized for five 2421 01:38:48,261 --> 01:38:47,970 minutes . 2422 01:38:52,820 --> 01:38:54,653 Mr . Morelli , are you with us ? 2423 01:39:00,920 --> 01:39:03,940 Okay , I think we just lost him . So , 2424 01:39:03,950 --> 01:39:07,850 um , I think Miss Jacobs , are 2425 01:39:07,850 --> 01:39:11,590 you online ? I'm here and thank 2426 01:39:11,590 --> 01:39:15,520 you , Mr Chairman . Thank you . 2427 01:39:15,530 --> 01:39:17,641 Thank you , everyone , for being here 2428 01:39:17,641 --> 01:39:20,550 today on this critical top , Um , to 2429 01:39:20,550 --> 01:39:23,480 follow up on Mr Brown's questioning . I 2430 01:39:23,480 --> 01:39:25,369 want to thank you for offering to 2431 01:39:25,369 --> 01:39:27,313 provide us with the specific legal 2432 01:39:27,313 --> 01:39:29,313 authority that you , in conjunction 2433 01:39:29,313 --> 01:39:31,480 with the Office of Legal Counsel , are 2434 01:39:31,480 --> 01:39:33,702 relying on to assess whether or not you 2435 01:39:33,702 --> 01:39:33,460 can mandate service members to be 2436 01:39:33,460 --> 01:39:35,520 vaccinated . And I just want to say 2437 01:39:35,520 --> 01:39:37,742 that , too , and very eager to see that 2438 01:39:37,742 --> 01:39:39,742 specific legal analysis , and we'll 2439 01:39:39,742 --> 01:39:41,820 look forward to you sending it , um 2440 01:39:41,830 --> 01:39:44,540 next , I represent a district in San 2441 01:39:44,540 --> 01:39:46,596 Diego , which , as you know , is the 2442 01:39:46,596 --> 01:39:48,762 home port of the Mercy . And while the 2443 01:39:48,762 --> 01:39:50,651 mercy was deployed to Los Angeles 2444 01:39:50,651 --> 01:39:52,762 earlier during the pandemic , it's my 2445 01:39:52,762 --> 01:39:54,762 understanding that the ship was not 2446 01:39:54,762 --> 01:39:56,873 heavily utilized . The ship's mission 2447 01:39:56,873 --> 01:39:59,040 was to treat patients other than those 2448 01:39:59,040 --> 01:40:01,207 with Kobe freeing up hospitals to deal 2449 01:40:01,207 --> 01:40:03,429 with the virus . But it seems as though 2450 01:40:03,429 --> 01:40:05,651 few medical providers actually made use 2451 01:40:05,651 --> 01:40:07,762 of the facilities aboard the ship . I 2452 01:40:07,762 --> 01:40:09,707 was just wondering if you have any 2453 01:40:09,707 --> 01:40:11,818 insight as to why this was the case . 2454 01:40:11,818 --> 01:40:13,873 Is the department looking at ways to 2455 01:40:13,873 --> 01:40:15,984 make it easier for both the mercy and 2456 01:40:15,984 --> 01:40:15,710 the comfort to better assist the 2457 01:40:15,710 --> 01:40:18,180 homeland ? Should that need arise again 2458 01:40:18,190 --> 01:40:21,860 in the future ? Congresswoman is 2459 01:40:21,860 --> 01:40:24,082 General Tolliver . I could address that 2460 01:40:24,082 --> 01:40:27,330 the , uh , most of our fielded medical 2461 01:40:27,330 --> 01:40:29,970 capabilities air designed thio deploy 2462 01:40:29,970 --> 01:40:32,490 to a wartime environment and do trauma 2463 01:40:32,500 --> 01:40:35,670 care that does not maketh , um , 2464 01:40:35,750 --> 01:40:39,740 perfectly equipped for , uh , disease 2465 01:40:39,740 --> 01:40:41,920 control as is needed during the 2466 01:40:41,920 --> 01:40:45,530 pandemic . But moreover , we found that 2467 01:40:45,910 --> 01:40:48,680 as as we , uh , due to the low 2468 01:40:48,680 --> 01:40:50,291 utilization of some of these 2469 01:40:50,291 --> 01:40:51,902 traditional field of medical 2470 01:40:51,902 --> 01:40:54,280 capabilities , we found it much more 2471 01:40:54,280 --> 01:40:56,680 effective to deploy our personnel to 2472 01:40:56,680 --> 01:40:59,390 existing infrastructure , whether that 2473 01:40:59,400 --> 01:41:01,540 be existing hospitals or medical 2474 01:41:01,540 --> 01:41:04,900 centers . Uh , because largely we found 2475 01:41:04,900 --> 01:41:07,570 that those hospitals and centers were 2476 01:41:07,570 --> 01:41:10,180 not short on physical capacity . They 2477 01:41:10,180 --> 01:41:12,750 were short on staff , the ability to 2478 01:41:12,750 --> 01:41:15,110 staff more beds , the availability to 2479 01:41:15,110 --> 01:41:17,870 utilize the equipment and capacity they 2480 01:41:17,870 --> 01:41:21,120 had . And with the addition of D o D 2481 01:41:21,120 --> 01:41:23,900 personnel medical personnel to expand 2482 01:41:23,900 --> 01:41:26,750 their internal capacity , it actually 2483 01:41:26,750 --> 01:41:28,861 allowed our personnel to be much more 2484 01:41:28,861 --> 01:41:31,083 effective in the response allowed those 2485 01:41:31,083 --> 01:41:33,760 hospitals to treat people where the 2486 01:41:33,760 --> 01:41:37,270 people wanted to be treated . And that 2487 01:41:37,270 --> 01:41:39,380 was an evolution that that made our 2488 01:41:39,390 --> 01:41:41,040 forces much more capable . 2489 01:41:44,510 --> 01:41:47,640 Uh , thank you for that . Um And then 2490 01:41:47,640 --> 01:41:49,900 just last year , I wanna reiterate what 2491 01:41:49,900 --> 01:41:52,220 some of my colleagues have said . I've 2492 01:41:52,230 --> 01:41:54,286 been hearing from service members on 2493 01:41:54,286 --> 01:41:56,380 the ground . Uh , just how difficult 2494 01:41:56,380 --> 01:41:58,436 the child care options have been for 2495 01:41:58,436 --> 01:42:00,890 them during this crisis . And , uh , 2496 01:42:00,900 --> 01:42:03,122 even potentially more concerning that . 2497 01:42:03,122 --> 01:42:05,067 Even the childcare facilities that 2498 01:42:05,067 --> 01:42:06,844 remain open they don't feel are 2499 01:42:06,844 --> 01:42:09,080 necessarily upholding Kobe protocols 2500 01:42:09,080 --> 01:42:10,930 and keeping the staff and their 2501 01:42:10,930 --> 01:42:13,730 Children safe . So I look forward to 2502 01:42:13,740 --> 01:42:15,962 continuing to work with you all to make 2503 01:42:15,962 --> 01:42:18,330 sure that we address that issue . With 2504 01:42:18,330 --> 01:42:21,080 that I yield back . Thank you . Mr . 2505 01:42:21,080 --> 01:42:23,191 Green is recognized for five months . 2506 01:42:28,300 --> 01:42:30,910 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Uh , I'd like 2507 01:42:30,910 --> 01:42:33,420 to thank you and ranking member Rogers 2508 01:42:33,420 --> 01:42:35,531 for the opportunity to serve together 2509 01:42:35,531 --> 01:42:37,753 and to continue the great work that you 2510 01:42:37,753 --> 01:42:39,864 guys have done . Caring for our brave 2511 01:42:39,864 --> 01:42:41,864 men and women in uniform . I'd also 2512 01:42:41,864 --> 01:42:44,198 like to say the ranking member , Rogers , 2513 01:42:44,198 --> 01:42:43,690 I've got no him personally while 2514 01:42:43,690 --> 01:42:45,912 working under his leadership . Homeland 2515 01:42:45,912 --> 01:42:47,912 Security . Sir , it's been great to 2516 01:42:47,912 --> 01:42:50,079 work with you there and I look forward 2517 01:42:50,079 --> 01:42:50,030 to , and I'm proud to serve with you 2518 01:42:50,030 --> 01:42:53,220 Now . My time as an airborne ranger and 2519 01:42:53,220 --> 01:42:55,276 Army physician assigned with some of 2520 01:42:55,276 --> 01:42:58,470 our tier one Special Forces units gave 2521 01:42:58,470 --> 01:43:00,303 me a love for those who stand in 2522 01:43:00,303 --> 01:43:02,359 defense of our freedoms . They would 2523 01:43:02,359 --> 01:43:05,040 die for us . And I believe every member 2524 01:43:05,040 --> 01:43:06,818 of this committee has a similar 2525 01:43:06,818 --> 01:43:08,873 devotion and dedication to them . So 2526 01:43:08,873 --> 01:43:11,040 it's ah really honor for me to be here 2527 01:43:11,040 --> 01:43:13,207 and also the chance to take care of in 2528 01:43:13,207 --> 01:43:15,373 my district . For Campbell and the men 2529 01:43:15,373 --> 01:43:17,930 and women who are , uh , serving from 2530 01:43:17,930 --> 01:43:19,986 that base , kicking doors and taking 2531 01:43:19,986 --> 01:43:22,050 names across the globe to defend our 2532 01:43:22,050 --> 01:43:24,920 freedom is a really , really honor . Um , 2533 01:43:24,930 --> 01:43:27,041 as an Army physician who did research 2534 01:43:27,041 --> 01:43:28,986 both at Walter Reed , you Sandra , 2535 01:43:28,986 --> 01:43:32,310 during medical school and research with 2536 01:43:32,310 --> 01:43:34,588 soldiers and on soldiers and residency . 2537 01:43:34,588 --> 01:43:36,754 I'd like to put to bed this issue that 2538 01:43:36,754 --> 01:43:39,000 I keep hearing about using research 2539 01:43:39,000 --> 01:43:41,000 medications on that duty soldiers . 2540 01:43:41,000 --> 01:43:43,100 There is statute passed by Congress 2541 01:43:43,100 --> 01:43:44,900 previously in National Defense 2542 01:43:44,900 --> 01:43:47,122 Authorization acts that prevent because 2543 01:43:47,122 --> 01:43:49,730 of Tuskegee Airman and what happened 2544 01:43:49,730 --> 01:43:52,270 there . Legislation was passed to 2545 01:43:52,270 --> 01:43:54,350 prevent the use of any experimental 2546 01:43:54,350 --> 01:43:56,517 medication on an active duty soldier . 2547 01:43:56,800 --> 01:43:59,330 We did research myself on pain 2548 01:43:59,330 --> 01:44:01,497 management residency and were not able 2549 01:44:01,497 --> 01:44:03,497 to use anything but an FDA approved 2550 01:44:03,497 --> 01:44:06,920 drug for that it is written into law . 2551 01:44:06,930 --> 01:44:09,320 I think it's a bad idea to change it in 2552 01:44:09,320 --> 01:44:12,230 a blanket statement because are a 2553 01:44:12,230 --> 01:44:16,050 blanket law because way just we need 2554 01:44:16,050 --> 01:44:18,217 the full blown research done before we 2555 01:44:18,217 --> 01:44:21,040 before we saddle our warriors with with 2556 01:44:21,040 --> 01:44:24,090 an experimental medication . Um , and I 2557 01:44:24,090 --> 01:44:26,760 can help the committee find that N d a . 2558 01:44:26,770 --> 01:44:30,200 On the witnesses find that N d a . If 2559 01:44:30,200 --> 01:44:33,030 it's necessary . Um , I do have some 2560 01:44:33,030 --> 01:44:35,030 questions for our witnesses , and I 2561 01:44:35,030 --> 01:44:37,740 appreciate you being here . Can either 2562 01:44:37,740 --> 01:44:40,290 of you kind of share ? You know , the 2563 01:44:40,300 --> 01:44:43,970 impact of , um , the 2564 01:44:43,980 --> 01:44:46,210 covering the cove , it , uh , 2565 01:44:46,790 --> 01:44:49,068 requirements on training and readiness . 2566 01:44:49,068 --> 01:44:51,290 And specifically , were there any J r T 2567 01:44:51,290 --> 01:44:53,401 C rotations that were canceled ? Were 2568 01:44:53,401 --> 01:44:55,610 there NTC cycles that were canceled ? 2569 01:44:55,620 --> 01:44:57,830 What are some of the specific examples 2570 01:44:57,830 --> 01:45:00,320 of the impact ? And when we make this 2571 01:45:00,320 --> 01:45:02,431 training up , what's the impact gonna 2572 01:45:02,431 --> 01:45:06,190 be on up tempo ? Yeah , Congressman is 2573 01:45:06,190 --> 01:45:08,412 General Tolliver . I can address that . 2574 01:45:08,420 --> 01:45:10,950 Uh , in the early days of the pandemic , 2575 01:45:10,950 --> 01:45:14,180 the services did cancel or delay some 2576 01:45:14,180 --> 01:45:17,030 of the large force exercises like you 2577 01:45:17,030 --> 01:45:19,620 mentioned . Whether that's a national 2578 01:45:19,620 --> 01:45:23,000 training center , rotation or red flag 2579 01:45:23,010 --> 01:45:26,340 or or the like . Overseas 2580 01:45:26,350 --> 01:45:30,290 are , uh , joint exercises 2581 01:45:30,300 --> 01:45:32,500 executed by the combatant commands . 2582 01:45:32,510 --> 01:45:35,980 Over the last year , 99 exercises have 2583 01:45:35,980 --> 01:45:37,850 been canceled . That would have 2584 01:45:37,850 --> 01:45:40,900 included about 40,000 US and partner 2585 01:45:40,900 --> 01:45:44,220 forces , partnering with 46 different 2586 01:45:44,220 --> 01:45:47,600 countries . and 37 exercises were 2587 01:45:47,600 --> 01:45:50,840 postponed with almost 50,000 US and 2588 01:45:50,840 --> 01:45:53,800 partners that would have included 27 2589 01:45:53,800 --> 01:45:56,480 countries . And I think 2590 01:45:57,290 --> 01:46:00,980 the overseas training 2591 01:46:00,980 --> 01:46:03,500 and the large force exercise training 2592 01:46:03,980 --> 01:46:06,350 in the United States air similar . But 2593 01:46:06,350 --> 01:46:08,540 there are some key differences . The 2594 01:46:08,540 --> 01:46:10,540 large force exercises in the United 2595 01:46:10,540 --> 01:46:14,130 States provide that that 2596 01:46:14,140 --> 01:46:17,650 infrequent opportunity to have a very , 2597 01:46:17,660 --> 01:46:20,810 um , complicated , realistic training 2598 01:46:20,810 --> 01:46:24,160 scenario that only occurs a few times 2599 01:46:24,160 --> 01:46:26,350 in the service members career . And 2600 01:46:26,350 --> 01:46:30,020 that's the quality . I really hate to 2601 01:46:30,020 --> 01:46:32,290 interrupt you , especially having 2602 01:46:32,290 --> 01:46:34,346 served in the military , and I don't 2603 01:46:34,346 --> 01:46:36,512 like interrupting a two star general . 