The "Spirit of Hope, Liberty & Freedom"
C-17 Globemaster replica
What started as an idea has now become a reality four years later, thanks to a group of volunteers from the 315th and 437th Airlift Wings, Charleston Air Force Base. Through their hard work and dedication, they have created a miniature replica of the C-17 Globemaster III.
The base of the C-17 replica is a John Deere "Gator" multi-purpose vehicle, donated by the 315th Recruiting Service. The replica is 32 feet long, 13.4 feet tall, has a wingspan of 28.5 feet and was built in modules to make movement easier. The true-to-life replica is complete with flight station panels, engine sounds, operational ramp and cargo door and markings.
The replica was officially named the "Spirit of Hope, Liberty & Freedom" and dedicated to the citizens of South Carolina for their continued support for the Air Force.
Since the dedication ceremony November 2004, it has proudly been featured at ball parks, air shows, parades, and even displayed in the courtyard of the Pentagon. The replica has received nation wide press attention. It was featured by the Air Force Times, the Associated Press as well as numerous local and regional television spots.
The project was made possible solely by volunteer craftsmen and donated material. The "Spirit of Hope, Liberty & Freedom" is available to support parades, static display, air shows, career days and other community events.
Replica Trailer Manpower requirements:
32' Long 44' long Static - 4
28 ½ ' width 8' width Parade - 8
13' 4" height 8 ½ ' height Required space 90' x 90'
3,500 lbs 7,000 lbs Public Affairs and/or recruiter and
Maintenance personnel accompany replica.
Check out the mini C-17 video here
Current as of 2021