Lt. Col. Ronnie Schier, aircraft commander, and Master Sgt. Eric Walker, loadmaster, bother from the 701st Airlift Squadron pose for a quick photo with a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter inside a Joint Base Charleston C-17 during a joint airlift training mission with members of the South Carolina Army National Guard this past weekend. U.S. Soldiers from Company A, 1-111th Aviation Battalion, South Carolina Army National Guard, loaded the Black Hawk onto the C-17 during drill weekend at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, Eastover, South Carolina, January 10, 2015. The joint training exercise allows both units to gain knowledge, practice, and experience loading a UH-60 Black Hawk, and provides an opportunity for the South Carolina Army National Guard to meet the Army’s Future Force projection of a knowledge-based component of a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multi national (JIIM) force. (US Army National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Di Giovine)