2604 01:46:36,512 --> 01:46:38,780 But what what is the time it's going to 2605 01:46:38,780 --> 01:46:42,370 take to return to the level of 2606 01:46:42,370 --> 01:46:44,481 training when we make all this up ? I 2607 01:46:44,481 --> 01:46:46,648 mean , how long is it going to take us 2608 01:46:46,648 --> 01:46:48,703 to make all this up ? And what's the 2609 01:46:48,703 --> 01:46:50,703 impact on the Optempo ? I only have 2610 01:46:50,703 --> 01:46:52,814 about a minute left , So that's why I 2611 01:46:52,814 --> 01:46:54,970 jumped in interrupted eso Congressman 2612 01:46:54,980 --> 01:46:58,100 Um , in most cases it won't be made up . 2613 01:46:58,110 --> 01:47:00,720 It will be an opportunity lost for that 2614 01:47:00,730 --> 01:47:03,130 large force training and that the 2615 01:47:03,130 --> 01:47:05,290 services have been an outstanding job 2616 01:47:05,290 --> 01:47:08,400 adapting and substituting small force 2617 01:47:08,400 --> 01:47:10,710 elements during that space . 2618 01:47:12,780 --> 01:47:16,020 Okay , Um , I only have 20 seconds . 2619 01:47:16,020 --> 01:47:18,298 Jeff left . So , Chairman , I'll yield . 2620 01:47:19,180 --> 01:47:21,410 Thank you , Mr Key . Healy is 2621 01:47:21,410 --> 01:47:24,620 recognized for five minutes . All right . 2622 01:47:24,620 --> 01:47:26,676 Thank you . Thank you . Chair . This 2623 01:47:26,676 --> 01:47:29,350 question is for General Nordhaus . Um , 2624 01:47:29,360 --> 01:47:31,416 good morning , gentlemen . Thank you 2625 01:47:31,416 --> 01:47:33,360 for all the participants are on on 2626 01:47:33,360 --> 01:47:35,027 today's call . My My question 2627 01:47:35,027 --> 01:47:37,082 specifically has to do with National 2628 01:47:37,082 --> 01:47:39,138 Guardsmen who are entitled 32 5 Oh , 2629 01:47:39,138 --> 01:47:41,490 two f . I suspect this is an issue that 2630 01:47:41,500 --> 01:47:44,590 is existing in the other 49 states . 2631 01:47:44,980 --> 01:47:48,530 But as you are well aware , Section 733 2632 01:47:48,530 --> 01:47:51,110 of the most recently passed nd a 2633 01:47:51,110 --> 01:47:53,220 provided for transitional health 2634 01:47:53,220 --> 01:47:55,220 benefits for certain members of the 2635 01:47:55,220 --> 01:47:57,331 National Guard that are serving under 2636 01:47:57,331 --> 01:48:00,100 orders in response to Kobe 19 . Um , 2637 01:48:00,110 --> 01:48:03,000 what has happened is National Guardsmen , 2638 01:48:03,010 --> 01:48:06,190 uh , currently that are coming off , 2639 01:48:06,570 --> 01:48:08,940 uh , and are eligible because they've 2640 01:48:08,940 --> 01:48:11,300 been entitled TORITO for the last least 2641 01:48:11,300 --> 01:48:15,300 30 days are unable to get Tamp or 2642 01:48:15,300 --> 01:48:17,467 the Transitional Assistance Management 2643 01:48:17,467 --> 01:48:19,689 program , which allows them to continue 2644 01:48:19,689 --> 01:48:22,160 their Tricare for longer for up to 180 2645 01:48:22,160 --> 01:48:24,440 days , as as described in the most 2646 01:48:24,440 --> 01:48:27,760 recently passed n d a . Now , after 2647 01:48:27,760 --> 01:48:29,930 researching it , it seems there's a 2648 01:48:29,930 --> 01:48:32,440 disconnect between the inability for 2649 01:48:32,440 --> 01:48:34,500 Tricare to manually activate those 2650 01:48:34,500 --> 01:48:36,667 service Manders those eligible service 2651 01:48:36,667 --> 01:48:39,160 members into Tampa . Uh oh . SD has 2652 01:48:39,160 --> 01:48:41,330 been working with the M D C toe . 2653 01:48:41,330 --> 01:48:43,720 Actively fix it , but they're expected 2654 01:48:43,730 --> 01:48:45,930 Implementation date is not until March 2655 01:48:45,930 --> 01:48:49,070 20th 2021 . I find that 2656 01:48:49,080 --> 01:48:52,230 unacceptable . For are eligible 2657 01:48:52,230 --> 01:48:54,397 National Guard soldiers and airman and 2658 01:48:54,397 --> 01:48:56,650 their families who , since the passage 2659 01:48:56,650 --> 01:48:58,761 of the n b A . I don't know if it was 2660 01:48:58,761 --> 01:49:00,872 retroactive to National Guardsmen who 2661 01:49:00,872 --> 01:49:02,950 have been on title 30 to 502 x since 2662 01:49:02,950 --> 01:49:06,500 last March . Um , but for the National 2663 01:49:06,500 --> 01:49:08,920 Guardsmen that have been on 502 F 2664 01:49:08,930 --> 01:49:12,780 orders since the , um , passage off the 2665 01:49:12,790 --> 01:49:15,270 N . D . A . Who have been on orders for 2666 01:49:15,270 --> 01:49:17,670 the last 30 days and have come off 2667 01:49:17,670 --> 01:49:19,510 those orders , they should be 2668 01:49:19,520 --> 01:49:21,631 transitioned right into Tampa and not 2669 01:49:21,631 --> 01:49:24,590 have to wait until March 20th 2021 . 2670 01:49:24,600 --> 01:49:26,711 There should be no break in their tri 2671 01:49:26,711 --> 01:49:28,933 care prime healthcare benefits , and my 2672 01:49:28,933 --> 01:49:31,156 questions are , What are we going to do 2673 01:49:31,156 --> 01:49:33,322 to address this ? Why is the N . D . C 2674 01:49:33,322 --> 01:49:35,270 unable to implement this today for 2675 01:49:35,270 --> 01:49:37,300 eligible service members ? What is 2676 01:49:37,300 --> 01:49:39,300 always D currently doing to address 2677 01:49:39,300 --> 01:49:41,610 this situation immediately . And why is 2678 01:49:41,610 --> 01:49:43,388 there not a process to manually 2679 01:49:43,388 --> 01:49:46,130 activate Tamp for eligible soldiers and 2680 01:49:46,130 --> 01:49:49,000 airman who have been on title 32 5 or 2681 01:49:49,000 --> 01:49:51,360 to have ordered since the passage of 2682 01:49:51,360 --> 01:49:53,638 the National Defense Authorization Act ? 2683 01:49:53,638 --> 01:49:56,690 Um , today . That's my question , sir . 2684 01:50:00,460 --> 01:50:03,140 Congressman , First of all , I want to 2685 01:50:03,140 --> 01:50:05,362 start off by Thank you for your service 2686 01:50:05,362 --> 01:50:07,710 in , uh , Cove in 19 in Hawaii . E no , 2687 01:50:07,710 --> 01:50:09,990 you served on state active duty . And , 2688 01:50:09,990 --> 01:50:12,680 uh um , this issue that you have just 2689 01:50:12,680 --> 01:50:15,140 brought up to me , I will have to look 2690 01:50:15,140 --> 01:50:17,251 more into it , and we'll have to make 2691 01:50:17,251 --> 01:50:19,473 sure that we do everything we can tow . 2692 01:50:19,473 --> 01:50:21,584 Follow the law that was passed , uh , 2693 01:50:21,584 --> 01:50:23,696 to make sure that we can take care of 2694 01:50:23,696 --> 01:50:25,918 our service members through tamp . Um , 2695 01:50:25,918 --> 01:50:28,130 I'll yield to anyone else on the panel 2696 01:50:28,130 --> 01:50:30,297 That has further information than I do 2697 01:50:37,860 --> 01:50:40,330 on and we could follow . We could 2698 01:50:40,330 --> 01:50:42,810 follow up , sir , if way don't have 2699 01:50:42,810 --> 01:50:44,754 those answers . I'm just concerned 2700 01:50:44,754 --> 01:50:46,850 because we have I know at least 21 2701 01:50:46,850 --> 01:50:48,920 National Guardsmen here in Hawaii . 2702 01:50:48,930 --> 01:50:52,030 Soldiers and airman who have performed 2703 01:50:52,030 --> 01:50:55,570 at least 30 days of title 32 have since 2704 01:50:55,570 --> 01:50:58,270 the end A has passed that are being 2705 01:50:58,270 --> 01:51:00,900 told that they cannot . Aziz , you will 2706 01:51:00,900 --> 01:51:03,011 know the day you come off active duty 2707 01:51:03,011 --> 01:51:05,233 orders is the day you drop out of gears 2708 01:51:05,233 --> 01:51:07,178 and you are no longer eligible for 2709 01:51:07,178 --> 01:51:09,511 Tricare prime for you and your families . 2710 01:51:09,511 --> 01:51:11,567 And they should roll right over into 2711 01:51:11,567 --> 01:51:13,678 temp and and it's not happening . And 2712 01:51:13,678 --> 01:51:15,733 they're being told they need to wait 2713 01:51:15,733 --> 01:51:17,950 for at least five weeks before that's 2714 01:51:17,950 --> 01:51:20,006 gonna happen . And that's that's one 2715 01:51:20,006 --> 01:51:22,590 month without these service members on 2716 01:51:22,590 --> 01:51:24,479 their families , you know , being 2717 01:51:24,479 --> 01:51:26,980 covered by Tricare . So that zone 2718 01:51:26,980 --> 01:51:29,202 immediate concern for me because that's 2719 01:51:29,202 --> 01:51:31,313 a really , really situation happening 2720 01:51:31,313 --> 01:51:33,369 here in Hawaii today . And I suspect 2721 01:51:33,369 --> 01:51:35,424 it's happening , uh , in every other 2722 01:51:35,424 --> 01:51:37,647 state in the country , like Congressman 2723 01:51:37,647 --> 01:51:39,980 Kelly and Mississippi mentioned earlier . 2724 01:51:39,980 --> 01:51:41,813 Um , uh , you know , these these 2725 01:51:41,813 --> 01:51:43,980 benefits are not are not transitioning 2726 01:51:43,980 --> 01:51:46,036 to the service member who has earned 2727 01:51:46,036 --> 01:51:48,036 them . Congressman , I'll look into 2728 01:51:48,036 --> 01:51:50,258 that today with our , uh , um , surgeon 2729 01:51:50,258 --> 01:51:53,390 General and R J one , um , to make sure 2730 01:51:53,390 --> 01:51:56,610 that we figure out what the issue is 2731 01:51:56,620 --> 01:51:58,564 and will provide a response back . 2732 01:52:00,450 --> 01:52:02,394 Great . Thank you . And thanks for 2733 01:52:02,394 --> 01:52:04,506 acknowledging my service . I was also 2734 01:52:04,506 --> 01:52:06,672 entitled 32 5 , a Bible to have orders 2735 01:52:06,672 --> 01:52:09,730 for almost 120 days from April to 2736 01:52:09,730 --> 01:52:12,940 August and and , you know , it was a 2737 01:52:12,940 --> 01:52:15,107 great service to the state of Hawaii . 2738 01:52:15,107 --> 01:52:17,420 Um , to do that . So thank you . Thank 2739 01:52:17,420 --> 01:52:19,670 you . Mr . Waltz is recognized for five 2740 01:52:19,670 --> 01:52:20,380 minutes . 2741 01:52:27,450 --> 01:52:29,500 Mr Waltz . So , you with us ? Yes . 2742 01:52:29,730 --> 01:52:32,008 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I'm with you . 2743 01:52:32,008 --> 01:52:34,341 Can you hear me ? OK , Yes , we got you . 2744 01:52:34,341 --> 01:52:36,508 Go ahead . Yeah , I just on . And this 2745 01:52:36,508 --> 01:52:38,452 is open to anyone on the panel . I 2746 01:52:38,452 --> 01:52:40,341 wanted to follow up on the , uh , 2747 01:52:40,341 --> 01:52:42,619 congressman days . Our latest question , 2748 01:52:42,850 --> 01:52:45,510 Uh , in terms of the analysis that's 2749 01:52:45,510 --> 01:52:49,390 going on on MGB how we got 2750 01:52:49,400 --> 01:52:51,511 to the current number of guardsmen in 2751 01:52:51,511 --> 01:52:53,456 the capital , the threat that then 2752 01:53:01,650 --> 01:53:05,020 we don't have you anymore . We're not 2753 01:53:05,020 --> 01:53:07,131 hearing you , Mr Waltz . I don't know 2754 01:53:07,131 --> 01:53:09,353 if you accidentally hit mute or we just 2755 01:53:09,353 --> 01:53:11,687 got a connection of that . A canoe . No , 2756 01:53:11,687 --> 01:53:13,853 no , you're okay . We got you now . We 2757 01:53:13,853 --> 01:53:17,220 lost you for about 20 seconds . You 2758 01:53:17,220 --> 01:53:20,770 might want to start our Hmm . 2759 01:53:21,650 --> 01:53:24,520 Well , now you're completely lost . 2760 01:53:24,820 --> 01:53:27,042 Well , there we go . We got a picture . 2761 01:53:27,550 --> 01:53:31,270 Yeah . Okay . Right . 2762 01:53:32,450 --> 01:53:35,180 Um , how about now , Mr . Chairman ? 2763 01:53:35,180 --> 01:53:38,170 Apologies . Yeah . Way Here . You now 2764 01:53:38,180 --> 01:53:40,458 So way could do this all day long . OK ? 