ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) -- For the past year, former and current Airmen and Guardians, or those submitting on their behalf, have been able to electronically request corrections to certain military records through an online portal managed by the Air Force Review Boards Agency (AFRBA). The portal interface allows users to complete all necessary paperwork and upload supporting documents directly to a secure website, cutting case creation time from one month to one week.
Acting on behalf of the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Air Force, the boards and panels that sit within AFRBA are responsible for processing more than 7,500 applications each year for military members, civilians, veterans, and their families, ensuring fairness, equity and due process.
Of the 10 boards AFRBA works to streamline for military and civilian personnel matters, the four that can receive applications using the electronic portal submission include: the Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records, Air Force Discharge Review Board, Department of Defense Discharge Appeal Review Board, and Department of Defense Physical Disability Board of Review.
“Applicants who want to fix an administrative error, such as foreign service time or missing awards and decorations, or who want to request a discharge upgrade, are finding the portal to be a faster, more effective alternative to submitting requests by mail or even email,” said Cliff Tompkins, AFRBA mission support director. “More than 30 percent of the 4,700 applications received since last April for these four boards have come from individuals submitting through the portal.”
Another feature the portal provides is a status check, which allows users with an e-application number to receive the real-time status of their case as it moves from creation to adjudication.
“Given the personal significance of these records, timeliness is extremely important,” said Tomkins. “Submitting through the portal offers a smooth transition of data which allows staff to spend less time keying in hard-copy mail or emailed applications, and more time checking a case’s viability and prepping the case to meet a board.”
Tomkins added the portal is the most accurate online source for eligibility information and offers a series of questions to help guide users to the correct board. Mailed and emailed submissions are still accepted for all boards.
In the near future, a portal upgrade will reduce the number of required steps for users to submit additional documents to support their case.
To access the AFRBA portal, visit here.