2765 01:53:40,458 --> 01:53:43,150 One more shot . Go ahead . One more 2766 01:53:43,150 --> 01:53:46,450 shot . I hope I got it all out . The 2767 01:53:46,450 --> 01:53:48,394 analysis that's driving number the 2768 01:53:48,394 --> 01:53:50,394 capital and the opportunity cost of 2769 01:53:50,394 --> 01:53:52,394 other disk , other domestic support 2770 01:53:52,394 --> 01:53:54,672 missions . We'll play . I got that out . 2771 01:53:54,672 --> 01:53:56,783 I think his question is , what are we 2772 01:53:56,783 --> 01:53:58,783 doing Because of what's happening . 2773 01:53:58,783 --> 01:54:00,728 What ? The guard being used at the 2774 01:54:00,728 --> 01:54:04,270 Capitol . Right . Uh , 2775 01:54:04,280 --> 01:54:07,170 Congressman , um , copy your question , 2776 01:54:07,540 --> 01:54:10,200 uh , from our guardsmen that have 2777 01:54:10,200 --> 01:54:12,490 responded , uh , to the request for 2778 01:54:12,490 --> 01:54:15,130 assistance by lead federal agencies . 2779 01:54:15,140 --> 01:54:17,450 Um , our guardsmen , uh , you know , 2780 01:54:17,450 --> 01:54:19,680 have left their left their jobs , and , 2781 01:54:19,680 --> 01:54:22,080 uh , and what they were doing back in 2782 01:54:22,080 --> 01:54:24,080 their states , uh , to support this 2783 01:54:24,080 --> 01:54:26,920 mission set . Um , there's additional 2784 01:54:26,920 --> 01:54:29,730 training , uh , that they could be 2785 01:54:29,730 --> 01:54:31,897 doing . Obviously . And then there's , 2786 01:54:31,897 --> 01:54:35,740 uh , preparations for any co vid , 2787 01:54:35,750 --> 01:54:37,830 uh , response that is within their 2788 01:54:37,830 --> 01:54:39,997 state that they might be missing out , 2789 01:54:39,997 --> 01:54:42,430 uh , to the exact specific for each 2790 01:54:42,430 --> 01:54:44,530 state and each individual . I can't 2791 01:54:44,530 --> 01:54:46,990 speak toe exactly what they're missing 2792 01:54:46,990 --> 01:54:49,360 out on . Thank you . Thank you , Mr 2793 01:54:49,360 --> 01:54:51,200 Chairman . I'm looking at what's 2794 01:54:51,200 --> 01:54:54,780 driving the number that's there . The 5 2795 01:54:54,780 --> 01:54:57,130 to 7000 number and then What's the plan 2796 01:54:57,130 --> 01:54:59,630 going forward ? I could tell you also 2797 01:54:59,630 --> 01:55:01,760 serving as a guardsman . The forces 2798 01:55:01,760 --> 01:55:05,430 exhausted , uh , between co vid on 2799 01:55:05,430 --> 01:55:07,610 going overseas requirements , the 2800 01:55:07,610 --> 01:55:09,554 training that's required for those 2801 01:55:09,554 --> 01:55:11,560 requirements . Natural disaster , 2802 01:55:11,560 --> 01:55:13,671 particularly in states like Florida , 2803 01:55:13,671 --> 01:55:16,680 Texas , California Um , I worry a 2804 01:55:16,680 --> 01:55:18,513 lagging indicator is going to be 2805 01:55:18,513 --> 01:55:20,820 retention . So again the opportunity 2806 01:55:20,820 --> 01:55:22,820 costs What's driving that number of 2807 01:55:22,820 --> 01:55:24,876 7000 . And then what is the plan for 2808 01:55:24,876 --> 01:55:26,987 the foreseeable future so that we can 2809 01:55:26,987 --> 01:55:28,987 get those men and women back to the 2810 01:55:28,987 --> 01:55:31,042 states ? Congressman Waltz . This is 2811 01:55:31,042 --> 01:55:33,240 Bob's analysis . Uh , what drives the 2812 01:55:33,240 --> 01:55:35,790 requirement is is really the agency 2813 01:55:35,790 --> 01:55:37,930 department federal law enforcement 2814 01:55:37,930 --> 01:55:40,460 entity that provides the request to the 2815 01:55:40,460 --> 01:55:42,571 department for , for example , Secret 2816 01:55:42,571 --> 01:55:44,793 Service . We're providing support right 2817 01:55:44,793 --> 01:55:46,904 now . We're also providing support to 2818 01:55:46,904 --> 01:55:49,016 the Metropolitan Police provided that 2819 01:55:49,016 --> 01:55:51,349 park police specifically to the capital . 2820 01:55:51,349 --> 01:55:53,627 The Capitol Police set the requirement , 2821 01:55:53,627 --> 01:55:55,682 uh , for the number . The number was 2822 01:55:55,682 --> 01:55:57,940 based on different missions that they 2823 01:55:57,940 --> 01:55:59,884 would . The National Guard members 2824 01:55:59,884 --> 01:56:01,940 would be supporting response for its 2825 01:56:01,940 --> 01:56:04,410 perimeter security . Those kinds of 2826 01:56:04,410 --> 01:56:06,950 mission sets , um , again , we're 2827 01:56:06,950 --> 01:56:10,170 working with them a Z . You know , the 2828 01:56:10,180 --> 01:56:12,350 current requests ends on march 12th . 2829 01:56:12,530 --> 01:56:14,641 What ? We're trying to determine with 2830 01:56:14,641 --> 01:56:16,586 them is what is the right level of 2831 01:56:16,586 --> 01:56:18,419 security that they need from the 2832 01:56:18,419 --> 01:56:20,530 National Guard . Considering that the 2833 01:56:20,530 --> 01:56:22,697 circumstances have changed again , the 2834 01:56:22,697 --> 01:56:24,974 Defense Department , as you know , two , 2835 01:56:24,974 --> 01:56:27,030 is highly dependent upon federal law 2836 01:56:27,030 --> 01:56:29,141 enforcement to provide us the insight 2837 01:56:29,141 --> 01:56:31,308 into what , the threat , Maybe because 2838 01:56:31,308 --> 01:56:33,474 obviously , department doesn't do that 2839 01:56:33,474 --> 01:56:35,363 domestically . Eso We worked very 2840 01:56:35,363 --> 01:56:37,586 closely with the FBI and Secret Service 2841 01:56:37,586 --> 01:56:39,641 and others and the Capitol Police to 2842 01:56:39,641 --> 01:56:41,863 try to determine what they believe that 2843 01:56:41,863 --> 01:56:44,086 threat is and then looking at what they 2844 01:56:44,086 --> 01:56:46,141 believe is the need for the National 2845 01:56:46,141 --> 01:56:48,363 Guard or the types of mission sets that 2846 01:56:48,363 --> 01:56:51,200 they need support from . We worked very 2847 01:56:51,200 --> 01:56:53,367 closely with them to try to understand 2848 01:56:53,367 --> 01:56:55,422 what that is . Obviously , 4900 is a 2849 01:56:55,422 --> 01:56:57,644 very large number here on the Capitol . 2850 01:56:58,930 --> 01:57:01,152 Thank you . Thank you . And chairman of 2851 01:57:01,152 --> 01:57:03,430 fact , just one quick follow up . Look , 2852 01:57:03,430 --> 01:57:05,486 the Air Force is probably one of the 2853 01:57:05,486 --> 01:57:07,541 best of this . Uh , when it comes to 2854 01:57:07,541 --> 01:57:09,708 requirements , you know , saying don't 2855 01:57:09,708 --> 01:57:11,763 tell us what platform to use or what 2856 01:57:11,763 --> 01:57:13,990 weapon to use . Tell us what effect you 2857 01:57:13,990 --> 01:57:17,280 want , us toe have . I know you're you 2858 01:57:17,280 --> 01:57:19,391 can't permanently be in a position of 2859 01:57:19,391 --> 01:57:21,447 just giving every number that you're 2860 01:57:21,447 --> 01:57:23,502 asked for . There's some analysis on 2861 01:57:23,502 --> 01:57:25,613 the Guard and on the Pentagon's in of 2862 01:57:25,613 --> 01:57:27,724 what takes to actually have that have 2863 01:57:27,724 --> 01:57:29,891 that effect on . I would be interested 2864 01:57:29,891 --> 01:57:32,410 if I could ask for a response on the 2865 01:57:32,410 --> 01:57:34,360 record or what is the plan going 2866 01:57:34,370 --> 01:57:36,920 forward past March 12 ? Thank you so 2867 01:57:36,920 --> 01:57:39,150 much , Mr Chairman . Thank you . He by 2868 01:57:39,150 --> 01:57:41,261 on the record , he means submitted in 2869 01:57:41,261 --> 01:57:43,317 writing . Correct . I just like that 2870 01:57:43,317 --> 01:57:46,060 one things Thio Congressman Waltz's 2871 01:57:46,430 --> 01:57:48,770 question there and and simply we 2872 01:57:48,770 --> 01:57:51,103 realized that personnel is part of this . 2873 01:57:51,103 --> 01:57:52,659 But we also understand that 2874 01:57:52,659 --> 01:57:54,603 infrastructure and technology is a 2875 01:57:54,603 --> 01:57:56,437 large part of this that that can 2876 01:57:56,437 --> 01:57:58,381 potentially provide the additional 2877 01:57:58,381 --> 01:58:00,603 security . So it's it's the combination 2878 01:58:00,603 --> 01:58:02,270 of those things that is , the 2879 01:58:02,270 --> 01:58:04,381 congressman rightly points out , it's 2880 01:58:04,381 --> 01:58:06,603 that kind of analysis that will help us 2881 01:58:06,603 --> 01:58:08,548 understand what the real personnel 2882 01:58:08,548 --> 01:58:10,603 requirements are understood . Having 2883 01:58:10,603 --> 01:58:12,603 piped up earlier in the subject , I 2884 01:58:12,603 --> 01:58:12,250 don't want to follow up in just a 2885 01:58:12,260 --> 01:58:14,480 couple of crucial points . One . You 2886 01:58:14,480 --> 01:58:16,702 said this , but I want to make it clear 2887 01:58:16,702 --> 01:58:19,110 you are responding toe what The Capitol 2888 01:58:19,110 --> 01:58:21,960 Police and the City of Washington , D . 2889 01:58:21,960 --> 01:58:25,560 C . And the Speaker's office in the 2890 01:58:25,560 --> 01:58:27,727 majority leader's office in the Senate 2891 01:58:27,727 --> 01:58:30,190 is asking you to do , Um , this is not 2892 01:58:30,190 --> 01:58:32,280 your independent assessment . You're 2893 01:58:32,290 --> 01:58:34,457 responding to that request . So So the 2894 01:58:34,457 --> 01:58:36,679 decision is making on this or not being 2895 01:58:36,679 --> 01:58:38,770 100% made by you taking Mr Walters 2896 01:58:38,770 --> 01:58:40,659 Point that you do have to sort of 2897 01:58:40,659 --> 01:58:42,770 figure out how to achieve that effect 2898 01:58:42,770 --> 01:58:44,659 is being driven locally . And the 2899 01:58:44,659 --> 01:58:46,826 second thing I would say is , in terms 2900 01:58:46,826 --> 01:58:49,048 of the threat environment , I've looked 2901 01:58:49,048 --> 01:58:51,048 at it , and I agree that the threat 2902 01:58:51,048 --> 01:58:53,159 environment is less . But if you want 2903 01:58:53,159 --> 01:58:55,048 to know what's driving the threat 2904 01:58:55,048 --> 01:58:57,103 environment , it would be helpful if 2905 01:58:57,103 --> 01:58:59,326 every single elected official in person 2906 01:58:59,326 --> 01:59:01,492 in a position of power in this country 2907 01:59:01,492 --> 01:59:03,548 publicly acknowledged that Joe Biden 2908 01:59:03,548 --> 01:59:05,548 was the duly elected president in a 2909 01:59:05,548 --> 01:59:07,714 free and fair election , the degree to 2910 01:59:07,714 --> 01:59:09,714 which people are still driving that 2911 01:59:09,714 --> 01:59:11,770 narrative . That narrative then gets 2912 01:59:11,770 --> 01:59:15,330 taken and put into really whacky sets 2913 01:59:15,330 --> 01:59:17,410 of arguments that motivate people to 2914 01:59:17,410 --> 01:59:19,466 say things . And I'm sure everyone's 2915 01:59:19,466 --> 01:59:21,688 aware of this right now . March 4th and 2916 01:59:21,688 --> 01:59:23,854 I love this , by the way . So I have a 2917 01:59:23,854 --> 01:59:25,632 sense of humor about absolutely 2918 01:59:25,632 --> 01:59:27,354 everything , regardless of the 2919 01:59:27,354 --> 01:59:29,466 circumstances . So apparently some of 2920 01:59:29,466 --> 01:59:31,577 These people have figured out that 75 2921 01:59:31,577 --> 01:59:33,632 years ago , the president used to be 2922 01:59:33,632 --> 01:59:35,743 inaugurated on March 4th . Okay , now 2923 01:59:35,743 --> 01:59:37,966 why ? That's relevant , God knows , but 2924 01:59:37,966 --> 01:59:40,077 at any rate , so now they're thinking 2925 01:59:40,077 --> 01:59:41,910 maybe we should gather again and 2926 01:59:41,910 --> 01:59:44,243 storing the capital on March 4th . Okay , 2927 01:59:44,243 --> 01:59:46,521 that is circulating online . All right ? 2928 01:59:46,521 --> 01:59:48,688 Yeah . You know , it's stuff like that 2929 01:59:48,688 --> 01:59:50,854 circulates all the time . Doesn't mean 2930 01:59:50,854 --> 01:59:53,021 it's gonna happen . Probably not . But 2931 01:59:53,021 --> 01:59:55,188 if you want to help , tell them not to 2932 01:59:55,188 --> 01:59:57,299 do that . Tell them that the election 2933 01:59:57,299 --> 01:59:59,521 is over . Joe Biden won . It was a free 2934 01:59:59,521 --> 01:59:59,230 and fair election . And let's get the 2935 01:59:59,230 --> 02:00:02,110 work . That , too , would help reduce 2936 02:00:02,330 --> 02:00:05,120 the well . I don't know , fear slash 2937 02:00:05,120 --> 02:00:07,342 paranoia that people feel that requires 2938 02:00:07,342 --> 02:00:09,342 everything that we're seeing around 2939 02:00:09,342 --> 02:00:11,453 here . So both sides could be helpful 2940 02:00:11,453 --> 02:00:13,676 in getting our capital back to normal , 2941 02:00:13,676 --> 02:00:15,676 I guess . Is what I would say . All 2942 02:00:15,676 --> 02:00:17,842 right . I think Mr Morelli is now with 2943 02:00:17,842 --> 02:00:20,176 us . Mr . Chairman , you certainly have , 2944 02:00:20,176 --> 02:00:22,342 uh , commitment from May . Thank you . 2945 02:00:22,342 --> 02:00:24,287 I appreciate that , Mr Morelli . I 2946 02:00:24,287 --> 02:00:26,398 think we're going to give you another 2947 02:00:26,398 --> 02:00:29,790 shot here . You with us ? I am , 2948 02:00:30,090 --> 02:00:33,760 Uh , five minutes . Yes . Thank you , 2949 02:00:33,760 --> 02:00:35,816 sir . I I will be very brief , but I 2950 02:00:35,816 --> 02:00:37,560 just wanted to thank the the 2951 02:00:37,560 --> 02:00:39,790 individuals who are testifying . Thank 2952 02:00:39,790 --> 02:00:41,512 you , Mr Chairman , for a very 2953 02:00:41,512 --> 02:00:43,630 important and lightning hearing . And 2954 02:00:43,630 --> 02:00:45,741 as I am brand new to this committee , 2955 02:00:45,741 --> 02:00:47,930 I'm gonna stop talking yield back and 2956 02:00:47,930 --> 02:00:50,600 observe my colleagues , uh , in this , 2957 02:00:50,600 --> 02:00:52,711 but I do want to thank people . And I 2958 02:00:52,711 --> 02:00:54,656 also to the National Guard General 2959 02:00:54,656 --> 02:00:58,150 Kelly fro We lost three guards men , uh , 2960 02:00:58,160 --> 02:00:59,938 in in Rochester , new York , my 2961 02:00:59,938 --> 02:01:02,160 hometown with a helicopter crash just a 2962 02:01:02,160 --> 02:01:04,382 couple weeks ago . And I wanted express 2963 02:01:04,382 --> 02:01:06,493 my condolences to you into , uh , the 2964 02:01:06,493 --> 02:01:06,410 members of the guard who do 2965 02:01:06,410 --> 02:01:08,466 extraordinary service , as do all of 2966 02:01:08,466 --> 02:01:10,521 our active personnel . With that , I 2967 02:01:10,521 --> 02:01:12,743 yield back . Mr Chair . Thank you . I'm 2968 02:01:12,743 --> 02:01:12,130 sorry , Mike . Did you have some 2969 02:01:12,610 --> 02:01:15,610 brother ? Yes . I'm sorry . Mr . Rogers 2970 02:01:15,610 --> 02:01:17,777 made the comment that Mr Morelli has a 2971 02:01:17,777 --> 02:01:20,054 bright future on this committee . Andi , 2972 02:01:20,054 --> 02:01:22,150 I heartily agree . Mr Bice . Sorry , 2973 02:01:22,150 --> 02:01:24,372 miss . Mrs . Bice , You're recognized . 2974 02:01:25,410 --> 02:01:27,800 Thank you , Mr Chairman . My question 2975 02:01:27,800 --> 02:01:30,110 is really directed specifically , um as 2976 02:01:30,110 --> 02:01:32,660 it relates to my congressional district . 2977 02:01:32,670 --> 02:01:36,560 I am near Tinker Air Force Base and 2978 02:01:36,560 --> 02:01:40,010 there are approximately 3 3000 military 2979 02:01:40,010 --> 02:01:42,232 personnel that work on base . But there 2980 02:01:42,232 --> 02:01:44,990 are 25,000 civilians that work on base . 2981 02:01:45,000 --> 02:01:47,390 What is the process that Diaz is using 2982 02:01:47,390 --> 02:01:50,740 to make sure that those civilian based 2983 02:01:50,740 --> 02:01:53,990 employees are accessing the vaccine ? 2984 02:01:54,000 --> 02:01:55,944 Is that being left up to the local 2985 02:01:55,944 --> 02:01:58,167 community ? Or is that something that D 2986 02:01:58,167 --> 02:02:00,111 o . D is working ? Actively , Thio 2987 02:02:00,111 --> 02:02:02,222 assistant making sure that this folks 2988 02:02:02,222 --> 02:02:04,490 have access to the vaccine so that 2989 02:02:04,500 --> 02:02:06,700 they're not , um , you know , 2990 02:02:06,710 --> 02:02:10,190 potentially exposing the military 2991 02:02:10,190 --> 02:02:12,830 personnel that are working on base . Ah , 2992 02:02:13,300 --> 02:02:15,467 uh , Congresswoman , I'm gonna turn it 2993 02:02:15,467 --> 02:02:17,522 over to General Friedrichs , but the 2994 02:02:17,522 --> 02:02:19,870 the D o d civilians air in our vaccine 2995 02:02:19,870 --> 02:02:22,110 schema and depending on what jobs 2996 02:02:22,110 --> 02:02:23,999 they're performing and what their 2997 02:02:23,999 --> 02:02:26,490 health conditions are , Well , uh , 2998 02:02:26,500 --> 02:02:28,770 will guide exactly when they get the 2999 02:02:28,770 --> 02:02:30,992 vaccine . But let me turn it over toe . 3000 02:02:30,992 --> 02:02:33,103 General Friedrichs . Dr . Friedrich . 3001 02:02:33,103 --> 02:02:35,159 Uh , thank you , congresswoman . And 3002 02:02:35,159 --> 02:02:37,381 thank you . Uh , SD sales is and , uh , 3003 02:02:37,381 --> 02:02:39,437 that's exactly right . So as we have 3004 02:02:39,437 --> 02:02:41,326 bought through our prioritization 3005 02:02:41,326 --> 02:02:43,381 following those CDC criteria , we've 3006 02:02:43,381 --> 02:02:45,492 identified those on our bases who are 3007 02:02:45,492 --> 02:02:47,630 at increased risk , whether by age or 3008 02:02:47,640 --> 02:02:49,810 reason of other medical conditions . 3009 02:02:49,820 --> 02:02:51,653 And that includes those critical 3010 02:02:51,653 --> 02:02:53,820 infrastructure personnel that you just 3011 02:02:53,820 --> 02:02:55,931 mentioned who work on our bases there 3012 02:02:55,931 --> 02:02:58,260 so they are part of our schema . And as 3013 02:02:58,260 --> 02:03:01,710 the vaccine allegations continue over 3014 02:03:01,710 --> 02:03:03,766 the weeks and months ahead , we will 3015 02:03:03,766 --> 02:03:05,877 continue to vaccinate those personnel 3016 02:03:07,600 --> 02:03:11,540 on and follow up . How How much 3017 02:03:11,550 --> 02:03:15,220 headway are you able to get on ? 3018 02:03:15,230 --> 02:03:17,880 How much of the vaccine is being sent 3019 02:03:17,880 --> 02:03:20,047 to specific areas ? Specific community 3020 02:03:20,047 --> 02:03:22,269 To be able to vaccinate this . And what 3021 02:03:22,269 --> 02:03:24,436 I'm trying to figure out is , how long 3022 02:03:24,436 --> 02:03:26,602 is it gonna take you to actually offer 3023 02:03:26,602 --> 02:03:28,547 that vaccine to the third ? Almost 3024 02:03:28,547 --> 02:03:30,800 30,000 , um , employees that work on 3025 02:03:30,810 --> 02:03:32,977 bases . This are we looking at several 3026 02:03:32,977 --> 02:03:34,866 months down the road . How is the 3027 02:03:34,866 --> 02:03:36,366 delivery process working , 3028 02:03:36,366 --> 02:03:38,254 Congresswoman , This is Brigadier 3029 02:03:38,254 --> 02:03:40,366 General Friedrichs again . So we work 3030 02:03:40,366 --> 02:03:42,421 closely with the Centers for Disease 3031 02:03:42,421 --> 02:03:44,588 Control . Our Defense Health Agency is 3032 02:03:44,588 --> 02:03:46,754 the lead for this effort . And so they 3033 02:03:46,754 --> 02:03:48,810 worked with Operation Warp Speed and 3034 02:03:48,810 --> 02:03:50,977 the Centers for Disease Control On our 3035 02:03:50,977 --> 02:03:53,032 allocation based on the population's 3036 02:03:53,032 --> 02:03:55,370 that we've identified for which we are 3037 02:03:55,370 --> 02:03:57,880 responsible , as was mentioned earlier 3038 02:03:57,880 --> 02:04:01,630 in this brief , based on the purchases 3039 02:04:01,630 --> 02:04:03,797 that the department excuse me that the 3040 02:04:03,797 --> 02:04:06,230 country has made we anticipate having 3041 02:04:06,240 --> 02:04:09,710 600 million doses by the end of July . 3042 02:04:09,720 --> 02:04:12,100 And so that would allow us to vaccinate 3043 02:04:12,110 --> 02:04:13,943 all of the adults who wish to be 3044 02:04:13,943 --> 02:04:16,520 vaccinated over the next several months . 3045 02:04:18,490 --> 02:04:21,500 Thank you for that follow up question . 3046 02:04:21,510 --> 02:04:24,730 Um , there certainly 3047 02:04:24,740 --> 02:04:27,120 have many , many parts of the world . 3048 02:04:27,120 --> 02:04:29,287 We're relying on our allies , partners 3049 02:04:29,287 --> 02:04:32,230 on the ground for operational support , 3050 02:04:32,240 --> 02:04:34,462 intelligence sharing and other critical 3051 02:04:34,462 --> 02:04:36,720 functions . How is the pandemic 3052 02:04:36,730 --> 02:04:39,610 impacted those relationships ? And what 3053 02:04:39,620 --> 02:04:42,810 going thio mitigate the impact ? 3054 02:04:45,090 --> 02:04:47,490 Congresswoman is General Tolliver . I'd 3055 02:04:47,490 --> 02:04:50,860 say our combatant commands are heavily 3056 02:04:50,860 --> 02:04:54,670 focused on maintaining those critical 3057 02:04:54,670 --> 02:04:57,160 international relationships . Whether 3058 02:04:57,160 --> 02:04:59,670 that's through exercises , key leader 3059 02:04:59,670 --> 02:05:02,700 engagements , and they deliberately do 3060 02:05:02,700 --> 02:05:04,730 so to maintain awareness of what's 3061 02:05:04,730 --> 02:05:07,590 going on in the region . Maintain 3062 02:05:08,590 --> 02:05:11,390 access , basing and overflight during a 3063 02:05:11,390 --> 02:05:12,910 crisis and so on . 3064 02:05:16,490 --> 02:05:19,040 I just want to say thank you for your 3065 02:05:19,040 --> 02:05:21,207 service . Thank you for taking care of 3066 02:05:21,207 --> 02:05:23,262 our men and women in the military in 3067 02:05:23,262 --> 02:05:24,984 Oklahoma are National Guard is 3068 02:05:24,984 --> 02:05:27,207 currently activated not only for covert 3069 02:05:27,207 --> 02:05:29,262 relief , but also for weather issues 3070 02:05:29,262 --> 02:05:31,151 that we're experiencing here . So 3071 02:05:31,151 --> 02:05:33,373 grateful for the men and women not only 3072 02:05:33,373 --> 02:05:35,550 serving in our , uh , Air force and 3073 02:05:35,560 --> 02:05:37,616 Navy that air here in Oklahoma , but 3074 02:05:37,616 --> 02:05:39,560 also our National Guard to play an 3075 02:05:39,560 --> 02:05:41,393 important role I yield back . Mr 3076 02:05:41,393 --> 02:05:43,616 Chairman thank Thank you . Mr . Panetta 3077 02:05:43,616 --> 02:05:45,449 is recognized for five minutes . 3078 02:05:48,090 --> 02:05:49,979 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Ranking 3079 02:05:49,979 --> 02:05:51,923 member Rogers on all the gentleman 3080 02:05:51,923 --> 02:05:53,923 there . Appreciate your service and 3081 02:05:53,923 --> 02:05:55,979 appreciate your time and preparation 3082 02:05:55,979 --> 02:05:57,812 today to be here to answer these 3083 02:05:57,812 --> 02:05:59,923 questions . Um , obviously , uh , you 3084 02:05:59,923 --> 02:06:02,034 know , we're dealing I agree with the 3085 02:06:02,034 --> 02:06:04,201 president of the United States that we 3086 02:06:04,201 --> 02:06:04,090 are dealing with the wartime effort . 3087 02:06:04,100 --> 02:06:06,850 So I appreciate all of the involvement 3088 02:06:06,860 --> 02:06:08,940 that the Department of Defense is 3089 02:06:08,950 --> 02:06:11,006 currently undergoing with this right 3090 02:06:11,006 --> 02:06:13,117 now , especially when it comes to the 3091 02:06:13,117 --> 02:06:15,117 National Guard . I agree with you , 3092 02:06:15,117 --> 02:06:17,117 General Nordhaus , especially on my 3093 02:06:17,117 --> 02:06:16,870 district on the central coast to 3094 02:06:16,870 --> 02:06:19,037 California National Guard has played a 3095 02:06:19,037 --> 02:06:21,259 huge role with in the last year dealing 3096 02:06:21,259 --> 02:06:23,426 with wildfires , dealing with storms , 3097 02:06:23,426 --> 02:06:25,481 yes , dealing with co vid , but then 3098 02:06:25,481 --> 02:06:27,537 obviously national dealing , dealing 3099 02:06:27,537 --> 02:06:29,759 with the attacks on our democracy , but 3100 02:06:29,759 --> 02:06:31,703 also bolstering our democracy with 3101 02:06:31,703 --> 02:06:33,759 getting involved in securing many of 3102 02:06:33,759 --> 02:06:35,870 the election sites around our country 3103 02:06:35,870 --> 02:06:37,870 back in November . So thank you for 3104 02:06:37,870 --> 02:06:39,759 that . Another area that was very 3105 02:06:39,759 --> 02:06:41,814 beneficial are the food banks that I 3106 02:06:41,814 --> 02:06:41,350 have in my district . I'm sure 3107 02:06:41,350 --> 02:06:43,072 throughout many of the members 3108 02:06:43,072 --> 02:06:45,590 district's on this panel , um , every 3109 02:06:45,590 --> 02:06:47,757 week to get out to a food bank . And I 3110 02:06:47,757 --> 02:06:49,868 could tell you the ones that have the 3111 02:06:49,868 --> 02:06:52,034 National Guard members helping out are 3112 02:06:52,034 --> 02:06:54,312 the ones that run the most efficiently , 3113 02:06:54,312 --> 02:06:56,368 considering how long these lines are 3114 02:06:56,368 --> 02:06:58,590 getting at our food bank . So thank you 3115 02:06:58,590 --> 02:07:00,757 very much . Now , I read recently that 3116 02:07:00,757 --> 02:07:02,534 the National Guard has , ah 100 3117 02:07:02,534 --> 02:07:04,701 National Guard teams in 29 states with 3118 02:07:04,701 --> 02:07:07,540 the ability of 200 additional teams for 3119 02:07:07,540 --> 02:07:09,596 vaccine distribution . At least that 3120 02:07:09,596 --> 02:07:11,630 was said by General Hawkinson Thea 3121 02:07:11,630 --> 02:07:13,797 other day . Um and so what ? I kind of 3122 02:07:13,797 --> 02:07:15,963 wanna break down here . Is that Okay ? 3123 02:07:15,963 --> 02:07:18,297 So you've got these FEMA national sites , 3124 02:07:18,297 --> 02:07:20,241 those we're gonna have active duty 3125 02:07:20,241 --> 02:07:22,352 members . And then you have the state 3126 02:07:22,352 --> 02:07:24,519 and local government sites . Those are 3127 02:07:24,519 --> 02:07:26,797 gonna be run by National Guard members . 3128 02:07:26,797 --> 02:07:28,797 Um , I correct . And coming to that 3129 02:07:28,797 --> 02:07:31,810 simple conclusion , Congressman , this 3130 02:07:31,810 --> 02:07:34,032 is Bob . Salis is Yes . Yes . Yes , you 3131 02:07:34,032 --> 02:07:37,340 are . Okay . Great . And so right now 3132 02:07:37,340 --> 02:07:40,810 you have FEMA has 1100 troops are there 3133 02:07:40,810 --> 02:07:42,810 asking they have 1100 troops . That 3134 02:07:42,810 --> 02:07:44,532 five vaccination centers . The 3135 02:07:44,532 --> 02:07:46,421 president has called for 100 mawr 3136 02:07:46,421 --> 02:07:49,000 vaccination centers That could lead up 3137 02:07:49,000 --> 02:07:51,780 to 10,000 more service members is what 3138 02:07:51,780 --> 02:07:54,060 I'm reading . Do you expect all of 3139 02:07:54,060 --> 02:07:56,000 those to be active duty members , 3140 02:07:57,580 --> 02:07:59,691 Congressman , that's the current plan 3141 02:07:59,691 --> 02:08:02,130 is to use active duty members to source 3142 02:08:02,140 --> 02:08:05,720 the 100 mega and large centers . But 3143 02:08:05,720 --> 02:08:08,370 that will depend based on obviously , 3144 02:08:08,370 --> 02:08:10,259 as we start to provide additional 3145 02:08:10,259 --> 02:08:12,370 forces . Uh , the joint staff and the 3146 02:08:12,370 --> 02:08:15,010 services will look at how best to do 3147 02:08:15,010 --> 02:08:17,520 that . And there's the original , or at 3148 02:08:17,520 --> 02:08:19,700 least the initial look is to use the 3149 02:08:19,700 --> 02:08:21,922 active component forces . It could then 3150 02:08:21,922 --> 02:08:24,270 lead Thio Title 10 Reserve forces , 3151 02:08:24,270 --> 02:08:26,780 potentially to support those centers . 3152 02:08:28,870 --> 02:08:31,390 Understood . General Nordhaus going 3153 02:08:31,400 --> 02:08:33,511 focusing on the National Guard at the 3154 02:08:33,511 --> 02:08:36,520 state and local level . Obviously , we 3155 02:08:36,520 --> 02:08:38,742 understand the priority of getting more 3156 02:08:38,742 --> 02:08:40,853 vaccinations out there , especially , 3157 02:08:40,853 --> 02:08:42,964 uh , to rural sites . If you're gonna 3158 02:08:42,964 --> 02:08:44,853 have FEMA at the major population 3159 02:08:44,853 --> 02:08:46,909 centers and maybe you help the state 3160 02:08:46,909 --> 02:08:49,320 and local governments , you use 3161 02:08:49,320 --> 02:08:51,020 National Guard thio . Get the 3162 02:08:51,020 --> 02:08:53,076 vaccination out there to those areas 3163 02:08:53,076 --> 02:08:55,076 that aren't in the major population 3164 02:08:55,076 --> 02:08:57,076 areas . Do you see that taking away 3165 02:08:57,076 --> 02:08:59,370 from the food banks are you able toe up 3166 02:08:59,380 --> 02:09:02,040 as general , Hawkinson said , use those 3167 02:09:02,040 --> 02:09:04,760 200 additional teams for that type of 3168 02:09:04,760 --> 02:09:06,871 vaccinate those types of vaccinations 3169 02:09:06,871 --> 02:09:08,316 in those types of areas . 3170 02:09:10,170 --> 02:09:12,392 Congressman , thanks for the question . 3171 02:09:12,392 --> 02:09:14,392 I don't see it taken away right now 3172 02:09:14,392 --> 02:09:17,000 within the states on territories due to 3173 02:09:17,000 --> 02:09:20,420 the , uh , um , mission assignment from 3174 02:09:20,420 --> 02:09:22,309 FEMA . Right now , we're at about 3175 02:09:22,309 --> 02:09:24,430 28,000 , But there's room to grow 3176 02:09:24,430 --> 02:09:26,374 within each of the states . It's a 3177 02:09:26,374 --> 02:09:28,541 little bit different . Up to 56,000 is 3178 02:09:28,541 --> 02:09:30,763 the authority . So each state will look 3179 02:09:30,763 --> 02:09:33,370 at what they need , what their critical 3180 02:09:33,380 --> 02:09:35,920 requirements are . I know everyone is 3181 02:09:35,920 --> 02:09:39,180 prioritizing vaccine a distribution and 3182 02:09:39,180 --> 02:09:42,080 vaccine shots to the population . Um , 3183 02:09:42,080 --> 02:09:44,191 and so that will be within each state 3184 02:09:44,191 --> 02:09:46,358 to make sure they have the resource is 3185 02:09:46,358 --> 02:09:48,469 And , uh , the guardsmen there ableto 3186 02:09:48,469 --> 02:09:50,580 perform each of those duties and make 3187 02:09:50,580 --> 02:09:52,913 sure they cover them . Okay . Thank you . 3188 02:09:52,913 --> 02:09:55,080 Completely switching gears right now . 3189 02:09:55,080 --> 02:09:57,080 Obviously , the unfortunately , the 3190 02:09:57,080 --> 02:09:59,080 Roosevelt has been back in the news 3191 02:09:59,080 --> 02:10:01,980 lately . Three , uh , members of the 3192 02:10:01,980 --> 02:10:04,720 Roosevelt came down with the 3193 02:10:04,720 --> 02:10:07,090 coronavirus . Um , and I know the 3194 02:10:07,090 --> 02:10:09,423 Roosevelt is on a double bump right now . 3195 02:10:09,423 --> 02:10:11,646 Basically doing a second tour . Uh , my 3196 02:10:11,646 --> 02:10:14,000 question to you is where the hell How 3197 02:10:14,000 --> 02:10:15,833 the hell are these three members 3198 02:10:15,833 --> 02:10:17,944 contracting the coronavirus ? Is that 3199 02:10:17,950 --> 02:10:19,290 being investigated ? 3200 02:10:21,560 --> 02:10:24,170 So , Congressman is General Tolliver . 3201 02:10:24,180 --> 02:10:26,860 I'm sure the I'm sure the command team 3202 02:10:26,860 --> 02:10:29,590 is looking into the individual cases . 3203 02:10:29,600 --> 02:10:33,300 I think the broader messages how 3204 02:10:33,300 --> 02:10:35,810 much improvement the Navy is made over 3205 02:10:35,810 --> 02:10:37,921 the last year and their procedures on 3206 02:10:37,921 --> 02:10:40,190 their ships , the way they've 3207 02:10:40,560 --> 02:10:43,770 identified preplanned responses , the 3208 02:10:43,770 --> 02:10:45,492 way they've changed . Flows of 3209 02:10:45,492 --> 02:10:47,610 personnel , one way corridors , 3210 02:10:47,610 --> 02:10:49,166 different things , sleeping 3211 02:10:49,166 --> 02:10:51,221 arrangements , segregating personnel 3212 02:10:51,221 --> 02:10:53,680 into cohorts of the fact that there 3213 02:10:53,680 --> 02:10:55,736 could be three infected personnel on 3214 02:10:55,736 --> 02:10:58,220 the Roosevelt and it's stay at three 3215 02:10:58,220 --> 02:11:01,110 until they're evacuated is a credit to 3216 02:11:01,110 --> 02:11:03,221 the work they've done that would keep 3217 02:11:03,221 --> 02:11:06,870 it from getting to 1200 . Over . Thank 3218 02:11:06,870 --> 02:11:08,926 you . My time is up . I yield back . 3219 02:11:08,926 --> 02:11:11,037 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you . 3220 02:11:11,037 --> 02:11:13,148 Mr . Panetta . Mr . Franklin Europe . 3221 02:11:13,960 --> 02:11:16,071 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you . 3222 02:11:16,071 --> 02:11:18,293 Panel . I appreciate your time that you 3223 02:11:18,293 --> 02:11:18,220 spent here with us this afternoon has 3224 02:11:18,220 --> 02:11:20,164 been very enlightening as a junior 3225 02:11:20,164 --> 02:11:22,276 member of the committee . By the time 3226 02:11:22,276 --> 02:11:22,240 we get to this point , a lot of the 3227 02:11:22,240 --> 02:11:24,129 questions that I've had have been 3228 02:11:24,129 --> 02:11:26,310 already answered . But I do appreciate 3229 02:11:26,310 --> 02:11:28,421 that we've touched several folks have 3230 02:11:28,421 --> 02:11:30,532 asked questions about the opportunity 3231 02:11:30,532 --> 02:11:32,643 cost of miss training opportunities , 3232 02:11:32,643 --> 02:11:34,960 the impact on readiness . As a former 3233 02:11:34,970 --> 02:11:37,192 career naval officer , I've been on the 3234 02:11:37,192 --> 02:11:38,970 receiving end of a lot of these 3235 02:11:38,970 --> 02:11:40,970 missions that come above and beyond 3236 02:11:40,970 --> 02:11:42,914 your regular optempo . My question 3237 02:11:42,914 --> 02:11:44,748 really to follow along , uh , to 3238 02:11:44,748 --> 02:11:46,914 continue on some of the others is just 3239 02:11:46,914 --> 02:11:48,526 dealing with retention . I'm 3240 02:11:48,526 --> 02:11:50,692 specifically curious to know , Have we 3241 02:11:50,692 --> 02:11:52,692 seen any drop in retention over the 3242 02:11:52,692 --> 02:11:54,748 build up in the up tempo in the last 3243 02:11:54,748 --> 02:11:56,692 year or so ? And are we taking any 3244 02:11:56,692 --> 02:11:58,914 proactive , proactive measures to be on 3245 02:11:58,914 --> 02:12:01,030 guard against that ? Just in talking 3246 02:12:01,030 --> 02:12:03,197 recently with senior leadership of our 3247 02:12:03,197 --> 02:12:04,919 Florida guard ? I know we have 3248 02:12:04,919 --> 02:12:06,974 concerned about a lack of manning to 3249 02:12:06,974 --> 02:12:09,141 begin with , and then on top of that , 3250 02:12:09,141 --> 02:12:09,000 just the tempo and the impact that is 3251 02:12:09,000 --> 02:12:11,056 gonna have on our difference . But I 3252 02:12:11,056 --> 02:12:13,278 guess the question would be for general 3253 02:12:13,278 --> 02:12:12,080 workhouse . 3254 02:12:17,650 --> 02:12:20,090 Uh , sir . Major General Nordhaus . Uh , 3255 02:12:20,100 --> 02:12:22,360 right now , we haven't seen any , uh , 3256 02:12:22,370 --> 02:12:24,648 any dip in the retention at this point ? 3257 02:12:24,750 --> 02:12:27,860 Um , I did , uh , here numbers about 3258 02:12:27,860 --> 02:12:30,380 our retention are recruiting throughout 3259 02:12:30,380 --> 02:12:32,380 the end of the year . And right now 3260 02:12:32,380 --> 02:12:34,560 we're on one part to be able to meet 3261 02:12:34,570 --> 02:12:36,650 our end strength numbers through a 3262 02:12:36,650 --> 02:12:38,800 recruiting efforts from both the Army 3263 02:12:38,800 --> 02:12:40,800 National Guard and the Air National 3264 02:12:40,800 --> 02:12:43,610 Guard . And I yield thio any Major . 3265 02:12:43,610 --> 02:12:46,170 General Tolliver . Congressman is 3266 02:12:46,170 --> 02:12:48,114 General Tolliver . I'd say for the 3267 02:12:48,114 --> 02:12:51,370 active component , retention and 3268 02:12:51,370 --> 02:12:53,710 recruiting has has still been a very 3269 02:12:53,710 --> 02:12:55,654 high levels . And as you know , it 3270 02:12:55,654 --> 02:12:59,350 generally follows the economy . And s o 3271 02:12:59,350 --> 02:13:01,990 I think this will bear watching as the 3272 02:13:01,990 --> 02:13:04,030 economy picks up . But right now , 3273 02:13:04,040 --> 02:13:06,207 retention and recruiting are very high 3274 02:13:06,207 --> 02:13:10,090 levels . Great . Thank you , gentlemen . 3275 02:13:10,090 --> 02:13:13,580 Are you back ? Thank you , 3276 02:13:14,950 --> 02:13:16,380 Mr Vase . A Europe , 3277 02:13:19,850 --> 02:13:23,140 Thank you very much . I wanted to ask 3278 02:13:23,140 --> 02:13:26,160 General Nordhaus of question , uh , in 3279 02:13:26,160 --> 02:13:28,160 my district here in the Dallas Fort 3280 02:13:28,160 --> 02:13:30,050 Worth area . Uh , there was an 3281 02:13:30,050 --> 02:13:32,272 announcement that they were going to be 3282 02:13:32,272 --> 02:13:34,970 two openings of Kobe vaccine sites . 3283 02:13:35,050 --> 02:13:36,883 One was going to be in a T and T 3284 02:13:36,883 --> 02:13:39,050 Stadium Dallas Cowboys Stadium , which 3285 02:13:39,050 --> 02:13:41,272 is in my district , that another one on 3286 02:13:41,272 --> 02:13:43,410 fairpark , which is near my district 3287 02:13:43,420 --> 02:13:45,770 with the capacity to perhaps serve up 3288 02:13:45,770 --> 02:13:49,070 to about 10,000 people a day . Uh , 3289 02:13:49,750 --> 02:13:51,917 and I know that the guard was supposed 3290 02:13:51,917 --> 02:13:54,139 to be assisting in that effort . Aziz , 3291 02:13:54,139 --> 02:13:56,194 you know , right now in this part of 3292 02:13:56,194 --> 02:13:58,194 the world , we're having record low 3293 02:13:58,194 --> 02:14:00,760 temperatures are grid has been , uh , 3294 02:14:00,770 --> 02:14:03,340 just , you know , not not completely 3295 02:14:03,340 --> 02:14:05,830 incapacitated , but has been downgraded 3296 02:14:05,830 --> 02:14:07,900 severely . We have people just 3297 02:14:07,900 --> 02:14:10,570 literally blocks away from me that , uh , 3298 02:14:10,580 --> 02:14:13,910 that have had , uh , power sometimes . 3299 02:14:13,910 --> 02:14:16,770 And other times , they haven't eyes . 3300 02:14:16,770 --> 02:14:19,070 This going to affect the guards effort 3301 02:14:19,070 --> 02:14:21,950 to be ableto mobilizing , helping these 3302 02:14:21,950 --> 02:14:24,061 efforts because I would imagine their 3303 02:14:24,061 --> 02:14:26,230 gardens . That air also affected by 3304 02:14:26,230 --> 02:14:28,680 these storms is or will you still be 3305 02:14:28,680 --> 02:14:32,420 able to help in this mission ? A soon 3306 02:14:32,420 --> 02:14:34,476 as we're able to get past this Or do 3307 02:14:34,476 --> 02:14:36,476 you see there being some problems ? 3308 02:14:36,940 --> 02:14:39,162 Congressman , Thanks for the question . 3309 02:14:39,162 --> 02:14:41,107 I'll pass it quickly over to Major 3310 02:14:41,107 --> 02:14:43,051 General Tolliver . I will say that 3311 02:14:43,051 --> 02:14:45,107 across the states that are receiving 3312 02:14:45,107 --> 02:14:47,162 the weather right now , our guard is 3313 02:14:47,162 --> 02:14:48,884 helping with , uh , you know , 3314 02:14:48,884 --> 02:14:51,107 incidents within weather , But then the 3315 02:14:51,107 --> 02:14:52,996 right back as fast as possible to 3316 02:14:52,996 --> 02:14:55,170 supporting the vaccination efforts and 3317 02:14:55,170 --> 02:14:57,337 the Dallas area . I believe that's one 3318 02:14:57,337 --> 02:14:59,559 of the title 10 efforts , and I'll turn 3319 02:14:59,559 --> 02:15:01,670 that over to Major General Tolliver . 3320 02:15:01,670 --> 02:15:03,337 Thanks , Cheryl . Thank you , 3321 02:15:03,337 --> 02:15:05,503 Congressman . Those those two sites in 3322 02:15:05,503 --> 02:15:07,880 the Dallas area , one at 18 T stadium 3323 02:15:07,880 --> 02:15:10,750 and then one at the Cotton Bowl . We 3324 02:15:10,750 --> 02:15:13,000 both expect to be operational a week 3325 02:15:13,000 --> 02:15:15,470 from today . Although I just discussed 3326 02:15:15,470 --> 02:15:17,692 this with Northern Command this morning 3327 02:15:17,692 --> 02:15:20,410 It's not yet clear whether the weather 3328 02:15:20,420 --> 02:15:22,700 will create any delays , but they're 3329 02:15:22,700 --> 02:15:25,190 working through that with FEMA and the 3330 02:15:25,190 --> 02:15:28,990 state . Okay . Okay , Good . 3331 02:15:28,990 --> 02:15:32,720 What ? What sort of , um , delays might , 3332 02:15:32,730 --> 02:15:34,897 uh , what would happen that would make 3333 02:15:34,897 --> 02:15:37,260 it harder for you to mobilize and be 3334 02:15:37,260 --> 02:15:40,220 able Thio , have your guys and women 3335 02:15:40,220 --> 02:15:42,498 ready at those particular sites ? Like , 3336 02:15:42,498 --> 02:15:45,140 what would be some of the some of the 3337 02:15:45,150 --> 02:15:48,160 issues that might come up ? So , 3338 02:15:48,160 --> 02:15:50,327 Congressman , I don't believe it would 3339 02:15:50,327 --> 02:15:52,549 be the issues with our force . It would 3340 02:15:52,549 --> 02:15:54,604 be issues surrounding the facility , 3341 02:15:54,604 --> 02:15:58,420 access to the facility , Onda . All 3342 02:15:58,420 --> 02:16:00,750 the other supporting agencies are 3343 02:16:00,750 --> 02:16:04,620 forces . Um , we'll move and 3344 02:16:04,630 --> 02:16:06,640 be there in time . Over . 3345 02:16:08,730 --> 02:16:11,008 Okay , well , no , thank you very much . 3346 02:16:11,008 --> 02:16:13,063 That that's very important to know , 3347 02:16:13,063 --> 02:16:15,174 because obviously , as soon as we get 3348 02:16:15,174 --> 02:16:17,230 past the storms , I know that people 3349 02:16:17,230 --> 02:16:19,341 are going to really be anxious to get 3350 02:16:19,341 --> 02:16:21,119 back on , start receiving their 3351 02:16:21,119 --> 02:16:23,600 vaccines again . So I appreciate your 3352 02:16:23,600 --> 02:16:26,160 time and and answering those questions . 3353 02:16:26,160 --> 02:16:28,382 Are you back ? The balance of my time . 3354 02:16:28,382 --> 02:16:30,493 Thank you . Thank you . Mr . Vaizey . 3355 02:16:30,550 --> 02:16:34,360 Ms . Maclaine . Thank you , 3356 02:16:34,360 --> 02:16:36,550 Mr Chairman . Um , as we all know , 3357 02:16:36,550 --> 02:16:39,010 China has become an ever increasing 3358 02:16:39,010 --> 02:16:42,000 threat . Not only to the Pacific region . 3359 02:16:42,000 --> 02:16:44,111 But globally , they've built up their 3360 02:16:44,111 --> 02:16:46,320 armed forces to threaten our allies in 3361 02:16:46,320 --> 02:16:48,470 the Pacific . Use their belt and road 3362 02:16:48,470 --> 02:16:51,020 initiative initiatives to bring poorer 3363 02:16:51,020 --> 02:16:52,909 nations under their thumb and now 3364 02:16:52,909 --> 02:16:55,750 released viral epidemic upon the world . 3365 02:16:55,930 --> 02:16:58,390 My question is , for major General tell 3366 02:16:58,390 --> 02:17:02,020 a pharaoh is has our ability thio to 3367 02:17:02,020 --> 02:17:04,990 deter aggressive actions by China 3368 02:17:05,000 --> 02:17:07,310 related to the construction of the 3369 02:17:07,310 --> 02:17:10,140 islands in the Pacific region Has it 3370 02:17:10,141 --> 02:17:13,210 been reduced because of the necessity 3371 02:17:13,250 --> 02:17:15,440 to protect our forces during this 3372 02:17:15,440 --> 02:17:19,340 pandemic ? So , Congresswoman , I'd 3373 02:17:19,340 --> 02:17:23,190 say absolutely has not been reduced . 3374 02:17:23,199 --> 02:17:25,810 Our forces are very active in the 3375 02:17:25,810 --> 02:17:29,310 Pacific , uh , in that region , whether , 3376 02:17:29,319 --> 02:17:31,940 uh , conducting freedom of navigation 3377 02:17:31,940 --> 02:17:34,480 operations , we have deployed bomber 3378 02:17:34,480 --> 02:17:36,850 task force to the region and continue 3379 02:17:36,850 --> 02:17:40,240 to project power into that area . And 3380 02:17:40,250 --> 02:17:43,900 last spring , the combatant commands 3381 02:17:43,900 --> 02:17:46,140 and the services worked very 3382 02:17:46,140 --> 02:17:48,670 deliberately to ensure that we were 3383 02:17:48,670 --> 02:17:50,690 able to operate within a covert 3384 02:17:50,690 --> 02:17:53,960 environment to perform our defense role 3385 02:17:54,330 --> 02:17:56,560 on . Certainly we've been active in the 3386 02:17:56,561 --> 02:17:57,940 Pacific ever since . 3387 02:18:00,320 --> 02:18:02,153 Thank you . I yield back my time 3388 02:18:04,720 --> 02:18:07,010 this decline . Sperm . 3389 02:18:17,420 --> 02:18:18,976 Miss Murphy . Europe next . 3390 02:18:21,020 --> 02:18:23,950 Thank you . Um , and thank you all for 3391 02:18:23,950 --> 02:18:26,283 being here today and for your testimony . 3392 02:18:26,283 --> 02:18:28,394 and also thank you to all the service 3393 02:18:28,394 --> 02:18:30,506 members for what they do every day to 3394 02:18:30,506 --> 02:18:32,728 keep our country safe . You know , um , 3395 02:18:32,728 --> 02:18:34,617 I represent a district in Central 3396 02:18:34,617 --> 02:18:36,617 Florida and I had a chance to visit 3397 02:18:36,617 --> 02:18:38,839 with some of the Florida National Guard 3398 02:18:38,839 --> 02:18:41,006 that were deployed to D . C . And also 3399 02:18:41,006 --> 02:18:43,228 to have had some conversations with the 3400 02:18:43,228 --> 02:18:45,450 Florida National Guard leadership . And 3401 02:18:45,450 --> 02:18:47,617 I think a few things stand out to me . 3402 02:18:47,617 --> 02:18:49,839 Um , one . It's clear that the multiple 3403 02:18:49,839 --> 02:18:52,190 deployments and high optempo has had an 3404 02:18:52,190 --> 02:18:54,090 effect on morale and , you know , 3405 02:18:54,101 --> 02:18:56,990 possibly on retention , as some of the 3406 02:18:56,990 --> 02:18:59,212 previous questioners talked a bit about 3407 02:18:59,212 --> 02:19:01,490 that . And I think it may be too early . 3408 02:19:01,490 --> 02:19:03,712 Um , toe have the data just say exactly 3409 02:19:03,712 --> 02:19:05,934 what um , impact that will have . But I 3410 02:19:05,934 --> 02:19:08,046 think that's that's something that we 3411 02:19:08,046 --> 02:19:10,212 should watch for . But , you know , we 3412 02:19:10,212 --> 02:19:12,268 have to understand these Air citizen 3413 02:19:12,268 --> 02:19:11,910 soldiers who have been repeatedly 3414 02:19:11,910 --> 02:19:13,910 called away from their families and 3415 02:19:13,910 --> 02:19:16,077 their jobs and put in fairly stressful 3416 02:19:16,077 --> 02:19:18,840 situations . And I think in Florida 3417 02:19:18,851 --> 02:19:21,230 this strain has been , um , really 3418 02:19:21,230 --> 02:19:23,540 amplified because despite having one of 3419 02:19:23,540 --> 02:19:25,390 the largest states , we have a 3420 02:19:25,400 --> 02:19:27,820 relatively smaller guard . We are 3421 02:19:27,820 --> 02:19:31,590 number 53 of 54 Guardsmen to Citizens 3422 02:19:31,601 --> 02:19:35,200 Ratio and , um , during a pandemic , 3423 02:19:35,200 --> 02:19:37,422 it's It's not really feasible to borrow 3424 02:19:37,422 --> 02:19:39,422 guardsmen from other states , as we 3425 02:19:39,422 --> 02:19:42,280 would normally do in a in responding to 3426 02:19:42,280 --> 02:19:44,113 a geographically focused natural 3427 02:19:44,113 --> 02:19:46,920 disaster . And I think on top of this , 3428 02:19:46,930 --> 02:19:50,210 um , for Florida , the pandemic has 3429 02:19:50,210 --> 02:19:52,530 disproportionately impacted us because 3430 02:19:52,540 --> 02:19:54,707 we have one of the highest percentages 3431 02:19:54,707 --> 02:19:56,990 of more mature Americans as a part of 3432 02:19:56,990 --> 02:19:59,280 our state population . And those are 3433 02:19:59,280 --> 02:20:01,391 the Americans who are more vulnerable 3434 02:20:01,391 --> 02:20:03,502 to the negative impacts of co vid and 3435 02:20:03,502 --> 02:20:05,558 most in need of vaccinations , along 3436 02:20:05,558 --> 02:20:07,502 with our front line in the Central 3437 02:20:07,502 --> 02:20:11,250 workers . And then , um , in the 3438 02:20:11,260 --> 02:20:13,482 nature of being a superlative were also 3439 02:20:13,482 --> 02:20:15,371 one of the states with one of the 3440 02:20:15,371 --> 02:20:17,704 greatest incidents of natural disasters . 3441 02:20:17,704 --> 02:20:19,760 So I look at all of this and I see a 3442 02:20:19,760 --> 02:20:21,982 lot of risk here going into this coming 3443 02:20:21,982 --> 02:20:23,927 year , Andi , into the summer when 3444 02:20:23,927 --> 02:20:25,982 hurricane season starts for us . I'm 3445 02:20:25,982 --> 02:20:27,982 really worried about the ability to 3446 02:20:27,982 --> 02:20:30,038 respond to the requirements and then 3447 02:20:30,038 --> 02:20:32,038 the impact on the men and women who 3448 02:20:32,038 --> 02:20:33,927 serve in our guard . So , General 3449 02:20:33,927 --> 02:20:35,982 Morehouse , two questions for you in 3450 02:20:35,982 --> 02:20:38,330 the near term . As we look out on this 3451 02:20:38,330 --> 02:20:40,810 year and Florida's natural disaster 3452 02:20:40,810 --> 02:20:43,170 season . Um , it's gonna put additional 3453 02:20:43,180 --> 02:20:45,291 operational pressures on our National 3454 02:20:45,291 --> 02:20:47,236 Guard force . How is this gonna be 3455 02:20:47,236 --> 02:20:49,458 balanced with the increased vaccination 3456 02:20:49,458 --> 02:20:51,458 paste this summer ? And then in the 3457 02:20:51,458 --> 02:20:53,569 long term , what efforts are underway 3458 02:20:53,569 --> 02:20:55,791 to study the proportion of guardsmen to 3459 02:20:55,791 --> 02:20:57,569 citizens to ensure that we have 3460 02:20:57,569 --> 02:21:00,430 sufficient forces to support the whole 3461 02:21:00,430 --> 02:21:03,320 range of needs from disaster response 3462 02:21:03,320 --> 02:21:05,300 to emerging challenges like covert 3463 02:21:05,300 --> 02:21:09,220 support ? Congresswoman , thank you for 3464 02:21:09,221 --> 02:21:11,770 the question on the first side as we 3465 02:21:11,771 --> 02:21:13,938 get to the summer , hopefully with the 3466 02:21:13,938 --> 02:21:15,938 number of vaccinations that will be 3467 02:21:15,938 --> 02:21:17,993 available by June and July , that we 3468 02:21:17,993 --> 02:21:20,215 get really close toe have in all of our 3469 02:21:20,215 --> 02:21:22,490 service members of vaccinated . And 3470 02:21:22,500 --> 02:21:24,389 that will help is we go into that 3471 02:21:24,389 --> 02:21:26,880 season every year we do get together , 3472 02:21:26,890 --> 02:21:30,470 and we have workshops that bring all 3473 02:21:30,470 --> 02:21:32,750 54 together for domestic operations . 3474 02:21:32,750 --> 02:21:35,060 And we look at , uh , the IMAX 3475 02:21:35,070 --> 02:21:37,292 emergency management assistant compacts 3476 02:21:37,292 --> 02:21:39,514 between states to help assist in things 3477 02:21:39,514 --> 02:21:41,626 like hurricanes that Florida might be 3478 02:21:41,626 --> 02:21:43,780 undergoing from other states Nearby . 3479 02:21:43,780 --> 02:21:46,090 As you know , Florida has helped out in 3480 02:21:46,100 --> 02:21:48,730 other states through hurricanes over 3481 02:21:48,730 --> 02:21:51,000 the last couple of years . Uh , mus 3482 02:21:51,000 --> 02:21:53,900 faras the force structure per civilian 3483 02:21:53,910 --> 02:21:56,970 ratio within the state . Uh , Major 3484 02:21:56,971 --> 02:21:59,193 General Eifert , the adjutant general , 3485 02:21:59,193 --> 02:22:00,971 will work that through the Army 3486 02:22:00,971 --> 02:22:03,082 National Guard on the force structure 3487 02:22:03,082 --> 02:22:05,082 committees . Uh , thio , you know , 3488 02:22:05,082 --> 02:22:07,193 push that forward and then have any , 3489 02:22:07,193 --> 02:22:09,249 uh , decisions through the service . 3490 02:22:11,200 --> 02:22:13,290 Well , um , as he does that , he has 3491 02:22:13,290 --> 02:22:15,450 the support , my support for sure for 3492 02:22:15,450 --> 02:22:17,617 us to take another look at making sure 3493 02:22:17,617 --> 02:22:19,783 that our guard is appropriately scaled 3494 02:22:19,783 --> 02:22:22,230 for the size of our state . Um , just 3495 02:22:22,230 --> 02:22:24,452 visiting to another question , a little 3496 02:22:24,452 --> 02:22:27,580 unrelated . Um , What ? I know that 3497 02:22:27,580 --> 02:22:30,550 duty has been looking at the impact of 3498 02:22:30,550 --> 02:22:32,717 right wing extremist ideologies on the 3499 02:22:32,717 --> 02:22:35,440 ability of d o d toe carry out its 3500 02:22:35,440 --> 02:22:37,790 duties . Has there been a similar 3501 02:22:37,800 --> 02:22:41,060 effort within the guard ? And how ? How 3502 02:22:41,060 --> 02:22:44,460 have some of these early analysis , 3503 02:22:44,470 --> 02:22:46,720 uh , come out , 3504 02:22:49,560 --> 02:22:51,490 Congresswoman , we fall right 3505 02:22:51,500 --> 02:22:53,611 underneath . The secretary of defense 3506 02:22:53,611 --> 02:22:57,340 is , uh , new thing that he just pushed 3507 02:22:57,340 --> 02:23:01,290 out . It's not tolerated across the 3508 02:23:01,290 --> 02:23:03,401 National Guard or anywhere within our 3509 02:23:03,401 --> 02:23:05,770 organization . Uh , it goes against our 3510 02:23:05,770 --> 02:23:08,100 fundamental principle of the oath that 3511 02:23:08,100 --> 02:23:10,378 we take , and so it can't be tolerated . 3512 02:23:10,378 --> 02:23:12,656 And we're working through our services . 3513 02:23:12,656 --> 02:23:14,822 Both the Air National Guard , the Army 3514 02:23:14,822 --> 02:23:14,710 National guard through the service 3515 02:23:14,710 --> 02:23:16,543 programs that come down from the 3516 02:23:16,543 --> 02:23:18,710 Secretary of Defense and to stand down 3517 02:23:18,710 --> 02:23:20,710 within the next 60 days . And we'll 3518 02:23:20,710 --> 02:23:22,710 implement those all going forward . 3519 02:23:24,700 --> 02:23:26,422 Thank you . And I yield back . 3520 02:23:29,500 --> 02:23:32,610 Thank you , Mr Jackson . You're next . 3521 02:23:34,600 --> 02:23:36,680 Thank you , Chairman . Thank you . 3522 02:23:36,680 --> 02:23:38,847 Ranking member Rogers and thank you to 3523 02:23:38,847 --> 02:23:40,958 our witnesses air here today . I want 3524 02:23:40,958 --> 02:23:42,958 to start by telling the witnesses I 3525 02:23:42,958 --> 02:23:45,236 appreciate your service to our country . 3526 02:23:45,236 --> 02:23:44,060 Thank you for everything that you've 3527 02:23:44,060 --> 02:23:47,190 done . And I just wanna start by saying 3528 02:23:47,190 --> 02:23:49,190 that , uh , you know , ever since a 3529 02:23:49,190 --> 02:23:51,412 Kobe 19 has started , this pandemic has 3530 02:23:51,412 --> 02:23:53,523 affected our military in a variety of 3531 02:23:53,523 --> 02:23:55,357 ways . And I do believe that the 3532 02:23:55,357 --> 02:23:57,579 response from the Department of Defense 3533 02:23:57,579 --> 02:23:59,690 has not only saved countless civilian 3534 02:23:59,690 --> 02:24:01,801 lives , but has also been really good 3535 02:24:01,801 --> 02:24:04,023 in in regards to ensuring that we we've 3536 02:24:04,023 --> 02:24:06,190 been safe all over the globe from from 3537 02:24:06,190 --> 02:24:08,301 threats elsewhere simultaneously . So 3538 02:24:08,301 --> 02:24:10,468 thank you for everything you've done . 3539 02:24:10,468 --> 02:24:12,634 I want to just state a few facts . And 3540 02:24:12,634 --> 02:24:14,690 then I wanna ask you a question that 3541 02:24:14,690 --> 02:24:17,023 that I've received on several occasions , 3542 02:24:17,023 --> 02:24:15,850 that I don't feel like I have a good 3543 02:24:15,850 --> 02:24:17,850 answer for , and I'll just start by 3544 02:24:17,850 --> 02:24:20,072 saying that I think with regards to D o 3545 02:24:20,072 --> 02:24:22,400 d The response to coronavirus began 3546 02:24:22,400 --> 02:24:24,400 almost immediately . D o d provided 3547 02:24:24,400 --> 02:24:26,400 approximately 200 beds at March Air 3548 02:24:26,400 --> 02:24:28,178 Force Base for State Department 3549 02:24:28,178 --> 02:24:30,400 officials who were evacuating from Asia 3550 02:24:30,400 --> 02:24:33,340 Uh , Trans Transcom work to bring home 3551 02:24:33,341 --> 02:24:35,341 nearly 4000 U . S citizens who were 3552 02:24:35,341 --> 02:24:37,174 stranded overseas . It started a 3553 02:24:37,174 --> 02:24:38,952 pandemic . Uh , this incredible 3554 02:24:38,952 --> 02:24:41,174 response continued as the hospital ship 3555 02:24:41,174 --> 02:24:43,119 comfort in the hospital ship Mercy 3556 02:24:43,119 --> 02:24:45,230 provided humanitarian aid in New York 3557 02:24:45,230 --> 02:24:47,230 and Los Angeles . As cases begin to 3558 02:24:47,230 --> 02:24:49,180 surge later , we faced critical 3559 02:24:49,180 --> 02:24:52,040 shortfalls in P p e d o d Once again 3560 02:24:52,040 --> 02:24:54,970 answered the call by providing over 3561 02:24:54,970 --> 02:24:57,900 2000 ventilators over five million in 3562 02:24:57,900 --> 02:25:01,260 95 mask and other critical PPE on 3563 02:25:01,261 --> 02:25:03,483 another well known aspect that I'd like 3564 02:25:03,483 --> 02:25:05,720 to ask about with regards to d o D . 3565 02:25:05,721 --> 02:25:07,990 Was operation warp speed D o d played 3566 02:25:07,990 --> 02:25:10,212 an absolute critical role in developing 3567 02:25:10,212 --> 02:25:12,320 the Kobe 19 response . As it is , it 3568 02:25:12,320 --> 02:25:15,040 relates thio operation warp speed . Um , 3569 02:25:15,051 --> 02:25:17,560 these efforts continue . Uh , we 3570 02:25:17,561 --> 02:25:19,672 continue with these types of effort . 3571 02:25:19,672 --> 02:25:21,839 President Biden has now released a 200 3572 02:25:21,839 --> 02:25:24,320 page national strategy for 19 response 3573 02:25:24,590 --> 02:25:27,120 and pandemic preparedness . However , I 3574 02:25:27,120 --> 02:25:29,300 think this plan to me looks looks 3575 02:25:29,300 --> 02:25:31,467 familiar to what I've seen . A product 3576 02:25:31,467 --> 02:25:33,689 of the Biden administration , the Biden 3577 02:25:33,689 --> 02:25:35,860 plan aims to feel supply shortfalls by 3578 02:25:35,860 --> 02:25:37,971 invoking the Defense Production Act , 3579 02:25:37,971 --> 02:25:40,193 which we've talked about briefly here . 3580 02:25:40,193 --> 02:25:42,193 And I believe that's something that 3581 02:25:42,193 --> 02:25:41,540 President Trump had already done is 3582 02:25:41,540 --> 02:25:44,000 well . The Biden plan says that the D . 3583 02:25:44,000 --> 02:25:46,111 O . D will bring logistical expertise 3584 02:25:46,111 --> 02:25:47,944 and staff to support the Kobe 19 3585 02:25:47,944 --> 02:25:49,778 response , which I think is also 3586 02:25:49,778 --> 02:25:51,722 something that President Trump was 3587 02:25:51,722 --> 02:25:54,056 quick to do . The Biden plan says the D . 3588 02:25:54,056 --> 02:25:56,278 O . D . Will support State's efforts to 3589 02:25:56,278 --> 02:25:58,611 provide DRD , Resource Is and personnel . 3590 02:25:58,611 --> 02:26:00,500 And once again , I believe that's 3591 02:26:00,500 --> 02:26:02,722 something that I've heard President say 3592 02:26:02,722 --> 02:26:04,778 early on that was enacted quickly by 3593 02:26:04,778 --> 02:26:06,778 President Trump as well . President 3594 02:26:06,778 --> 02:26:09,000 Biden has rolled out his groundbreaking 3595 02:26:09,000 --> 02:26:11,600 plan on his . He rolled this out on his 3596 02:26:11,600 --> 02:26:13,850 first full day in office , Uh , but 3597 02:26:13,850 --> 02:26:16,128 with reference to D . O D . Once again , 3598 02:26:16,128 --> 02:26:18,420 it sounded to me like the president 3599 02:26:18,420 --> 02:26:20,860 Biden's plan was building on a lot of 3600 02:26:20,860 --> 02:26:23,082 the great work that happened during the 3601 02:26:23,082 --> 02:26:25,304 Trump administration . I think the good 3602 02:26:25,304 --> 02:26:27,416 work should be acknowledged . I think 3603 02:26:27,416 --> 02:26:26,970 it's become clear that President Trump 3604 02:26:26,971 --> 02:26:28,804 and his administration responded 3605 02:26:28,804 --> 02:26:30,971 effectively and decisively in the face 3606 02:26:30,971 --> 02:26:33,138 of this pandemic . And I'm glad to see 3607 02:26:33,138 --> 02:26:35,415 that Biden administration , in my mind , 3608 02:26:35,415 --> 02:26:37,582 is building on the on the successes of 3609 02:26:37,582 --> 02:26:37,490 the Trump administration with regards 3610 02:26:37,490 --> 02:26:39,657 to D . O . D s approach to this . Uh , 3611 02:26:39,657 --> 02:26:41,823 the question I have for you is I would 3612 02:26:41,823 --> 02:26:43,768 like to ask each of you and we can 3613 02:26:43,768 --> 02:26:45,768 start with Mr say say less If you'd 3614 02:26:45,768 --> 02:26:48,680 like . I'd like Thio No , with regards 3615 02:26:48,689 --> 02:26:51,870 to D o D . How are the operations in 3616 02:26:51,870 --> 02:26:53,926 the Department of Defense ? How have 3617 02:26:53,926 --> 02:26:55,537 they shifted under the Biden 3618 02:26:55,537 --> 02:26:57,703 administration ? And could you outline 3619 02:26:57,703 --> 02:26:59,814 what actions are now being taken that 3620 02:26:59,814 --> 02:27:02,092 there were not being taken before ? Uh , 3621 02:27:02,092 --> 02:27:04,259 specifically with regards to d o . D . 3622 02:27:04,259 --> 02:27:06,426 Under the Trump administration . Thank 3623 02:27:06,426 --> 02:27:08,480 you , Congressman . Thanks for the 3624 02:27:08,480 --> 02:27:10,290 question . Uh , the department 3625 02:27:10,290 --> 02:27:12,068 obviously has a long history of 3626 02:27:12,068 --> 02:27:13,957 supporting civil authorities . We 3627 02:27:13,957 --> 02:27:16,068 continue to do that . A number of the 3628 02:27:16,068 --> 02:27:18,123 initiatives under President Biden to 3629 02:27:18,123 --> 02:27:20,068 include , uh , the initiative Thio 3630 02:27:20,068 --> 02:27:22,390 established the mega and large vaccine 3631 02:27:22,390 --> 02:27:24,612 centers to make sure that we're out the 3632 02:27:24,612 --> 02:27:26,580 department as we already discussed 3633 02:27:26,580 --> 02:27:29,030 today . There's community based support 3634 02:27:29,030 --> 02:27:31,086 is being provided by the Guard , but 3635 02:27:31,086 --> 02:27:33,086 the new mega and large centers will 3636 02:27:33,086 --> 02:27:35,610 produce . Ah , lot of vaccine shots at 3637 02:27:35,610 --> 02:27:38,520 the community level . We've also got 3638 02:27:38,520 --> 02:27:40,950 initiatives underway , uh , with the 3639 02:27:40,950 --> 02:27:43,006 new administration to make sure that 3640 02:27:43,006 --> 02:27:45,061 all the mitigation measures the mask 3641 02:27:45,061 --> 02:27:47,460 wearing the workforce protections and 3642 02:27:47,460 --> 02:27:50,090 those types of activities are are being 3643 02:27:50,100 --> 02:27:51,710 implemented effectively . 3644 02:27:55,380 --> 02:27:57,491 Thank you , sir . I don't know if any 3645 02:27:57,491 --> 02:27:59,713 other witnesses have anything to add to 3646 02:27:59,713 --> 02:27:59,700 that . If not , I'll close up here . 3647 02:28:02,070 --> 02:28:04,237 Well , I just I'll close , then . I'll 3648 02:28:04,237 --> 02:28:06,459 just say I do want to thank you . Thank 3649 02:28:06,459 --> 02:28:08,459 you all for what you've done . I do 3650 02:28:08,459 --> 02:28:08,450 think that the Department of Defense 3651 02:28:08,450 --> 02:28:10,690 has done an outstanding job in 3652 02:28:10,690 --> 02:28:12,746 supporting the covert efforts across 3653 02:28:12,746 --> 02:28:14,968 the country since the very beginning of 3654 02:28:14,968 --> 02:28:17,079 this . I have full confidence that we 3655 02:28:17,079 --> 02:28:19,246 will continue to do an outstanding job 3656 02:28:19,246 --> 02:28:21,579 for our country and take care of us all . 3657 02:28:21,579 --> 02:28:21,440 I appreciate everything you've done . 3658 02:28:21,450 --> 02:28:23,450 And with that Mr Chairman , I yield 3659 02:28:23,450 --> 02:28:26,490 back . Thank you , Mr Jackson . Mr . 3660 02:28:26,490 --> 02:28:27,490 Moore . 3661 02:28:31,870 --> 02:28:34,390 Thank you , Chairman . Um , many of the 3662 02:28:34,400 --> 02:28:36,233 many of the questions I had were 3663 02:28:36,233 --> 02:28:38,289 related to training and it's largely 3664 02:28:38,289 --> 02:28:41,030 been addressed , so I will just briefly 3665 02:28:41,030 --> 02:28:42,974 say thank you to the Department of 3666 02:28:42,974 --> 02:28:44,970 Defense . I yesterday I had the 3667 02:28:44,970 --> 02:28:47,150 opportunity to do an emergent or in my 3668 02:28:47,150 --> 02:28:49,870 district with Hill Air Force Base . Um , 3669 02:28:49,870 --> 02:28:52,330 Kobe 19 . Response was their top item 3670 02:28:52,330 --> 02:28:54,900 that they briefed me on and just had an 3671 02:28:54,900 --> 02:28:57,170 incredible experiencing the breath of 3672 02:28:57,170 --> 02:29:00,640 what goes on there . Um , the the the 3673 02:29:00,650 --> 02:29:03,620 as we we explored and discussed the 3674 02:29:03,620 --> 02:29:05,731 Copa 19 response and where things are 3675 02:29:05,731 --> 02:29:07,953 at now , I'll just say that I'm hopeful 3676 02:29:07,953 --> 02:29:10,120 that we can have a really strong focus 3677 02:29:10,120 --> 02:29:13,110 on getting back to training on making 3678 02:29:13,110 --> 02:29:15,480 sure that we make up for lost time with 3679 02:29:15,489 --> 02:29:17,600 with the Wii that was required during 3680 02:29:17,600 --> 02:29:20,640 the pandemic . Um , tiu build on that . 3681 02:29:20,649 --> 02:29:22,649 It's a crucial part . It helps with 3682 02:29:22,649 --> 02:29:24,820 morale on so many different factors , 3683 02:29:24,829 --> 02:29:27,051 especially interacting with our foreign 3684 02:29:27,051 --> 02:29:29,107 partners as well . On DSO that's the 3685 02:29:29,107 --> 02:29:31,162 That's the piece that I would , uh I 3686 02:29:31,162 --> 02:29:33,710 would just wanna highlight , but also 3687 02:29:33,720 --> 02:29:35,720 just comment on , you know how well 3688 02:29:35,720 --> 02:29:37,998 they responded are deep our depot work . 3689 02:29:38,470 --> 02:29:40,870 They were essential workers . They 3690 02:29:40,880 --> 02:29:42,547 powered through and they kept 3691 02:29:42,547 --> 02:29:44,658 operations going . I know that wasn't 3692 02:29:44,658 --> 02:29:46,880 the case everywhere and been able to do 3693 02:29:46,880 --> 02:29:46,520 it , but I was just really proud of 3694 02:29:46,529 --> 02:29:48,751 Hillary for Space . Brand would do it . 3695 02:29:48,751 --> 02:29:50,973 And across the department , um , did an 3696 02:29:50,973 --> 02:29:53,029 exceptional job handling covitz . So 3697 02:29:53,029 --> 02:29:55,251 thank you for all your good work and to 3698 02:29:55,251 --> 02:29:57,307 the committee with that I yield back 3699 02:30:00,460 --> 02:30:04,080 works . Thank you , Mr Moore . Mr . 3700 02:30:04,080 --> 02:30:05,680 Fallon , Your turn . 3701 02:30:08,560 --> 02:30:10,782 Thank you , Mr . Chairman , when we get 3702 02:30:10,782 --> 02:30:14,770 down Thio this , uh , level all the 3703 02:30:14,770 --> 02:30:16,714 good questions have been asked and 3704 02:30:16,714 --> 02:30:18,437 answered . I want to thank the 3705 02:30:18,437 --> 02:30:20,492 witnesses for their testimony . I do 3706 02:30:20,492 --> 02:30:22,437 have to say an echo . What Admiral 3707 02:30:22,437 --> 02:30:24,770 Jackson said Ronnie Jackson said , What ? 3708 02:30:24,770 --> 02:30:27,330 I really do believe , um , the legacy 3709 02:30:27,330 --> 02:30:29,330 of the Trump administration . Their 3710 02:30:29,330 --> 02:30:31,274 finest hour will be warp speed . I 3711 02:30:31,274 --> 02:30:33,274 think this will get us through this 3712 02:30:33,274 --> 02:30:35,950 pandemic and be stronger as a nation 3713 02:30:35,950 --> 02:30:38,117 because of it . And sometimes you just 3714 02:30:38,117 --> 02:30:40,394 have to give credit where credit's due , 3715 02:30:40,394 --> 02:30:42,561 regardless of whether or not you agree 3716 02:30:42,561 --> 02:30:43,950 or disagree with certain 3717 02:30:43,950 --> 02:30:45,839 administration's policy . I think 3718 02:30:45,839 --> 02:30:45,680 President Trump's administration did a 3719 02:30:45,680 --> 02:30:47,920 fantastic job , and you have one quick 3720 02:30:47,920 --> 02:30:51,210 question . Um , and it it was touched 3721 02:30:51,210 --> 02:30:53,266 upon . But I just want to get a more 3722 02:30:53,266 --> 02:30:55,430 specific answer . How is the 3723 02:30:55,440 --> 02:30:57,720 contaminant A and or the cancelations 3724 02:30:57,720 --> 02:30:59,887 of some of the exercises that we would 3725 02:30:59,887 --> 02:31:01,942 have had with our foreign powers and 3726 02:31:01,942 --> 02:31:03,831 allies , our foreign partners and 3727 02:31:03,831 --> 02:31:05,860 friends rather have affected our 3728 02:31:05,869 --> 02:31:08,260 efforts to strengthen the alliances and 3729 02:31:08,270 --> 02:31:11,130 build our readiness both between it and 3730 02:31:11,130 --> 02:31:13,890 really are efficacy and synergy with 3731 02:31:13,900 --> 02:31:16,710 our allies . And I just wanted to ask 3732 02:31:16,710 --> 02:31:20,290 the witnesses how the pandemic is 3733 02:31:20,290 --> 02:31:23,860 affected . Thanks , Congressman . Is 3734 02:31:23,860 --> 02:31:27,430 General Tolliver in the in the exercise 3735 02:31:27,439 --> 02:31:29,950 overseas exercises the Joint force 3736 02:31:29,950 --> 02:31:32,860 exercise program we talked about of the 3737 02:31:32,860 --> 02:31:35,720 exercises that have been canceled or 3738 02:31:35,721 --> 02:31:39,570 delayed and in those opportunities , 3739 02:31:39,570 --> 02:31:41,681 those training opportunities , we can 3740 02:31:41,681 --> 02:31:43,970 further develop our partners . We can 3741 02:31:43,971 --> 02:31:47,710 facilitate interoperability on DWI 3742 02:31:47,710 --> 02:31:50,040 Kenbrell and strengthen relationships 3743 02:31:50,040 --> 02:31:51,762 with our partners that , as we 3744 02:31:51,762 --> 02:31:53,780 mentioned , have a wide variety of 3745 02:31:53,780 --> 02:31:56,540 advantages . So we need to stay engaged 3746 02:31:56,540 --> 02:31:59,520 with our partners going forward and 3747 02:31:59,520 --> 02:32:01,687 strengthen those relationships through 3748 02:32:01,687 --> 02:32:04,530 a variety of mechanisms . Congressman , 3749 02:32:04,530 --> 02:32:06,930 this is part of thank you , Bob Sayles . 3750 02:32:06,931 --> 02:32:09,153 I just like to point out , although the 3751 02:32:09,153 --> 02:32:12,270 the you know the physical engagement 3752 02:32:12,280 --> 02:32:15,210 with our partners has been limited Ah , 3753 02:32:15,210 --> 02:32:17,400 lot of activity continues with our 3754 02:32:17,410 --> 02:32:19,410 international partners through a 3755 02:32:19,410 --> 02:32:21,400 combatant commands through the OSD 3756 02:32:21,400 --> 02:32:24,360 staff with the with the allies and 3757 02:32:24,360 --> 02:32:26,800 partners on a daily basis so that that 3758 02:32:26,800 --> 02:32:28,578 contact is always there working 3759 02:32:28,578 --> 02:32:30,890 together in that regard eso that is 3760 02:32:30,890 --> 02:32:33,610 still very strong commitment from one 3761 02:32:33,610 --> 02:32:36,820 another and congressman Major General 3762 02:32:36,820 --> 02:32:39,170 Nordhaus , I'd also like to comment the 3763 02:32:39,750 --> 02:32:41,861 state partnership program , which has 3764 02:32:41,861 --> 02:32:44,040 are 54 states , partnered up with the 3765 02:32:44,040 --> 02:32:46,450 other nations throughout the last year . 3766 02:32:46,460 --> 02:32:48,640 Those nations have reached out Thio 3767 02:32:48,650 --> 02:32:52,620 State , uh , to country and talk cove 3768 02:32:52,620 --> 02:32:55,210 it and learn from each other s . Oh , 3769 02:32:55,210 --> 02:32:57,321 that's been very productive as well . 3770 02:32:59,750 --> 02:33:01,972 It would be . Would it be fair to say , 3771 02:33:01,972 --> 02:33:04,810 once we have our troops vaccinated , it 3772 02:33:04,810 --> 02:33:07,032 looks like from testimony that would be 3773 02:33:07,032 --> 02:33:10,210 around July that come come the fall , 3774 02:33:10,210 --> 02:33:13,460 we're gonna be back up to , uh , pre co 3775 02:33:13,460 --> 02:33:15,970 vid levels as faras training . And will 3776 02:33:15,971 --> 02:33:18,193 this largely be in the rear view mirror 3777 02:33:18,193 --> 02:33:21,340 and your professional opinion ? The 3778 02:33:21,351 --> 02:33:23,462 congressman is General Tolliver , I'd 3779 02:33:23,462 --> 02:33:25,518 say , certainly . Here in the United 3780 02:33:25,518 --> 02:33:27,670 States , the services have already 3781 02:33:27,681 --> 02:33:30,180 adapted and have returned a large 3782 02:33:30,181 --> 02:33:33,200 training venues . Right now , today 3783 02:33:33,200 --> 02:33:35,430 there's 3000 Marines training together 3784 02:33:35,430 --> 02:33:38,840 down to 29 palms . Um , large force 3785 02:33:38,840 --> 02:33:41,820 exercises and training is happening in 3786 02:33:41,820 --> 02:33:44,280 the United States . Are overseas 3787 02:33:44,280 --> 02:33:47,450 exercises frequently or dependent on 3788 02:33:47,450 --> 02:33:49,990 the participation of our partners and 3789 02:33:49,990 --> 02:33:52,430 whether they're able to attend whether 3790 02:33:52,431 --> 02:33:55,130 they're able to participate . But even 3791 02:33:55,141 --> 02:33:57,197 in opportunities where they're not , 3792 02:33:57,197 --> 02:33:59,450 our forces will continue to train and 3793 02:33:59,450 --> 02:34:01,617 take advantage . Best weekend of those 3794 02:34:01,617 --> 02:34:02,617 opportunities . 3795 02:34:06,250 --> 02:34:08,528 Thank you , Mr Chairman . I yield back . 3796 02:34:08,950 --> 02:34:10,810 Thank you . Uh , there are as I 3797 02:34:10,811 --> 02:34:13,033 understand it . No further requests for 3798 02:34:13,033 --> 02:34:15,200 time . I know we and also we went past 3799 02:34:15,200 --> 02:34:17,422 the 1 30 hard stuff a little bit that I 3800 02:34:17,422 --> 02:34:19,422 know some of you gentlemen had . So 3801 02:34:19,422 --> 02:34:21,589 with that , I want to say thank you to 3802 02:34:21,589 --> 02:34:21,440 the witnesses . Thanks for the 3803 02:34:21,450 --> 02:34:23,561 questions , according continuing this 3804 02:34:23,561 --> 02:34:25,783 discussion . And I appreciate you being 3805 02:34:25,783 --> 02:34:27,660 here , and we are adjourned . Well .